Wednesday, October 26, 2022

California protecting Children from their Parents?

California has long been a 'Sanctuary' state for illegal aliens; people who sneak across the border entering the United States illegally. 

In 2022 California became a sanctuary state for predators who want to lure children to the state for the purposes of sex slavery or other forms of abuse. Sure, I understand, you think I have to be lying for some reason but I'm not.

It's called California Senate Bill 107 and it was drafted by state Senator Wiener. It is referred to as "Gender Affirming Health Care" and supposedly it will protect kids who think they need to change their gender, but live in states that don't permit gender reassignment procedures. It should be called  the "Aiding those looking for children to abuse law." I have no idea how much research, if any, went into drafting this horrific piece of legislation, but it claims that in some states people can be sent to prison for any type of participation in a sex change procedure whether it be surgical, psychological, or some sort of prescription drugs, anything to do with gender reassignment processes. Supposedly this bill only affects children and has no impact on adults. They further claim that anyone who has any of those procedures done and then leaves the state to avoid prosecution will be hunted down, dragged back to their home state and held for prosecution there. 

The bill begins by guaranteeing that if a child's parents or guardians want their child to have a sex change and their state wants to put them in prison for it they can come to California and no other state can prosecute them once they arrive here. The entire narrative seems convoluted and unnecessary since if it can protect anyone it can only be the child who had the sex change performed illegally by a doctor in the state where they live. It cannot protect hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, doctors, nurses, or any other person involved in the process in one of those supposedly malignant states. 

So is this really even a problem? probably not. Wiener makes it look like there are posses from states all across America searching for families who have one or more family members who have engaged in sex change operations, chasing them from state to state until the frazzled group arrives in California and the authorities of California bravely turn away the evil posse, take in the fugitive family and offering them Sanctuary in their new home state with everyone cheering and hugging each other. To me it all sounds very dramatic, but not very realistic. I have to ask myself if this is even happening and I really doubt it. Senator Wiener certainly didn't offer any testimony or other evidence that families in any state were in such jeopardy.  

Okay so I claimed that SB107 protects children from their parents and it does. If a child thinks she should be a boy and wants to become a boy and her parents think she should just be a girl she can log onto her computer and search for ways to change her gender without her parents finding out. Simple. She reads about this SB107 and notices that it includes parents and guardians and she sees an add by a 'good samaritan' wanting to help kids with parents who are so mean that they won't allow their children to change their sex and offering to become their guardian  if they come to California. And in California it is very easy for a person to become the guardian of someone else's child. All a person has to do is find a child who wants to run away from home, go to court and sign a falsified affidavit under oath and they automatically become the child's temporary legal guardian. At that time there is a date set for a hearing to determine if permanent guardianship is needed, and once the judge reads the falsified document claiming that the child's parents have abandoned the child and therefore couldn't be served a subpoena notifying them of the proposed hearing the permanent guardianship is granted without any further effort from the court or law enforcement to locate the parents who by that time are worried sick about their child and most likely have filed a police report in their city.

And if the abductor can keep the child hidden from her parents for a year even if the parents are able to locate her and they file an objection with the court the court will determine that the parents had abandoned their child and order the guardianship to continue. And if the parents notify the court that the request for guardianship is based upon a total fabrication and was signed under penalty of perjury, on judge in San Diego waived it off stating, "That's a lot of water under the bridge, a lot of water under bridge," as if that was a very profound observation and was supposed to justify his decision to allow the abductor to keep their child. California is a very messed up state with little to no regard for the family structure. I've been monitoring probate court for several months and actually heard a judge seem to chastise a woman for taking a child to a state two thousand miles away in violation of the court order. In the very next sentence the judge was congratulating the woman for giving herself an advantage in her custody case by having the courage to violate the order. He then advised her to file a motion in her new state to change the venue for her hearing to her new state. 

Of course the 'good samaritan' in California has no intention of become the child's guardian, but the kid doesn't know that so she responds thankfully asking for further information and begins to set up her travel arrangements having no idea that she is actually becoming a victim of a child smuggling operation. The predator arranges for one way travel to California which the child agrees to because she never wants to see her 'evil' parents again and makes her way to the Golden State where she will begin a life of bliss as a boy living with her new guardian! What could be sweeter.

She arrives in California and is immediately dragged into a windowless van, blindfolded, and driven for a couple of hours until the van stops and she is dragged into a house and locked in a room still wearing the blindfold, with her hands bound behind her back. She is now in the possession of a child slave trafficker and about to begin a nightmare that most Americans turn a blind eye to, preferring to think it really isn't a problem. In fact of the 450,000 kids reported missing every year in America most of them are located, but about 9,000 of them are never found. How many of those become victims to the sex trade really isn't known, but it is stupid to assume it isn't a large portion of those who society has turned its back on. 

So if you think I'm overreacting fine. Go back to smoking your joint and pretending something like this could never happen. But for those of you who think that being sold to evil men and women to be sexually abused on some millionaire's yacht in international waters and then tossed overboard is something a child should never have to experience you have to ask yourselves why this legislation was so important. It looks like no research was conducted to see if this was even a potential problem, and that everyone was either oblivious to the potential harm to children, or hoping to profit from it somehow directly or indirectly. 

