Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Real Men are Fighters

If a democrat ever comes up with a great idea you can bet he's been talking to someone with conservative values and some of it stuck. During the 1960's The United States went through a series of culture revolutions fueled by democrats. All of them were bad. Women wanted equality, but have never been able to explain what that means, men wanted to be freed from the draft because they didn't believe in defending their country, both wanted to be allowed to take drugs and 'Free Love' became one of their mantras, along with, 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll'. And of course 'Question Authority' and 'Don't Trust anyone over 30!' It was an exciting time in America. True American patriots believed in defending their country. And a large portion of Americans thought poisoning yourself with dangerous drugs was a bad idea. How could anyone on an 'acid trip' be productive? And sure it was good to question authority, but that just became an excuse to be lazy and do nothing. 
Sex, drugs and rock n' roll? Just one more rotten, stupid idea added to the democrat's heap of real stupid rotten ideas. The debauchery was probably largely funded by Soviet Commies. Archie Bunker used to make jokes about the 'Peace Riots' as he stoked conservatism and made fun of commies. And 'All in the Family' was a great television show. It was possibly the highest rated show in its time slot. None of us knew at the time that Carroll O'conner was not a conservative and did not embrace the ideals he portrayed as Archie Bunker. He later said he liked playing the part of Archie Bunker, but had nothing in common with him. 
Sadly, O'conner lost his only child to the 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll' club. Real men believe in the concept of taking responsibility for ones self and hard work. Real men believe in God and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ to the best of their ability. They treat women with respect and they respect themselves. Real men don't shirk their responsibility or seek to destroy their own country. They seek instead to make it stronger and instill patriotism. If they think their country is making bad choices they take the opportunity to express their disapproval, but they don't destroy property that doesn't belong to them. They don't burn buildings and police cars. They don't do anything that is destructive. Real men are strong and strong willed. They are not afraid to disagree and they recognize that nothing good comes from rioting and destruction of property. 
When they think their country is going in the wrong direction, they don't try to destroy it they try to educate those around them and convince them what the disagreement is about. They want to build their country up and help make it stronger. Real men are not afraid to defend their country. Democrats have been claiming that men are bad for society and should keep their mouths shut. They claim that men are brutes who only want to fight and intimidate people and abuse women. Nonsense. Even democrats opposed the women's rights movement until they saw a chance to exploit women to their own advantage. Democrat men wanted to be able to have sex with women without any obligation to take care of them if they became pregnant. 
It's her child right? She could have said 'no' but she wanted me as bad as I wanted her. Abortion became very important to democrat men and they benefitted in at least two ways; women looked at men who supported abortion and thought, 'oh how caring he is! He understands what a woman needs!' And she would go to bed with him, mistaking his actions as caring and kind. Abortion is not good for women, it is bad for women. It is good for the man because then there is no chance that he will have to take responsibility for his actions. When the woman gets pregnant he can just say, 'hey it was great! I'll help pay for the abortion and wish you luck!' And that was if she were lucky enough to find a democrat man who sort of cared. Most often he just disappeared and hoped she killed her baby. 
Real men don't do that. Real men recognize that women have feelings beyond the physical, and that it was important to deny certain actions because of the long range implications. They abstain from such intimacy knowing that it is better to exercise self control than to have to deal with damage that comes from irresponsible behavior. Today real men are all but shunned from American society. There are even grade schools that allow teachers to tell children that most of the problems in the world today were created by men. Rugged individualism is decried as men who are bullies and like to push people around and walk all over them. 
Real men are rugged, and strong, and independent. They take responsibility for their mistakes and don't look for someone else to blame for their failures and the are grateful when they succeed. One of the great examples of a real man today is Volodymyr Zelensky. And women seem to love him. He is not backing down or shirking his responsibility. He could leave Ukraine and  live the comfortable of a billionaire somewhere in the world, but he has chosen to stay and fight alongside his people. Is that what democrats mean when they speak of 'toxic masculinity?' 
Because of his example one of the most revered democrats of our day, Bill Maher, actually felt comfortable saying something he has probably wanted to say for years; men are not inherently evil. Of course there have been some very bad men in history, but as he said, and he cited some credible sources, women actually like a strong man. Being a democrat he related it all to sex, and having a democrat audience, the women in attendance loved that. It is true that the problems of pregnancy are pretty easy to address today and sadly that is the direction our society is headed. Self indulgence. 
Real men are fighters. They don't go out looking for a fight, but when faced with one they don't run away either. They are not afraid to say what they think no matter how hard democrats try to shut them down. Real men are getting fired for saying what's on their mind. They don't approve of transgenderism or homosexuality or abortion. They see clearly that men should not be allowed and certainly not encouraged to compete in women's sports. Real men aren't afraid of being labeled 'homophobes' by democrats because they realize that we should all be afraid of the inherent danger of transgenders in society. They don't care that most psychologists have been forced to accept the fallacy that transgenderism is not a mental disorder. Several democrats have asked me how come there is no effective psychological treatment for transgenderism if it's a mental disorder. And the answer is that I don't know. I know that psychological treatment has been successful in some cases. 
Real men know they don't have all the answers, but that doesn't stop them from trying to understand. They are not toxic to a society they are necessary for a society to grow and flourish. And they are absolutely fighters. They defend their families, and their nation. They make life more comfortable and secure. A society without real men is one in decline. Real men are never bullies, they are protectors. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Trump v. Putin

