Friday, February 23, 2024

The American Party

The Democratic Party has changed from a party of the people to the party of special interest. The Republican Party has changed from the party of limited government to the party of 'bipartisan bills'. Neither party closely resembles the views they used to at least pretend to espouse. Democrats have been cheating in elections so long that people view it as a tradition that we all understand exists and we just put up with it. The classic was registering people using names gleaned from head stones in public cemeteries. They used to go through the phone book and get names as well and there were even times when a person found out that their pet had been registered to vote. 

Technology has changed and we no longer use phone books, but there are multiple sources that collect a person's personal data and then sell lists to anyone who wants to buy them and they later become registered democrats and vote at least one time. Mail in ballots are another source of multiple votes from democrats. Democrats have come up with more ways to cheat in an election than I could ever imagine. They need mass illegal immigration to help them register more democrat voters. Never friendly to any religious organization a few years ago democrats at least agreed that marriage was only valid between a man and a woman, and homosexuality was an aberration. Not that long ago President Joseph R. Biden was opposed to same sex marriage. In 2006 he said marriage was between a man and a woman and states need to respect that. In 1977 he was opposed to racially integrated schools. Today he not only supports same gender marriage but embraces the idea that a person can change their gender. 

Democrats are pushing sex change procedures in our public schools without notifying a child's parents because some parents might object to that type of reckless stupidity. Democrats have just about succeeded in turning America into a country of quivering cowards willing to give up all of their rights in return for government handouts. No one stops to think what will happen when everyone stops working and "The Government" can no longer take care of them. More than any other country that I know of the American people are the government and if they continue to vote for a group of people who promise to force a handful of billionaires to support everyone else the system will collapse and there will be mass starvation in America. The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is about to become the Land of the Idiots and the Home of the Insane. 

As Americans become more and more lazy, Gen Z is moaning about not being able to find a job and crying that they can't afford to leave home and their Millennial parents who raised them are blaming 'the government'. All of us had to rough it for a few years as we struggled to become responsible adults. The Gen Z crowd is no different. They were raised in the greatest country in the history of the world. Their main problem is their parents who raised them to believe that everyone wins a trophy and excellence is not the goal. Democrats claim it is cruel to expect kids to become responsible adults. Parents are supposed to coddle their kids until they are dead and then supposedly their kids can keep living in the same house, but what are they going to eat? The parents of the Boomer generation told their kids they had until their eighteenth birthday to decide to further their education or join the army, but they couldn't continue to mooch off them much past their eighteenth birthday. Continuing education was fine, but there had to be a limit to the time we could continue to live off mom and pop. 

Democrats love crybaby Americans because they are so vulnerable. Instead of encouraging them to become more educated and try harder they offer them money and other assistance, assuring them that it's not their fault, it's the nasty Republicans and their wealth that they refuse to share with you. The government owes you more services and the Democratic Party will ensure that all this needless suffering, caused by greedy Republicans, will soon come to an end. Democrats promise everyone everything. They promise to eliminate poverty, Protect jobs, clean the environment, make sure housing is affordable, give everyone free medial care, the list is very long and they can't deliver even a fraction of it because they plan to pay for it by raising taxes on everyone with a job and they probably want to tax welfare benefits as well. One of my grandmothers was born in 1890 and she never could hear the initials 'FDR' without exclaiming, "Him and his big deal! Look at all the programs he's saddled everyone with!" Many people give him credit for ending the Great Depression, but others claim we would have been victorious in WW2 without the invention of the welfare state. 

Republicans have turned their back on their roots as well. Democrats have done such a job at creating a welfare state even among the general population of the country that Republicans are afraid to even raise the possibility of cutting taxes for anyone. And that has become part of what used to be called bipartisanship. Republicans would propose a tax cut and democrats would claim that was way too low and propose their counter offer which was simply too high and they would finally reach an agreement that pretty much left the tax rate the same as before and both sides would declare victory. Those days are long gone. Today bipartisanship has become a standoff between the two parties that lasts until the Republicans cave in to the democrat demands. Republicans are afraid to stop a piece of legislation even if it is a lie The illegal border crossings have always been a controversy, but over the past twenty years give or take many cities and states have declared that they are 'Sanctuary cities and states' and anyone who crosses the border and makes it to their area cannot be deported by federal authorities. Even if they've been convicted of a crime. They've also launched a well funded campaign first to allow same sex marriage and once they got that passed nationwide, giving homosexuals additional rights against discrimination. 