The potential for abuse caused by this horrible law cannot be overstated and yet we are stuck with it. I've emailed my representative but have not received a response to my questions surrounding this law. She usually takes three to six months to respond and she usually ignores my questions and thanks me for my interest in my community. I wish she had a little more interest in my community. In her defense all she really cares about is enjoying the spotlight, and being wined and dined by lobbyists and at that I'm fairly confident she is a success. 

My prediction is that if she responds to my question it will be to inform me that there is no chance that anyone will ever use this law to lure children into the sex trade because of our excellent law enforcement agencies (the same ones she wanted disbanded just a few months ago). 

It would be great if legislators were a little more engaged in solving actual problems, there must be a few things that actually need attention and if not maybe we need to have part time legislators. There are already lots and lots of laws on the books in California and some of them actually contradict each other which makes them impossible to enforce. California has the highest paid legislators in the state with a base pay of about $120,000 a year. 

Let's try to think about what's really important in our area and find out how political candidates actually plan to address those issues. Helping perverts on the internet reach out to confused kids just seems like a bad thing to me. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Good Ole FBI?

If you're talking about integrity and the United States Department of Justice you need to sober up. The DOJ is just a little bit less creepy than the Mob. So far as I'm aware no one from the DOJ has murdered anyone, but they have no problem putting innocent people in jail when thats the way the political winds are blowing.

My only personal experience was witnessing first hand while they manufactured evidence against police officers of the LAPD when I was an aging member of that department. After a long and dangerous pursuit of a drunk driver police officers attempted to effect an arrest. The turd didn't want to be arrested and it turned into a violent fight. Rodney King is now famous because the FBI made him out to be an innocent black man who was stopped by the police because he was black. The police then proceeded to beat him mercilessly so they could teach other black men to pay the proper respect to white police officers. The video that was played over and over looked pretty bad. A bunch of police officers were hitting a black man who was already on the ground with their night sticks until he finally stopped resisting and submitted to being handcuffed. 

What every so-called news organization in the nation refused to show was the very beginning of the video which clearly shows King violently pick up Larry Powell and throw him to the ground. He then repeatedly attempted to get up and resist arrest. The only police officer who was observed actually doing anything wrong was the one who raised his foot and stomped on Rodney King's head after he clearly was down. And that was one of two police officers present who was not convicted of any crime. The other was a new guy still on probation and he was fired for doing his job. 

There were two trials for those police officers in violation of the Fifth Amendment of our Constitution that guarantees us the right to not be tried repeatedly for the same offense until a jury finally 'gets it right'. That's against the rules, but that is what the FBI did. There was a trial for the police officers involved and they were acquitted because in order to take away a person's freedom you have to have evidence that they broke the law and there wasn't any. There was no time for a celebration because black people immediately started burning the city. It was surreal driving into Los Angeles that night seeing the smoke and fires. Not wishing to get killed on my way to the station that night I was driving with an automatic rifle across my lap. An unauthorized weapon both because it wasn't issued to me by the department, but it was also illegal to possess in California. I borrowed it from a friend who wanted me to be safe. Like many of my friends these days he is safe from FBI's vicious grasp because he is dead. 

I have no idea where the rifle is now. the FBI needed a feather in it's cap so they decided to charge those innocent police officers with a federal crime that can basically be used any time a white police officer uses force against a black person although it is rarely done, and shouldn't have been done this time either. After the smoke cleared the FBI rearrested the two innocent officers and put a federal charge on them. They basically put on the same case as the Los Angeles County District Attorney did only this time they found a sergeant who was willing to perjure himself so he would look good when he sat before the promotions board in a few months. He was hoping to be promoted to lieutenant partially as a reward for helping put two innocent police officers in prison. 

During the first trial the main defense put on by the officers was that they were doing what they were trained to do, which was the truth. The ranking Use of Force expert had testified during the first trial, the legal one, that the police officers had done exactly what they were trained to do. That would never do so the FBI found another sergeant who worked for training division but had nothing to do with use of force training. He was more of a bookworm who wanted to move up the ranks and he was eager to put two of his colleagues in prison if that's what he needed to do to get that coveted promotion. He lied on the stand. There was another sergeant who was pressured to lie on the stand. The pressure was so great that he ended up killing himself so he wouldn't have to participate. 

And after all of this was over the FBI continued its witch hunt against the LAPD and why not? The LAPD was clearly in the mood to sacrifice a few for the good of the whole so the FBI made up a story about the department being involved in corruption from the top down. They sued the department in federal court claiming that the LAPD was a criminal enterprise involved in a pattern and practice of criminal behavior that was sanctioned at every level of management all the way to the Sixth Floor; the office of the Chief of Police. 

By now the mayor was hostile to the department, most democrats are, and he too wanted to embarrass the chief. The city agreed to allow the FBI to run the department for a period of at least five years. It ended up lasting for eight years, during which time very little changed, except the culture of the department. Prior to the implementation of the consent decree the department was squeaky clean. We policed our own. Virtually every illegal action the FBI alleged the department was engaged in was ferreted out by members of the department. And the punishments were severe. Hardly the actions of a criminal organization. Prior to the consent decree it was possible to be found in violation of the department manual and still keep your job, there would be a punishment, often a suspension for a few days without pay, but an officer rarely worried about getting fired unless he did something really stupid. After the consent decree snitching on a partner became a sure path to promotion. 

