Wednesday, February 7, 2024


It's an undeclared war, but it is a war. It seems to me that he's declared war on about half of the citizens of the United States. Twenty five states have agreed that Texas has a right to protect itself from foreign intruders. The President of the United States disagrees. Governor Abbott has deployed the Texas National Guard along his border with Mexico and they've set up barriers to intruders who are damaging his state and the rest of the nation. He has sent hundreds of them by bus and air to 'sanctuary' states and cities and now they are complaining about him, of course, but also to the federal government for not helping them with the problem. 

Unfortunately democrats don't understand the problem that they created. Democrats always think problems create themselves, or they were created by Republicans. Democrat leadership advertised that they were willing to take care of anyone who made it to their states/cities from anywhere in the world, and astonishingly people from all over the world have responded to the invitation, some of them terrorists or other criminals fleeing justice in their home countries. Now democrats have to feed and house them by the thousand and they are screaming for help. Some cities are paying luxury hotels to house these invaders indefinitely. Instead of being grateful the invaders are complaining about the lack of availability of food from their home countries and the deplorable condition of their rooms. Apparently rooms in luxury hotels dirty themselves and invaders don't know how to keep them clean. And since they have nothing to do the foreign invaders are getting bored and bored mobs are dangerous. At first they went door to door begging for money since everyone knows that all Americans are wealthy. When that didn't provide what they wanted they resorted to stealing from the 'greedy' Americans. And now they've taken to beating up police officers on the city streets in an effort to wrestle control from them like they did in their home countries.

Obviously this democrat led invasion is taking a horrible toll on the country and Texans being on the front line is doing something to bring relief to everyone. They aren't allowing the Border Patrol or any federal troops to enter the border region. All the Border Patrol was doing was ferrying the intruders across the river if they were too short to handle the depth of the water or they couldn't swim, then providing them with food and blankets on the American side. I don't know about democrats, but I don't work my ass off to pay taxes so the federal government can house illegal aliens in luxury hotels and feed them just because they want more votes. All Abbott is doing is stopping the madness before the Border Patrol starts building houses these invaders. Of course all the democrats see is a huge army of people who will be voting democrat in the next election. 

How great would it be to have twelve thousand voters a day coming to your aid? That is what the democrats are counting on. Democrats like to say that inflation is down. It is down to 3.4 percent in 2023 compared to 7.0 in 2022, but it is still double the 1.4 inflation rate of 2020. What changed? Oh yeah that was an election year and as soon as Joe Biden assumed office inflation soared from 1.4 percent to 7.0 percent. Now it has dipped to 3.4 which is still double the 1.4 percent when Donald Trump was president. You'll have to look for a democrat to help you understand how a three and a half percent drop in the inflation rate which is double the inflation rate Trump achieved, is a success story. 

No one with any sense agrees that Biden has accomplished anything worthwhile. The only entity I know of that has benefitted is Elon Musk. Tesla is taking advantage of the so called Inflation Reduction Act to provide an incentive to buy a Tesla. The IRA does allow for a generous tax credit for Americans in the top one percent tax bracket to purchase a tesla with no down payment. It is actually available to all Americans as long as you have a FICO score at 750. How many Americans fit that category? I didn't look it up because I think it is obvious that it isn't going to cost much to help the wealthiest Americans to qualify for this credit and many wealthy Americans are, I know because the student parking lot at our local high school is filling up with them. I got mine. Thanks Uncle Joe! I live in one of the wealthiest cities in the country and you are allowing me to buy a great luxury car without forking over anything in the form of a down payment. And guess what, the monthly payment is too low for me to even mention it. 

I won't be voting for Jackass Joe. He may have given me a luxury car, but I'm in the real estate business and not as many people are able to qualify for a home mortgage at seven percent interest. Rents are way up too. So thanks for the car Uncle Joe, but I'd rather be making more money selling houses. Keep an eye on democrats because what they 'give' they take back in spades. I attempted to compare welfare statistics year by year, but the feds camouflage those numbers by wearing you down with statistics by age group and race and immigration status. I was hoping to find out how much the Inflation Reduction Act was helping people at the lower end of the pay scale. Since inflation is still way too high, and mortgage rates keep housing out of reach for just about everyone and a gallon of gasoline costs over two times what it did in 2020, I don't think soaking the people who provide jobs for everybody has accomplished the desired goal. If any of you democrats think I'm wrong ask any one of the tens of thousands of people who are losing their jobs to layoffs this year. 