Americans were persuaded by the argument that a person can't help who they fall in love with then there really isn't a moral argument against it and even if you think there is not all Americans share the same belief in God. Some churches began to embrace homosexuality, some of them even ordaining homosexuals into the priesthood. Some congregations have lost a few members while others have gained new members. Today there are ministers of religion who claim there is nothing in the Holy Bible that prohibits the practice of homosexuality. Many states, if not all, have passed laws forcing religious leaders to perform same sex marriages even if it goes against their religious beliefs. And no business can refuse to help with a same sex marriage because it is against their religious beliefs. If you own a bakery and a same sex couple asks you to bake them a cake you have to bake a cake for them. The same with florists, photographers and anyone else who objects to homosexual unions on moral grounds. Just like that the First Amendment was watered down. Democrats have ramped up their battle against the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. 

This onslaught of attacks against the Constitution has gained a lot of momentum as more and more Americans are accepting these exceptions to our freedoms. A person cannot be discriminated against for being a homosexual or being in a same gender marriage, but if a person tells another person that the practice is wrong that person can be fired for creating a hostile work environment. They've continued their relentless assault on our basic human rights by convincing too many Americans that kids have the absolute right to change their gender if they feel like medical professionals made a mistake and mislabeled them at the time they were born. This is contrary to every scientific study ever conducted, and to basic common sense. Girls and boys have different body parts. In some states if a child feels like they are not the gender everyone knows them to be and their parents refuse to allow them to complete gender reassignment 'therapies' the state can place their children in a foster home and take away their parental rights. 

Republicans haven't given in to this insanity, but they are very quiet about it. Republicans lack the courage to risk losing a few votes while they continue the fight for our rights. Democrats think we already have too many rights. There are millions of us caught in the middle. Millions of us think someone has to stand up and fight back. Democrats have claimed the Constitution is a flawed document and it's time has come. It was written in a time when societies were much less complex than modern societies and it's time to re-write it and modernize it. Yes, our society has become much too complicated and it's time to simplify it. There are only two genders and men can't get pregnant and no one can really change their gender. It is a lie to say that a baby is assigned the wrong gender at birth. The fact is that gender is assigned months before a baby is born. 

Democrats are tearing down the Constitution and Republicans are being too timid in their efforts to strengthen it. Donald Trump did a great thing when he had the chance to appoint  new Supreme Court justices. He appointed three justices who believe in the Constitution of the United States and are going to make their decisions based on the laws of the land and not what  they wish the laws were. Donald Trump ran as a Republican mostly because the current democrat party is run by a bunch of people who are insane. Democrat controlled California basically legalized theft and the people in that state are suffering the consequences of their insanity. 

It's time for someone to start a new party; the American Party. Someone who can reach people from differing points of view and get them talking to each other. That was how Donald Trump won in 2016. Several democrats crossed the line and voted Trump. Donald isn't exactly a Republican, but he certainly isn't a democrat. He ran pretty much on an America First platform. A candidate with Trump's vision and courage, and twenty years younger could blow both of the other parties away. We can work out an understanding on abortion and illegal immigration. An effective American president could have prevented the wars between Russia and Ukraine, and prevented what happened in the Middle East. If a president had the courage to talk about bringing all of our troops home from the unstable parts of the world he would pick up a lot of votes. 

Why do we have military personnel in Syria and Lebanon or any other unstable region in the world? We can keep an eye on the world without sending military personnel into harms way until a problem that can be solved has been identified, and it's only a matter of time before we lose a pilot fighting for a foreign country or we lose a navy ship and its crew doing the same thing in the Red Sea. 

Another burning question is why do we foolishly fund both sides of these foreign conflicts? Billions of dollars to Iran, a country whose mission is to kill all Jews, Billions to Israel so they can continue their efforts to stop people from murdering them, more billions to Russia by continuing to purchase Russian oil, Russia needs money to continue to murder Ukrainians, Billions to Ukraine so they can defend themselves against the Russian atrocities, Billions to China so they can continue to build up their air force and naval capabilities which they need to have in order to take over their Asian neighbors without American interference, and I'm sure there are others. Seriously we need someone with the energy and know-how to start the American Party before it's too late. Dems and Repubs are just making life more difficult for everyone. 

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