Another 'improvement' was the era of 'driving and waving'. With the chief out to fire everybody he could the joke was, "Hey! The last one out of the building turn out the lights!" The chief was firing people as fast as he could and for minor violations. Police officers were literally afraid to get out of their cars for fear of being perceived to have done something wrong and losing their job. And good people were quitting by the dozen. Other departments actively recruited police officers from the LAPD and the were offering better pay and benefits and a much safer work environment. Guys were literally filling out job applications on the hoods of their police cars on duty. While on patrol they were driving with their windows up so they couldn't hear what was happening outside of their squad car.

If they saw someone frantically waving and shouting, "Help police!" They would wave back and say, "Yes it is a nice day, we agree with you!" So the FBI succeeded in making sure the police officers in Los Angeles stopped bothering gang members and other criminals while the crime rate was shooting up at an alarming rate. Criminals were literally running the city because the FBI had a vendetta against the LAPD. That was in the 90's.

Fast forward to 2022 and I just read that the FBI is cracking down on the Orange County California district attorney and sheriff. The point of all this is that the FBI is close to losing all of its credibility. They had a reputation of being careful about their investigations and above all not letting politics cloud their vision and lately it looks like the are the law enforcement arm of the democrat party. They need to be so clean that everyone feels good about just having them around. I don't like Bloody Hilary but I don't want them making up lies and manufacturing evidence against her, but they didn't have to. She had all the evidence they needed even after purging her internet servers the best she could. They found solid evidence that she had improperly stored top secret documents in an un secure place and her servers probably had been compromised by just about every despotic government in the world, then they said it really didn't matter because no prosecutor has any interest in prosecuting her. What?

With Donald Trump they found little to no evidence that he had anything in his possession that he shouldn't have and they're still trying to make a criminal case out of it. Weeks ago they asked him to lock certain documents in his possession in a secure area and when they served the search warrant on his home and office they found the door locked just like he said they asked him to do, or more likely 'ordered' him to do. 

And now an agency that apparently couldn't tell the truth if they had to is picking on the Orange County California district attorney's office and sheriff's department claiming that they are corrupt. And there are problems in both the district attorney and sheriff's departments. The truth is that in O.C. there is solid evidence that the entire justice system may be corrupt. However who do we turn to when that happens? We used to have the United States Department of Justice and the FBI to help with that, but over the last ten years they've tried real hard to ruin their reputation and to me it looks like they did a great job. I have almost no confidence in them at all, and I don't think many other people in this country do either.

The FBI is fading into a fond memory along with the rest of our great heritage and history. They were off to a good start but over the years their leaders have become power hungry, looking out for themselves and no one else. The next step will be vigilantism followed by every man for himself.  

It will become necessary for people to band together into small groups for mutual protection similar to the gated communities we have already. Since the police are forbidden from doing their job by corrupt politicians we will be hiring our own police. The area where I live has already had to do that since the police have openly warned us that they can't afford to respond to our calls for help. So far we have unarmed guards, but that will change. 

We brag as a society that it's ok to lie because everybody does it. And it's ok to steal once in awhile for the same reason. How about armed robbery, rape and murder? When are the American people going to wake up and realize that crime is not good. That people with honor should not be scorned and that corrupt politicians need to be kicked out of office. 

The leadership of both major parties need to recognize to importance of  purging the leadership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and hire people who won't be bought by money or power. 

And the American people need to be vigilant and not vote or people who use federal agencies for their personal vendettas such as King Barry using the IRS to stall applications for special tax status because he didn't agree with their political views (they didn't vote for him) or using the FBI to spy on a political candidate for the same reason. 

I'm not aware of any such abuse by a Republican but I am willing to be educated.  

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Tulsi Gabard

 Tulsi Gabbard is an American hero. Just a few years ago she was the toast of the democrat party. They couldn't say enough good things about her even if they had to make them up. She was young, pretty, and smart, but that was all they knew about her. Had they known then how seriously she considered traits like honor and accountability they would have kept their foul mouths shut. 

Watching as the democrat leadership attempted to go against the Constitution and therefore the basic tenets of our country the most basic being the liberty of the individual, Congresswoman Gabbard became more and more disaffected by her party's lack of honor. She was a soldier who took an oat to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and she took the same oath when she entered Congress. So did her colleagues, the difference being that she took her oath seriously. Her word is important to her and she was dismayed at the lack of honor that was creeping into her party. 

"Why do my colleagues hate freedom so much?" She began to ask herself then when she couldn't take it any longer she was forced by her own sense of honor to quit the party. I don't know what she plans to do now, most likely stay away from either major party since almost no one in Congress today seems to take that oath seriously. Members from both sides of the aisle sit and hurl insults at each other, neither side making any statements that are really designed to strengthen America. 

Apparently Tulsi Gabbard is a traitor and Russian sympathizer because she had the courage to point out that America is working with Ukrainian scientists in Bio labs across Ukraine working on unknown types of pathogens which could theoretically be used as biological weapons against a favored son of the democrat party; Vladimir Putin. She is opposed to the military assistance the United States is providing Ukraine simply because it is expensive and dangerous and it doesn't appear to be in our national interest. She correctly points out that Russia is a nuclear power and could unleash unbelievable destruction all over the world if they felt threatened enough. Over the last couple of years Tulsi Gabbard has gone from being the star of the democrat party, a person whose life they were actually talking about making into a movie, to becoming a traitor to her country. It is a treacherous thing to be an independent thinker in the democrat party.