Putin is getting his fat red ass kicked by a neighbor half his size who he attacked for no reason. Putin is committing crimes against humanity with impunity as the entire world watches with sadness and anger. He has turned just about the entire world against him. He miscalculated badly when he invaded Ukraine. He assumed that the United States, led by the doddering fool Joe Biden would be afraid to help, and he knew NATO could't care less about Ukraine. All he had to do was rattle his saber and the world would pull in their heads, arms and legs, turtle like and await the outcome. And at first it looked like everything would be ok. The mighty Russian military machine would quickly mow down the weak Ukrainian forces and NATO would shake its collective finger at Putin, let the smoke clear and move on while Ukraine became another Russian satellite country ala USSR. 

Then the unthinkable happen. President Zelensky, an actor and comedian turned president rallied his country and gave them the courage to fight the Russian machine. When he was offered a way to escape the country he said, "I don't need a ride, I need ammunition!" He was going to stay and fight alongside his people. He passed out rifles to every citizen of Ukraine that wanted one. And his army stood ready to fight. Citizens were making hundreds of Molotov cocktails to throw at the invading army when it arrived. An actor! A nobody! and he was seeking help from the United States and NATO. 

Is there no justice? Putin has nuclear missiles and he threatened to use them. Slowly, reluctantly, the United States pledged to send some anti tank weapons. Then slowly European countries began to pledge support. As the Russian army poured over the border into Ukraine and the Russian air force pummeled airports and other targets, the promised support began to arrive. The Ukrainians were putting up a good fight which is not what the Western world wanted to see. The West wanted Ukraine to fold. They wanted the actor turned president to run for his life. As the images turned uglier, as Russian forces began to target civilian targets, apartment buildings, schools and hospitals and the first week of the invasion ended with the Russian army already bogged down, tanks out of gas, soldiers stunned that they were actually meeting resistance, the West exhaled a gasp, "We can't believe this is happening!"

President Biden was hoping to be in a position of consoling the loser, and scolding the victor (still making Russia wealthier by purchasing oil from them). Instead the leader of the free world was witnessing great courage, courage Uncle Joe is unable to even think about, and he may even have to do something. Putin had correctly judged Biden as a weak leader. A leader who was elected to run a country that had more than enough oil of it's own, but had still entered into an agreement to purchase badly needed oil from Russia, and a leader who had badly botched the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, and he knew he could attack Ukraine without fear of any outside interference. Putin had faced Biden in 2014 when they attacked taken over Crimea and Biden had done nothing to help the Ukrainians then; why would he help them now? 

Putin had wanted to take over Ukraine for twenty years and he prepared for the day that he wold finally be in power. During the Obama years he watched as Barry made speech after speech apologizing to the world for the sins of America. Putin couldn't believe his ears, and his luck. Finally there was a president that Putin could control. And he attacked neighboring Ukraine and annexed Crimea. The Obama/Biden team reacted by expelling a handful of Russian diplomats from the United States. I'm not sure how Putin survived that horrible setback, but somehow he did. 