That brings us back to the democrat inspired invasion of our border by illegal aliens. A lot of us don't see any problem at all with requiring people wishing to enjoy our standard of living to apply for permission to live here. The truth is we welcome anyone willing to work and contribute to apply for permission to come here to work, study, or stay for a vacation for awhile. There is a well established protocol for that, but it does take some time to go through the process. Democrats don't like that because they see illegal aliens as a great source of votes; "Hey come on it! Those nasty Americans want you to go through a lengthy immigration process because they are racists and think only white Christian males should live in the United States, but we know that everyone belongs here. So come on in and remember to vote for us. And yeah, when you apply for a driver's license and they offer to register you to vote go ahead and check the box certifying that you are here legally since you really are here legally. Borders are arbitrary and not that important. That way you can vote democrat and ensure that we are compassionate enough to not care where you came from, what your nationality is, or how you will support yourself when you arrive. America is a filthy rich country so democrats will take care of you. That's D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T don't forget now! Remember to vote early and vote often!" 

It turns out that Texas has discovered it can't support 12,000 foreign invaders a day and they shouldn't even be dealing with this problem. Even if it were possible for them to be processed that fast at the ports of entry that is an overwhelming number. The main reason for the ports of entry is to ensure that the system only takes in the number of migrants that the economy can handle and 12,000 a day ain't that number. The governor of Texas took a look at what was happening and looked at a few cities and states that identify as Sanctuary cities and states and decided those illegal aliens belonged to those Sanctuary states so he transported them there at no cost to them or the sanctuary region. You know, just trying to help them with their mission to take care of whatever deadbeat makes it across the river. It turns out that it may be cool to call yourself a Sanctuary city/state as long as the border states have to pay for your lunacy, but faced with the reality, Sanctuary cities/states don't like it. They can't afford it. Nobody can. 

"Damn Texans! Who do they think they are!"

So Texas decided to do something about it. The governor put up a barrier at the Texas border and deployed the Texas national guard to force people who want to come here to live to report at a port of entry and begin the application process. No more Border Patrol ferry across the river and no more Border Patrol officers passing out blankets and serving meals to illegal aliens. Biden doesn't like that. He's already taken his case to the Supreme Court and they ruled that the Border Patrol can remove the Texas fence because border protection is the responsibility of the federal, not the state government. Governor Abbott disagrees; what can the states do when the feds refuse to do their duty? So far the fence is still there and the Texas National Guard is still guarding the border and the Border Patrol chief hasn't made an attempt to remove it yet. The Texas National Guard has denied the Border Patrol access to Shelby Park, the location where the Texans have fenced off the border along the Rio Grande and the Border Patrol agents used to cook meals and hand out blankets to people as the invasion force was ferried across the river complements of the United States government. No one knows what the President has planned next. We'll have to see how Biden's little war shapes up. 

The issue now is similar to the issue in 1861 when Texas was part of the CSA and attempted to leave the United States and form it's own country. Since too many Americans no longer read or care about American history they don't know that from 1836 to 1846 Texas was an independent nation doing pretty well on its own. The 'Texicans' were part of Mexico until they declared their independence in 1835. Their war with Mexico lasted a little over a year ending with two major battles. The most famous battle was at the Alamo where a group of mostly civilians mixed with soldiers, many of whom were volunteers from the United States including a former Congressman from Tennessee, took a stand at a partially built Catholic church in San Antonio Texas, the church was known as the 'Alamo'. The men defending the Alamo against the Mexican army were all killed and the Mexican army moved on to their final defeat the following month to General Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto. 

The new government of Texas immediately applied to be annexed by the United States, but it took about ten years for them to overcome several political objections to their becoming the 28th state. It appears that the objection was to their being a slave state. Fifteen years later Texas joined the Confederate States of America because they felt the United States was treating them unfairly. Looks like history continues to repeat itself and people continue to ignore it. Twenty five states have signed petitions agreeing with Governor Abbott's right to defend his state against a foreign invasion. Not content with fanning the flames of war in Eastern Europe and the Middle East Jackass Joe wants to flirt with the possibility of a civil war at home. 

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