Chuck Schumer threatens bodily harm to a United States Supreme Court justice and the press hails him as a hero with the courage to tell the truth and defend a woman's right to kill her unborn baby. Donald Trump hangs on to a few papers that the boss of the National Archives says he wants to catalogue and the FBI goes wild, probably lying again on an affidavit that allowed an anti Trump judge to sign a search warrant to search the former president's residence and offices. Prior to the 2015 election the FBI did their best to discredit Donald Trump by pushing a narrative based upon a document that Bloody Hilary paid an ex-British intelligence officer to write deliberately making false claims against Trump. The goal was childishly obvious; she wanted to make sure Donald Trump did not get elected and she did. What she didn't count on was his ability to tell the truth even about a woman candidate. Trump doesn't care about gender, race, handicap, it doesn't matter he will tell the truth without worrying if people like it or not. And apparently Tulsi Gabbard, while possibly not a fan of Donald Trump, may share some similar traits; she seems to be addicted to telling the truth even if some people don't like it. 

They may not have known at first, but it couldn't have taken long for the FBI guys to realize that the report about Trump was pure fiction, buts they certainly knew it when they continued to lie to the FISA court so they could keep a paid informant inside the Trump campaign and after he was elected president they lied repeatedly so they could give democrats an excuse to impeach him, which they did twice. Since they had no evidence against the president their effort failed twice. The main thing we learned was that the FBI is full of people who will lie to the court and then write false reports in an effort to make the president look bad if that's what pleases the party in power. I hope the Republican party never lowers itself that far. Incompetence is bad, but deliberately manufacturing evidence to intimidate people into keeping their mouths shut is the worst. 

And now no doubt Tulsi Gabbard is under surveillance and it will surprise no one if the FBI decides to search her residence. Most Americans disagree with her about aid to Ukraine, preferring to help a nation that has been invaded by a vicious dictator. However I doubt that is the reason why democrats have turned on her. They hate having their hypocrisy exposed by a democrat who was a member of Congress, but that is where their disagreement began. Just to show how evil she is in the eyes of the democrat party, Tulsi recognizes that at a certain point in their development unborn children are able to feel pain so she is anti abortion once that level of development has been reached. She introduced legislation that would have recognized the rights of a fetus once that person has developed fully enough to experience pain. To most democrats that is just plain evil. 

What right does Tulsi have to tell a woman she does not have the right to inflict pain and suffering on her baby? So the fact is that while it is true that they don't understand her defense of the Constitution, they hate her for not being vehemently in favor of abortion anytime between conception and newborn. 

Tulsi is a Lt. Colonel in the National Guard. She was a conservative democrat, of which there are very few. In the democrat party women with integrity are on the endangered list. Especially if they are not hard charging pro abortion terrorists. 

I salute Colonel Gabbard. She is a woman of substance who keeps her word and believes in honor and keeping an oath once she has entered into one. 

Democrats should still be backing her. They lost a good advocate when they cast her aside. Not to worry too much, I doubt she is going to join the ranks of the cowardly leadership in the GOP, nor do I see her backing Donald trump, but if the choice is between Trump and some democrat who is opposed to the Constitution she may have to back him at least in 2024. Could be that in 2028 we will see Republican President Tulsi Gabbard as the first woman president. One thing I'm fairly certain of is that she won't take the stage in the style of Bloody Hilary shouting, "Look at me I'm a GIRL and we've never had one of those for president before!" Great campaign slogan, fortunately we saved the nation and elected Donald Trump. We will have to wait and see what Tulsi Gabbard will do next. If she runs for president for either party I'll have a hard time not voting for her. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

What Now?

 My wife and I were out on an excursion through a local mountain range when we decided to stop at an apple orchard to pick some apples. The way it works is a little backward in my opinion. We could purchase a three pound bag of apples in their store or for the same amount of money it would cost if we picked them ourselves. So of course we elected to pay them so we could do their job. We paid the farmer to pick his apples for him and then paid him for a brisket sandwich prepared on the farm as we relaxed under an umbrella watching the rain fall and listening to the thunder. It was actually a relaxing and fun afternoon. As we sat there I contemplated the benefits of being an American, of which there are many. 

This being an election year I have been paying attention to all of the people who want my vote. The two major parties being the Republican and democrat parties and I have no respect at all for the democrat party and precious little for the republicans. The leadership of the democrat party are decidedly against our Constitution. They hate the freedom Americans enjoy and are doing everything they can do to take away our God given rights. They don't acknowledge that there is a God and they don't like it when people like me remind them that our system of laws is based on the idea that we derive our just rights from our Creator, not the democrat leadership. 

And while I don't believe that all democrats hate our liberty I fear that too many of them have political party so ingrained into their being that they are not capable of paying attention to what the party leadership is saying and doing. Members of each party too often let party affiliation get in the way of the things that are truly important in this country. Currently the leaders of the democrat party are openly defying the basic tenets of our system of government. They have backed laws protecting a lifestyle that is not acceptable to about half of the country. There are a lot of people who are opposed to the homosexual lifestyle, but there were enough votes supporting it that men can now 'marry' men and women can 'marry' women. 