Then the unthinkable happened and Donald Trump became the President of the United States. Putin and Trump knew each other. Putin knew that Trump was a smart and tough man who was going to be difficult to control. Trump was not a politician or a diplomat. He wasn't a whiner either. Trump immediately set out to reach an understanding with the most dangerous world leaders. He met with the midget in charge of North Korea and the boss of China and he reached agreements with them both. Prior to Trump becoming president the North Korean dictator was firing ballistic missiles toward Japan and he was claiming he could fire ballistic missiles into California. After his meeting with Kim Jung Un the fat little dictator stopped his ballistic missile tests. Putin attacked Ukraine during the Obama administration taking over a large portion of the country and the United States just watched. During the Trump administration America became energy independent, manufacturing resumed in America, the Exon XL pipeline was being built, NATO was being encouraged to do more to protect itself against Russia, he encouraged the nations of Europe not to enter into a natural gas pipeline venture with Russia, Americans were finding better paying jobs, illegal immigration was slowed down, and the North Koreans stopped firing ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan, Putin didn't attack any of his neighbors and the United States entered into more favorable trade agreements with the government of China. Trump also had visits with Russia's dictator and they were able to forge some agreements. Russia needs the United States, the United States does not need Russia. To me the hardest thing about dealing with the Russians is to keep them from screwing themselves along with all of their neighbors. 

That is the reality of the relationship between President Trump and the dictator of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Mutual respect, not admiration. President Trump knew how to control Putin. Putin had no way to control President Trump. Today Putin is using his army to murder and terrorize innocent people in Ukraine. Biden has no idea how to control Putin, Putin is very good at controlling Biden. All Putin has to do is rattle his sword and Biden jumps under his desk. The leader of the most powerful nation in the world is scared to death of Putin. Ukraine is suffering unspeakable attacks because Putin has threatened to use nukes. "Get back you nasty American! I'll push the button! I swear I will!" Like a child threatening her mother that she will stop breathing if she doesn't get what she wants. Uncle Joe jumps, "Ok Mr. Putin! Please take your finger off that button! We'll do what you say, we don' wanna start WW3! You go on and kill as many civilians as you have to, they deserve it for endangering all our lives like that!" So look what Uncle Joe does and not so much as what he says, Putin studies human behavior and he has read Uncle Joe very well. Biden is a weak leader at best as is evidenced once again by his botched Afghanistan panic, and then halting oil exploration in his own country and agreeing to purchase oil from an enemy. 

For Uncle Joe the nightmare only got worse. Ukraine did not collapse before the mighty Russian bear. Worse than that they are led by a man of real courage and honor. Everyone admired his stand as he faced the onslaught of Putin's mighty war machine, and they pitied the poor guy who was going to die in a few days defiantly standing up for what he believed in. And his countrymen rallied around him, all of them would be dead in a few days having stood bravely before the cruel invaders. President zelensky opened the doors of the armories and invited every able citizen of Ukraine to take a rifle and use it to kill Russian soldiers when they entered Ukrainian cities and they lined up by the thousands, ready to shoot all the Russian invaders they could. 

Uncle Joe's nightmare was getting worse; what if they put up a good fight? Zelensky had appeared on TV and asked the West for help. Help? A country being invaded by the mighty Vladimir Putin? Was Zelensky crazy? Vlad has nukes! And he threatened to use them against anyone who helped the Ukrainian people. We better sit this one out. Sorry guys, you're on your own! In a week it will all be over and Russia will have another Soviet satellite under it's thumb. But what's a blow to freedom compared to a nuke? 

But horror of horrors the invasion lasted more than a week, and worse the Ukrainian people were defiantly standing tall and strong! Ukrainian TV was giving them instructions on how to make and use Molotov cocktails, and they were making them by the hundreds. And the Ukrainian army was not running away, but pounding against the invaders with great courage and great strength. The mighty Russian machine was bogged down after a few days in the face of the fierce resistance. And Uncle Joe along with our NATO allies were feeling pressure from their knot headed citizens. Do something! They cried. The people of Ukraine are not fleeing the onslaught and their brave president is refusing to leave. He wants to fight! And the citizens of America, along with the citizens of most European countries were ready to put the mad dog in Moscow down. 