That was bad enough, but now we are being forced to accept a concept so insane that it is all but impossible to believe it is even happening; about half of the people in this country actually believe that we don't know the difference between being male and female. They are telling us that there are a lot of people who appear to be one or the other, but they were 'miss labeled' at birth. Their doctors, nurses, and mothers and fathers, made a mistake and called them male or female based on their observations of certain physical traits that have traditionally been used to label a baby as male or female. It is a perversion that is simply unacceptable, but democrats have taken it to an extreme that is confusing the hell out of kids. 

Gender reassignment procedures are being inflicted on small children, many times without the knowledge of their parents since some parents aren't 'enlightened' enough to believe this evil narrative. The democrat party wants us to start calling these mentally unstable people by their fantasy gender identity; if a man wants to be called a woman we are supposed to comply with a straight face. The same goes for a confused woman. And perhaps this wouldn't be so dangerous if there weren't severe consequences for failing to play along with this silly game. So far there is no law against non compliance, but a person can be fired from her or his job. They can be cut off from their former friends and peers. Many universities are now requiring that when writing term papers and other academic memos that students no longer use the pronouns 'he, she' or 'his', 'hers' when referring to a person of a certain gender. The new correct way to refer to a person is the gender neutral 'they' or 'them' instead of him or her. 

It sounds ridiculous doesn't it? That's because it is ridiculous. And they are working real hard on making laws against hate speech which is loosely defined as anything democrats don't want you to say. If you are a religious person who offers your opinion that same sex marriage is a sin, you can be fired currently, but if certain political fanatics get their way soon you will be in danger of being fined or even jailed for voicing such a belief. And that goes for insisting that men cannot become women and women cannot become men. And anything else the government doesn't like. If you don't want to become a guinea pig for pharmaceutical companies, and you refuse to take an experimental injection, but the government says you must because there is a deadly virus going around do not be surprised when they arrest you and throw you in prison for spreading 'disinformation'. That's the latest new word being thrown around by democrats. 

Their president even tried to run an office called the "Disinformation Governance Board" to ensure that we all knew what to say and how to say it. Even the followers of the democrat party leadership thought it was a great idea. Why would anyone think they have the right to say what is on their mind? Do they think we live in a free country?" Not as long as Biden, Schumer and Pelosi are involved. 

Then they reluctantly concede, "Well ok, maybe we do, but you can't let it go too far! What if someone says something the government doesn't approve of?" Well that was kinda the point wasn't it. 

Yes America is becoming that unhinged. The Republican party 'leaders' support the Constitution, but they are very timid about it. They bite their nails and quiver in a corner somewhere hoping they don't say something wrong and lose an election. What we really need today is people like John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. They weren't always in agreement except on one thing; freedom. Men were born to be free and that's what those men gave us. And women too. If their wives had snitched on them we'd be a nation like Europe, a bunch of territories full of people who all spoke different languages. 

The last democrat president who loved America was Jimmy Carter. He was an idiot who only served one term, losing by a landslide during his second election bid. He had a good heart but his ideas just about bankrupted everyone in the country, kind of like the zombie in the White House today only Uncle Joe couldn't care less about America. He is more like a mob boss attempting to make all the money he can from the office he occupies and doing a damn good job of that while the country goes down the tubes. Thanks democrats! Thanks for voting for a doddering old fool bordering on dementia for president. 

With Uncle Joe piloting the ship America is heading straight for the biggest ice berg he can find. Some people think America is indestructible, but she isn't. She can only be destroyed from within and that's what is happening. Donald Trump was far from the ideal president, but next to Uncle Joe Trump looks like the greatest statesman in the history of the world. 

So the question is what now? Next month we will find out if America wants to continue to thrive or descend into a vicious civil war. We need law and order and the democrats hate the police. We need strong borders and safe skies and oceans and the democrats hate the military. We need a strong economy and democrats have crippled our ability to produce enough oil to keep the country running so Uncle Joe is running to our enemies all over the world begging them to sell America some oil at a discount and they're laughing in his face. 

With gasoline approaching seven dollars a gallon in many parts of the country and interest rates threatening double digits again we need to elect Americans next month not democrats. Those democrats who still value freedom need to set aside their feelings about abortion for at least this election year. All the Supreme Court did was put the law back into the hands of the states where it belongs and most states allow abortions to be done legally. Some have more restrictions than others that's all. If a woman can't figure out if she wants to be pregnant or not after the second month then she will have to abide by the laws of her state that's all. 

The economy is collapsing so maybe we need to plug some holes and rebuild America before we decide to destroy her so men can have abortions if they want to. Yup! Democrats think men can get pregnant. 

Vote right this time. Save our country. Killing babies just isn't that important really. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Democrat Madness

To complain about Republicans you pretty much have to make stuff up. They're not boisterous and loud and they're not particularly aggressive; at least not in an obvious way. Most important they don't create problems then run around in circles pounding on their heads screaming, "Wo is me! Wo is me!" 

Eric Adams has his panties in a bunch because Greg Abbot is sending him a few illegal aliens to house and care for. For decades Eric has been saying that the people in Texas are racists because they don't want to take care of people who are crossing the border looking for a better way of life. Eric lives 2,200 miles from the problem and has no idea what he is talking about. During the past four months Governor Abbott has sent about 4,000 illegal aliens to New York. During the same time the governor has had to deal with about two million illegal aliens who have invaded his state. Uncle Joe Biden is shipping illegal aliens all over the country, apparently to areas where nobody will vote for him anyway, so he's keeping them out of the wealthy blue states and democrats are not complaining about that. Eric Adams has stated that there is no need to protect the Southern border. That there is no threat from illegal immigration so when he gets a couple thousand over a four month period that should be a small problem for him to solve.