What now? European and American leaders were asking themselves, don't those skulls full of mush realize that Putin has nukes? He has Nukes! Uncle Joe and NATO leaders all soaked their collective pants in unison. War with Russia. We can't help. And of course Uncle Joe went on television and claimed that if the Americans and NATO helped Ukraine and Vlad really was stupid enough to launch a nuclear strike it would be Western Europe and the USA that forced him to do it. If WW3 started it would be America's fault. But the pressure from constituents around the world began to build so Uncle Joe did the minimum. Financial sanctions against Russia and America would send billions of dollars to Ukraine to help them buy weapons from NATO, but can we stop purchasing their oil? Of course not. The price of gas at the pump would sky rocket, plus Vlad has nukes! Yes Putin is a good leader. He's a very bad man who no one should ever trust, but Uncle Joe did. And did so did the heads of state of the European Union. After all Vlad may have nukes but he is no where near as dangerous as the possibility of a global warming trend that could displace millions of people in a couple of hundred years. Maybe. It is possible, right? And everybody knows that petroleum products from the United States will hasten the inevitable conflagration much faster than petroleum from other parts of the world. Right? Vlad has Uncle Joe's number and we are all suffering because our president is not a good leader. The truth is that Joe Biden is a very weak leader, if he can be considered a leader at all. Alexandria Cortez appears to be the head of the democrat party, along with her deputies Tlaid, Pressley, and Omar, and the ever present John Kerry. 

Democrats want the country to believe that Trump is controlled by Putin and their loyal subjects believe it because they've been taught to ignore their lyin' eyes and to nod there heads up and down just like loyal subjects should whenever their rulers speak. Yes, Donald Trump recognized the obvious; Vladimir Putin is a great leader. To some people that means a great man, a man to be followed, a good man. I am a Trump fan. He was by any reasonable standard one of the best presidents we've ever had. He is not polished. He is not a great educator, and he has a tendency to say what's on his mind without letting speech writers smooth out the rough edges. Even if there is a better description of Putin's abilities as a leader, there is no indication that President Trump thought that Putin was a man to be emulated or looked up to. Vlad is the dictator of one of the most powerful countries in the history of the world and therefore his abilities as a leader cannot be overlooked. Apparently recognizing that fact makes half of the people in this country hate him. And I mean hate. One thing is clear; Donald and Vlad could talk to each other and there was a mutual respect between them. One thing that Vlad respected about Donald Trump was the fact that Trump is a hard core American. He had an America first policy that was very strong and unyielding. Sadly that is one of the things that Trump haters hated about him the most. They called him a nationalist never bothering to tell us what that meant or why it is bad. Another thing Trump got right was that you should love your country. Every one in the world should love their country and the presidents of other counties should love their country. To democrats apparently that means that you have to hate other people's countries. 

Had Donald Trump won the election it is highly unlikely that Putin would have attacked Ukraine. For one thing, he would have seen Trump as a strong leader. Trump would not have presided over a panicked exit from Afghanistan, leaving tens of millions of dollars worth of buildings and weapons for the Taliban to use. For another Donald Trump would never have stopped oil drilling in the United States and started purchasing oil from Putin. Never. If not exactly an enemy Trump recognized that Putin was an adversary and not to be trusted. And when Vlad started amassing an invasion force on the border of Ukraine Trump would have called him and warned him way in advance exactly what to expect if he tried an invasion. Nukes or no nukes, the West was not going to just let him take over Ukraine. And even at that, when Putin rattled his sword Trump would have said something like come on Vlad, put that rusty thing down. You are not going to ruin your own country just because we won't allow you to murder innocent people in Ukraine. 

They would have had a conversation. Trump would have found something that Putin wanted that would substitute for taking over Ukraine. Donald Trump was good at entertaining people in a variety of business situations and he would have identified something Putin wanted, maybe money for a new statue somewhere. Who knows? Trump is good at interpersonal relationships and Uncle Joe isn't. At the end of the negotiation Putin would have abandoned his plans to invade Ukraine for at least the next four years. Putin would have known that he needed a president that would be afraid of him personally and each of the front runners of the democrat party fit that description. 

I'm not saying that Putin is afraid of Donald Trump, only that he respects him as a strong leader and he has no respect for Uncle Joe. Putin remembers the response from the Obama administration in 2014 and he would prefer that even to the response of GW in 2008 when Vlad decided needed to murder Georgians. Alas, it isn't easy having the heart of a mass murderer, the weapons to be a prolific mass murderer, and still wanting to get away with it. 

This is an election year. Hopefully the American people will vote pro America this time around. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


I cheered loudly when the Brandenburg Gate speech was made. I loved Ronald Reagan for his ability to speak and to teach. I loved his statesmanship and his strength. And I loved his commitment to America. He understood that America was the greatest county the world had ever seen and he was eager to share our history whenever he had the chance. He was a great president at a time when we really needed one. Jimmy Carter had presided over a terrible economy and embarrassing setbacks in diplomacy around the world. During his presidency no one respected this country. The last year and a half the USA was held hostage by a murderous group of Iranians who wanted to impose a suppressive religious dictatorship under the Ayatollah Khomanie. The embassy was surrendered to a mob of fanatics after a Marine guard had been kidnapped, tried for crimes he never committed and sentenced to death. 