The governor is dealing with hundreds of thousands and he's doing a very good job. And democrats are standing back and throwing rocks at him, pointing out that there are some flaws in the way he is handling the issue. They should be helping him. He is doing everything he can to assist those people. Yes he would keep them out if he could. If we had a decent president the problem would be  manageable, but we don't. If we had a decent Senate Majority leader and Speaker of the House we could solve this problem, which is a real humanitarian crisis. A few dozen illegals showed up at Martha's Vineyard a little while ago and the democrats immediately rounded them up and shipped them off to a military base a few hundred miles away where they could be housed in a military barracks for a few hours before being kicked off the base without even a 'good luck!' 

All they care about is abortion. "Oh no! The meanies on the Supreme Court said that a woman doesn't have a constitutional right to get an elective procedure!" Comrade Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, threatened four Supreme Court justices by name telling them they have reaped the whirlwind and they will pay a price! That could easily be interpreted as a threat of violence since it has been used in that context many times in the past and some moron did show up at Justice Kavanaugh's home to kill him shortly after the threat was made. 

Recent history suggests that if a Republican said something like that and an idiot tried to kill a Supreme Court justice the FBI would be manufacturing evidence to prove a conspiracy between the idiot and the Republican to kill the Supreme Court Justice. It would be big news. Friends of the Republican Senate Majority leader would be subjected to illegal search and seizure, their families would be harassed wherever they lived, they'd probably be audited by the IRS, no one is better at dirty tricks or more ruthless than a high ranking democrat. The worst thing about that is somehow the FBI has become the enforcement arm of the democrat party. I have no doubt that there are still dedicated and hard working FBI agents and I feel for them. Their bosses have no honor. They have no integrity. The FBI director who was the most open about being corrupt was James Comey. After a fairly exhaustive investigation into the reckless and illegal manner in which Bloody Hilary Clinton handled sensitive and 'Top Secret' papers, and finding multiple examples of laws that were broken, Jimmy announced that he was going to put on a press conference to let the American people know what they found. 

During the press conference he laid out in great detail all of the laws that were broken by Bloody Hilary when she decided to use her own private server to store Top Secret information and how vulnerable they were to being hacked into. And the fact that she had destroyed much of the evidence that they were looking for. Everyone watching or listening was sure he was going to announce a criminal indictment, but nope! This is sacred ground for the FBI, the Clintons are strictly off limits. He concluded that no reasonable Deputy United States Attorney would ever seek an indictment against Bloody Hill for just using poor judgement. No indictment, just a case of poor judgement, and maybe some reckless behavior thrown in, but nothing criminal. Case closed. 

I can't think of a single problem democrats have solved since 1945. A democrat president probably started World War Two by failing to communicate effectively with the Japanese government. Having started the war FDR did win it, and win it spectacularly. Okay I see you holding your hand up and wiggling like you need to use the restroom, President Kennedy started the program that put the first man on the moon. What problem did that solve? Was there a problem caused by not having anyone on the moon? How long did they stay? How much did it cost? And what good did it do? Well I think it did a lot of good. It gave Americans the confidence that we could literally do anything we put our mind to and because of the space program we have appliances we may not have ever known about if not for the space program. Literally dozens of things we depend on today we only have because of the space program, probably the most famous appliance we practically cannot live without is the microwave oven, but there are many others. And when we realize how much the space industry boosted our economy by employing thousands of people and creating tools that are used by millions the cost of sending a man to the moon was probably pretty low. 

They followed that up by getting us involved in a war in a foreign country no one had ever heard of; Vietnam. Today everybody knows where Vietnam is. It is a household name synonymous with failure and weakness. Since then democrats have created dozens of problems, mostly dealing with race, they have been working everyday to make sure black people continue to feed on the democrat plantation. They've told black people they can't succeed in America because there used to be black slaves here and America is a fundamentally racist country. They can't get an education because white people hate them. They can't get a job because white people hate them. They told them they shouldn't even try because it's just a waste of time. Their solution was, and is, government welfare. Stay home and we'll send you a check every two weeks. You don't have to do a thing just relax and we will take care of you. It's not your fault, America is a racist country because of Republicans. Republicans want you to go to school and apply for jobs, they are cruel people because they know you can't get into a decent university and nobody will hire a black person in this country. So they enslaved an entire race for over a hundred and fifty years.

Over the past ten or fifteen years black people have begun to realize that they can go to a good university and they can get a good job in America. Some very famous and successful black people have finally stepped up and told them the truth. Anyone can succeed in America and more black people are becoming hopeful about their future and are voting more conservatively. So democrats ginned up another problem; the police are racist. The police are out looking for unarmed black men to kill every single day. Ferguson Missouri, Detroit Michigan. Two incidents of police officers killing black men and cities burned from coast to coast. In Ferguson it turned out that the suspect started a fight with a police officer and tried to kill the officer with his own gun and lost the fight. Similar in Detroit. The police were summoned to a location to investigate a possible counterfeit bill. The guy who called pointed to a suspect and identified him as the guy with the funny money.

When the police tried to question the man did he cooperate? No, he started a fight and during the fight a police officer accidentally killed him. And cities burned across the country. Two violent criminals who happened to be black were killed by police officers so democrats started a media war against the police. An opportunist started an organization they called 'Black Lives Matter' from which they made millions of dollars by marching in cities holding signs proclaiming the police are racist and police departments should be disbanded. They said defunded, but to me that sounds like disbanded. If the police aren't getting paid they aren't going to work. And politicians of every race jumped on the bandwagon. In large cities across the nation white mayors and white chiefs of police were kneeling with BLM executives while they chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" 

Yup democrats are full of solutions to problems that don't exist, but if they can manufacture one they will, and they will turn it into a real crisis. The global warming fiasco has been relabeled so many times nobody is really sure what it means anymore, but Americans are being fleeced every day to fight it. And democrats have ingeniously ignited a debate about homosexuality; you don't know what gender you are. You might think you do, but how can you be sure (birth certificate comes to mind, or you could pull down your pants and do a spot check)? Democrats have introduced more confusion over how to tell the difference between a male and a female than most intelligent people would have thought possible. And Americans have become so susceptible to propaganda that they think they really don't know the answer. There is no way to be confused by that question and somehow democrats have managed to turn it into an open question. 

HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT? That is my honest question. How can you possibly be confused about your own gender. Democrats are so desperate to destroy America that they want the question posed to all elementary aged children in public schools. The global warming debate is crazy, and they've out done themselves with this one. Everyone knows what gender they are yet I have a dear friend with a child who is confused because of what is being taught in public schools. Democrats are great at sowing confusion. They are constantly redefining words, changing the subject when what they are saying doesn't make any sense, anything they can think of to create an environment of fear and confusion. And like I've said hundreds of times I'm no Republican. I vote for Mom and Apple Pie. Pure American. I drive a Chevrolet and an old jeep. 

Confusion is the favored state of the democrat party. So to the democrat party leadership I say it's time to quit your war against America and follow the Constitution. We may have begun as a country of immigrants, but we became a country of Americans with a set of laws and borders and we expect people to respect those laws and borders. We welcome immigrants and we want them to enjoy all of the benefits of being an American. If they prefer the country they came from we welcome them to return to that country so they can live happier lives. To democrats who are not part of the leadership of that party I ask you to examine the confused stated we're in and lean on your leaders to stop the confusion and start finding common ground. Even on abortion the extremes are ridiculous. One side says no abortion ever and the other says hell, if 'the thing' was just born why not just let 'it' die if mom doesn't want it. Some abortions may be necessary so talk to the 'no never' crowd, and killing a child once it's been born meets every definition of murder that there is, so talk to those bone heads too. 

Border security is very important. We need people who will obey our laws. People who can be taught to use a trash can and keep our environment clean. We need people who are willing to work hard and support themselves. We don't need people who were just released from prison in their own country, with a few exceptions. There are countries that have wicked rulers who imprison their citizens for purely political reasons and only a democrat would need to have that pointed out to them. What about murderers, rapists, child molesters, robbers, burglars, to most Americans those are the people we are talking about when we say we don't need ex-cons illegally crossing the border. 

Tell your precious Eric Adams that we don't need hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants pouring over  the border every month. We need an orderly immigration system. And if you really think illegal aliens have a right to be here be willing to do your part to welcome them. If that means finding them a home and a job in your city then do that. Don't tell Governor Abbott it's his obligation as an American, ask him what you can do to help. I just couldn't be a democrat right now. I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I believe in the right to self defense and to be protected against unreasonable search and seizure. 

I believe in America. Everything covered in the Bill of Rights is about basic human rights. There is no human right to live in this country. You have the right to implement those freedoms in your own country if you can and you have the right to immigrate to this country if you do it legally. Democrats thrive on confusion, it is their chief ally. This time I've tried to focus on immigration. If democrats believe in illegal immigration then help the poor people they've encouraged to come here, just stop criticizing those people who are actually providing assistance to illegal aliens. 

This is of course a running battle for the sovereignty of the United States of America. And now that a couple of governors have finally had the guts to ship a few illegals to democrat strongholds where politicians have been proclaiming that the citizens of Texas and Florida are a bunch of racists because they don't have the resources to help hundreds of thousands of people illegally entering the country every week, now those same democrat leaders are asking what they are supposed to do with them. This problem belongs in the Southwest, not the Northeast. Mayor Adams is starting to say that this is a Federal and a state problem not just a NYC problem and he wants them to kick in some money to help pay for housing and feeding a couple thousand illegals. And his people own the Federal government. 

Republicans have their issues, but they just aren't near as obvious as those posed by the democrats. There is no Republican equivalent to releasing criminals without posting bail, or telling kids that no one can tell them what gender they are, or stopping the climate from changing, or disbanding police departments (they call it defunding). And what about the terrific resurgence of violent crime in the inner cities? And perhaps my favorite; democrats embrace murdering police officers. How nice? I watch the cheerleaders for the democrat party on CNN and MSNBC mainly for a Republican equivalent of stupidity. It just isn't there. All they have is a string of lies about abortion, that Republicans are opposed to women's reproductive rights (which is a phrase that makes no sense), complaints that Donald Trump was corrupt and should be in jail and of course they don't offer any evidence that Trump has done anything dishonest or corrupt. The FBI keeps trying to manufacture evidence against the former president, but he has been very uncooperative. 