The ambassador surrendered the embassy to prevent anyone from getting killed. The Marine was severely tortured during his captivity, but he was released within a few days through the efforts of Ambassador William H .Sullivan. Not long after the siege of the Iranian embassy it was stormed again and this time the entire staff was taken hostage and moved to various locations in and around Tehran. Six members of the embassy staff managed to hide inside the embassy and were rescued in a bold move by Canadian special forces personnel and the American CIA. 

The subsequent break up of the USSR was one of the great events of the twentieth century. Millions of people were freed from the oppressive Russian government and new democracies blossomed. In 1991 Ukraine declared its independence and became the third largest nuclear power in the world. In 1994 the world persuaded the government of Ukraine to denuclearize. There was a meeting in Budapest where the United States, the United Kingdom and even Russia pledged to defend Ukraine if they were ever attacked. Now I watch with a feeling of dread as the United States watches lamely doing nothing to help the people of Ukraine. They've provided anti tank weapons and stinger shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles that can shoot down low level, relatively slow moving aircraft such as helicopters and slower moving low level bombers. They are not that effective against missiles. Killing Russian tanks is a great idea and should be encouraged every day. The same for helicopters. They are slow moving and easy targets for the stinger missiles. 

The president of Ukraine has requested fighter jets and more effective surface to air missile batteries. He didn't ask for NATO pilots or soldiers. He made the plea for a no fly zone and our cowardly senate and NATO allies interpret that to mean American and NATO pilots even though Ukraine has never asked for military personnel. Surface to air missiles don't have pilots. Fighter jets do have pilots but Ukraine has pilots. Poland has offered fighter jets that would be routed through a United States Air Force base in Germany, but President Biden said no. The leaders of the European Union are such cowards. As soon as Putin reminds them he has nuclear weapons, they cover their faces and hide. "Oh no, he has nukes! We better just let him murder people if that's what it takes to avert a nuclear war!" Seemingly they don't realize that one day he will be attacking their countries. 

I don't know who's worse; the murderous dictator Putin, or the cowards in charge of NATO and the United States. President Kilensky made a plea today to the Canadian parliament. He asked for more air cover, at least better SAM batteries. He did a great job and he is a very courageous man and after his plea the Canadian leadership took turns making speeches about how much they care and how courageous the Ukrainian people are then shamefully denied his request for better protection against Russian bombers and ballistic missiles. They were very self serving and gave each standing ovations as they solemnly and hypocritically proclaimed their solidarity with Ukraine while wearing the blue and yellow ribbons, the colors of the Ukrainian flag. They see themselves as a special class of very wise and loving people who are keeping the war 'clean' even as they cry for the people being murdered in Ukraine.
"We really want to help, but it is in the best interest of all humanity that we sacrifice Ukraine to Vladimir Putin.' 

I'm going to laugh out loud in a couple of years when Russian soldiers begin murdering citizens in a NATO country and Putin threatens nuclear war as one by one NATO countries fall to his murderous soldiers who will mercilessly kill everyone who dares to stand in their way. I believe most of Europe will fold under the pressure of just thinking that Putin might fire a nuclear missile at some country somewhere in the world. For Europe I fear that bondage is preferable to war. It's 1939 all over again. 
I support the Ukrainians completely. I am ready for my government to call Vlad's bluff and I've sent all of my representatives and the president himself emails telling them to impose a no fly zone over Europe via SAM batteries on every corner if possible. There is no need to send American pilots or soldiers. Surface to air missiles can shoot down planes and missiles entering Ukrainian airspace and our leadership doesn't seem to realize it, but they are unmanned. 

Sadly, there is nothing I can do except do my best to replace cowardly politicians with politicians who are not eager to go to war, but who will not be held hostage by a Russian dictator either.

Anyone who has the USA for an ally better prepare to defend themselves because if their foe has any teeth you can count America out. 


What is wrong with our politicians? They are afraid of WW3? Don't they realize that WW3 has been brewing for years and now a madman in Russia has fired the first live round of the war? No boots on the ground, no American pilots? Have they ever heard of surface to air missiles? Not the Stinger missile which is very effective at destroying low flying aircraft, but can't reach the bombers that strike from altitudes above 15,000 feet. It looks like our dear president doesn't know SAMs don't have pilots. They are largely radar guided and only need enough personnel to make sure they are properly programmed and Ukrainians are easily smart enough to program and maintain those systems. Sure Vlad is going to threaten nuclear war. Will he really be that stupid? Perhaps, but consider the fact that a nuclear exchange is inevitable and now the Russian military is bogged down. They are vulnerable and could be crippled for years, and if they are really evil and stupid enough to launch a nuclear war that would be the end of the Russian bear. Yes it will be horrible, but the world will be reminded once again about the horrors of nuclear war. 

People will survive. And the world will rebuild. And what about sarin gas? When the Russian madman uses sarin gas against the people of Ukraine will we still be afraid of his nuclear threats? Will we still wring our hands and cry tears of fear and watch helpless children choke to death like we did when they were used on the Syrian population in 2017? I don't understand why the country I love, the greatest nation the world has ever known, now stands back and does practically nothing to stop this horrible war. I would gladly send in our military units, 500,000 well equipped, well fed soldiers and Marines could do a lot of good as could a couple hundred military aircraft and surface to air missiles. Freedom is what the Ukrainians are fighting for and the Russians are getting killed and murdering innocent people for the sole purpose of denying them that freedom. 

President Biden is a worthless coward. He thinks he is some sort of genius for realizing that the war in Ukraine could be the beginning of 'World War Three' as he says it. He doesn't realize the world war has begun. Be courageous and stop being a spectator, stop pretending that confiscating the yachts of multi billionaires is going to help. One thing that I love is the number of businesses that have voluntarily left Russia. Virtually every comfort the Russian people enjoy comes from outside their country, and now many of those comforts are no longer available because companies across Europe and the USA have pulled out. I don't know exactly what's in them, but Big Macs are addictive. And Ikea furniture is a staple in many homes. 

People say, "Sam are you crazy? Do you want to start WW3? And the answer is of course not, but neither am I willing to sit and watch the annihilation of a free country desperately fighting against a madman in Russia, and doing a great job. I don't believe the madman in Russia wants to start WW3 either, he just loves watching Uncle Joe crumble and cower at his feet every time he uses the word 'nuclear'. 

And the Ukrainians aren't asking us to commit any soldiers or airmen. All they want is weapons systems they don't have and we do. We could sweep the air over Ukraine clean by giving them surface to air missiles and Patriot missile batteries. They might win anyway, but give them the weapons they need and they will bring Putin to his knees. World War Three has already begun and the best way to stop it is to arm Ukraine. Let that small nation bring Russia down and the world will heave a huge sigh of relief. World war three will have been won by a citizen army in a small country called Ukraine. 

I love America and now I'm truly ashamed of her. We promised them when they gave up their nuclear weapons in 1994 that we would protect them and now look how we've turned our backs on them like the cowards we've become. Putin threatens nuclear war so we let him terrorize anyone he wants to. 

And what can I do? Nothing. All I can do is vote for people who have the guts to do the tough jobs that need to be done. Not smooth talkers like the lying coward Uncle Joe, but someone a little rough around the edges and not always well spoken, but honest and sincere like Donald Trump. Ukraine is suffering because Trump lost the election. 

And what's worse than WW3? Living with the knowledge that we could have helped save a nation from a tyrant and didn't do it. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Russian dictator invades neighbor

People don't like Donald Trump because he is direct in his speech. He never learned how to 'sugar coat' whatever he was trying to say. If something is on his mind he just lets it out not caring if people agree or not. He is not smooth or what some people would call polished. He is falsely accused of being racist when the fact is he just opposes illegal immigration and the biggest problem this nation faces from illegal immigration is through our Southern border. He doesn't hate Hispanic people, he wants them to follow the law. And it is not a new problem. Over the years there have been agreements between the United States and migrant workers south of the borders allowing them to cross with work permits so they could legally work principally in agricultural industries. 