No matter how bad they want to prove he is a treasonous president the facts always stack up against them . They are Wile E. Coyote and Donald Trump is the Roadrunner. It's frustrating. This mid term election season should be a runaway Republican victory, but it probably won't be. Too many women don't mind getting raped on the subway as long as they can get an abortion. Time to wake up guys. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022


Alligators and rainbows, I have no idea what Americans are thinking these days. Nothing? That's the kindest way to look at it. Shock is another. How do I put this mildly? Forget party affiliation for a minute, at least those of you who can think for yourselves. Violent crime is becoming a frightening phenomena across the country. Mainly in the big cities, but it is getting worse everywhere. I have relatives in rural America who almost never closed their garage door for over twenty five years. The hinges were broken for about twenty years and of course they never locked their doors. About seven years ago they had to start closing the garage doors due to increased thefts and at the same time they began locking their doors when they left home. And now they lock their doors even if they are home. Is that a step forward for this country?

Inflation comes and goes and now it is howling at us like never before. It's been at least forty years since we've seen an economy this bad and it's going to get worse. Then there is the rise in violent crime. People getting beaten on the street for no apparent reason and shootings are happening in the middle of the day. Shoplifters are ripping off stores without even making an attempt to hide their actions, walking out the door with bags full of merchandise. And half of the people in America are still clamoring for more controls over police officers. They claim that the problem is the police who are racist against black people. There is no reason at all to believe the police are targeting black people and abusing them. It doesn't even make sense, but at least you can have an abortion if you want. You may not have a place to live or a car to drive. You may be going to bed hungry. Tens of thousands of people are being laid off this year and just about all of the major employers are preparing for more layoffs for 2023. But that's nothing! Smile! You can still get an abortion. Even in the states where supposedly abortion is illegal a woman can still legally terminate her pregnancy. 

Those are bad signs. Very few people really understand the stock market, but it is down almost seventeen percent so far for 2022. And I know that nobody really cares about illegal immigration and that's also a problem. Democrats say we need the cheap labor and the easy votes, but the fact is that if we made them enter the country legally they'd still be here and they could provide the labor this country needs. Of course there is the problem of paying them. People here legally tend to be paid better and nobody wants that! What I don't understand is why not? What's wrong with paying people a wage they can live on? 

There are so many companies in the United States that are considered too big to fail that government welfare for them is just something they depend on. The only difference between the large corporations and the single mother in the ghetto is the corporations pay lawyers millions of dollars a year to make sure corporate welfare payments are huge and on time. The single mom who lives with the stigma of being a single mom, many of whom are undereducated and don't speak the language have to stand in long lines to be waited on by a surly bureaucrat who thinks they are better than her. And she will get the minimum amount allowed by the law. 

Corporate Big Shots walk around in $3000.00 suits not worrying about their welfare arriving on time because in a super weird irony they own the people giving them the welfare payments! It is possible that the global economy is destroying the American financial markets and not just the labor market. Technical companies purchase many of their components from third world countries. Until Donald Trump became president components for many items we need for national defense were coming from China. Too many Americans don't realize that China isn't just an economic threat, they are a deadly enemy that has not bought into the idea that the world is a safe place where everyone trusts everyone else and people who don't believe that are paranoid and just a little off balance. 

The world is a dangerous place full of despots like the dude in charge of China who want to kill people they don't like and crush countries that won't play by their rules. And certain politicians like to scare us into accepting China as the new world leader which is beyond stupid. They say 'China owns our debt' whatever that means. If Americans refused to give China our business they would fold in a frighteningly short period of time. And King Barry used to say that anyone with any sense could see that China should be the world's leader. Right, the country that enslaves tens of millions of its citizens and murders or jails certain minority groups and steals American technology should become the next world leader. 

I don't like bullies. I never have. Russia has a very long history of being run by bullies so does China. The United States has a long history of helping people all over the world and trying to make the world a better, safer place to live, but one of our major parties claims that we are bad people because we believe in capitalism and we think individuals should enjoy protections against a strong central government. We do need the Bill of Rights, every one of the first ten amendments is vital to our individual liberty. 

In so many close races all other issues seem to be trailing behind abortion. This election is going to be about abortion. If Americans care about having a strong and prosperous country they'll vote for the candidates who will stop the problem of runaway inflation and skyrocketing interest rates and energy dependence. It's hard to believe but it looks like even the hard core Chicken Little fanatics are more worried about getting an abortion than they are about the earth going up in smoke, possibly because they know when they are being honest with themselves that their global warming idols are lying to them. 

We don't need bullies on Capitol Hill. We need men and women with the courage to stand up for the great country we have, protect the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. No other country has the benefits we have. Anyone who says we don't live in the greatest country in the history of the world is wrong. One major party wants to take all that away so we can enjoy the benefits they have in Europe; small apartments, stupid small cars or buses, and an overall lower standard of living unless you are bringing home several hundred thousand euros a year then it's just like here except for streets that are so narrow it's all but impossible to drive on them. A good friend of mine was accidentally driving on the sidewalk in some European paradise because he thought it was still the street. He didn't understand why people were giving him dirty looks, just one more ugly American driving on the sidewalk. Here the difference is very clear, no one drives on the sidewalk by accident here. Ahhh! The joy of living in Europe!  

Of course even in the European Utopia, they have abortion restrictions. As near as I can tell the only country in the world where you can legally murder your baby after delivery is the United States of America. Most countries frown on that and so should we.