It would be hard to accuse Cesar Chavez of being racist against Hispanics, but he was extremely opposed to illegal immigration, calling illegal aliens 'wetbacks' and claiming they were damaging his efforts to get better wages for farm labor. Farmers were willing to use illegal aliens to perform work that Chavez' union members would only perform for a certain wage. Similarly Donald Trump saw that we had a need for migrant labor, but it had to be controlled for a host of reasons. Unfettered illegal immigration does have a negative impact on wages. People here illegally will work for less money, live in substandard housing, and generally lower the standard of living in the neighborhoods where they live. Donald Trump further observed that there are a lot of criminals who come across the border with criminal mischief on their minds and forcing them to immigrate legally would keep a lot of the criminals out of our country. Democrats think that is mean. Americans think it is smart. We have enough criminals of all races living here, we don't need to import any more of them. 

Donald Trump is not a racist. Democrats claim he makes fun of handicapped people. Their excuse for that accusation is a speech Trump made in South Carolina where he referenced a false report filed by a reporter who happens to suffer from a handicap. The man lied about a statement he attributed to Donald Trump after the Twin Towers were attacked and destroyed by a group of terrorists from Saudi Arabia. The reporter claimed that he heard Trump claim he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New York on the day the towers fell. Years later he claimed he wasn't sure he heard the president say that claiming that it had been many years and he couldn't provide any details. Still democrats insist that Donald Trump made a false claim against Muslims living in the United States. And that he made fun of a man because he was handicapped. The reporter in question cannot hide behind his handicap. I would like it if Donald Trump could control the way he speaks sometimes but only because it makes me uncomfortable. The fact is he may have a bit of a hard time controlling the way he speaks, but he is always right. 

And if Donald Trump were still president the brutal mass murderer Comrade Putin would not have attacked Ukraine. Putin would not be murdering thousands of innocent civilians. He wouldn't be deliberately targeting hospitals and nuclear power plants and preschools. And we wouldn't be paying seven dollars a gallon for gasoline, a price that is certain to continue to increase. 

I do oppose sending any American military personnel into the war until the European countries of NATO are fully committed and have their military might fully engaged. American politicians have demonstrated a shameful ability to start wars then allow them to drag on for far too long. American military personnel are brave and committed men and women who are unfortunately led by fat cats in Washington who are cowards and liars. It is my opinion that the leaders of Europe, while very reluctant to commit to a war, once they've committed they allow their commanders on the ground do whatever is necessary to win, Our own political 'leaders' cowardly look for reasons to hold our forces back and even find reasons to accuse our fighting forces of criminal activity for which they can be dismissed from the service or sent to prison. 

I will never support fighting a war outside of the United States until our politicians are fully committed to winning the war. Many of us are embarrassed by the fact that the USA has cowardly run from every war they've fought since WW2. Korea should have been a victory. Vietnam, the thirty year war we allowed to continue for far too long in the Middle East which culminated with a cowardly and embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan. We are exceptionally well equipped, and our personnel are the finest trained in the world. All we lack is politicians who are willing to get the job done.

If a war isn't worth winning we should not go to war. If a war is worth winning we should be fully committed and the ensuing destruction can be addressed after the final round has been fired and the smoke is clearing. Quick and decisive victory is the only option. 

Today Americans are cowering in fear because a madman dictator in Russia is threatening nuclear war. We are allowing him to murder and starve innocent civilians because he wants the resources of their country and isn't willing to enter a legal agreement with them. They are asking for fighter jets and Poland is willing to let them have them, but they want America to assist with the transfer. They also need better SAM batteries to shoot down murderous fighter and bomber aircraft from the madman dictator in Russia. 

The weapons we've provided are excellent, but they need more. They need the Patriot missile system. Any unwanted aircraft entering Ukrainian airspace should be shot down immediately. No military personnel need to be involved. We've already proven that we don't have much respect for our own fighting men and women. They will also need food, water, clothing and shelter. Are we actually going to allow the dictator of Russia to starve them to death? We invaded Iraq to protect a dictator in Kuwait and we committed about 500,000 military personnel. We had a president who was dedicated to winning and the action did not last long. The destruction was brutal and total and necessary. It was also successful. 

The same thing could be done in Ukraine (however our politicians cannot be trusted so we cannot commit ground or air forces to this war which is really a sad thing to have to say). The American people are not cowards, but somehow they continue to vote for cowards unworthy to be called Americans to run their country. Personally I say No to cowards. Vote pro America always. Ukrainians should be allowed to enter the United States as long as the war persists. Some Ukrainians have actually been detained at the Southern border, denied entry into the United States for several hours before being allowed entrance.

Hispanics are allowed to enter, as long as they don't use a port of entry, and stay for the rest of their lives. That is ridiculous. 

Always vote pro America!! Down with cowards. Americans are not cowards.