Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Congratulations are definitely in order for the democrat party. They have succeeded yet again in assisting Russia in their invasion of another former Soviet block nation and their quest to reunify the USSR. The last invasion occurred while President Obama was in the Oval Office. He stood in front of news cameras and boldly lied to us when he said that he told Putin to "Knock it off." Of course Vlad took that as an invitation to keep on doing what he was doing which was an invasion of Crimea. Democrats insisted then that Crimean citizens wanted to be part of Russia and therefore welcomed the invasion. No one knows where democrats get this type of information, they make things up because the facts are invariably against them. Democrats generally take to despots and Vlad is no exception. The so-called annexation of Crimea was actually an act of war perpetrated by Russian leadership against the sovereignty of Ukraine. Was Russia really pursuing an act of liberating the people of Crimea? Hardly. That attack devastated the region as thousands of civilians were killed and thousands more wounded. And thousands more died from illness and disease caused by Putin's vicious attack against civilian populations. Food became scarce. People could no longer heat their homes and many people lost their homes to Russian air and artillery attacks. As far back as WW2 democrats have viewed Russian despots as great liberators. Franklin Roosevelt called Joseph Stalin Uncle Joe and praised his humanitarian efforts as he 'united' Russia and Eastern Europe. 

Uncle Joe murdered about a hundred million people in order to unite the rest of Eastern Europe. He had to because too many people didn't understand that it isn't easy being a great humanitarian so they think they have rights as individuals which can cause confusion between some individuals and the state. When that happens any great humanitarian knows it is necessary to kill some people in order to dispel any incorrect notions in the minds of the rest of the people being protected under the humanitarian regime. Do to that great humanitarians successful consolidation of Eastern Europe into the Soviet Union hundreds of millions of people lived in constant fear of being murdered by their government if they didn't 'follow the rules', until 1989 when they were liberated by the 'evil' Ronald Reagan who demanded that Gorbachev tear down the wall between East and West Berlin which began the liberation of the rest of Eastern Europe. Evidently democrats were pretty bummed by that tragic event because they have continuously supported Putin as he has attacked former member states of the Soviet Union. Currently they are backing the military invasion of Ukraine. In 2008 democrats stood idle while Russia invaded Georgia claiming that the people of South Ossetia had requested Russian protection from the Georgian government. 

Democrats justified allowing Putins invasion because Vlad said it was a 'peacekeeping mission' to protect the people of South Ossetia. The Georgian army is no match for the Russian forces and they were quickly overrun. Hundreds of civilians were killed or wounded and about 200,000 were forced to leave their homes which is ok because they already planned on moving to better living quarters anyway. And they had to leave because the advancing Russian 'peace keepers' warned that everyone who refused to support a new Russian government would be shot. 

 Now the same sick scene is being played out in Ukraine again. Last time the excuse was the liberation of Crimea from the oppressive government of Ukraine. This time, well this time they don't need an excuse. Ukraine belongs to the Soviet Union and that's all anyone needs to know. Ukraine has tried to become a member of NATO, the same as Georgia did in 2008, but Putin has objected so they have not been admitted and they are on their own. Ukraine is no match for the Russian army and if no meaningful assistance is rendered by NATO or the United States thousands of Ukrainians will be murdered and many more will be homeless.  

Joe Biden, when he can remember who he is, and what a Russian is, looks solemnly at the monitor and mumbles a few unintelligible words before walking away and refusing to answer any questions. That he is in the beginning stages of dementia is obvious. He stands silently at the podium after saying practically nothing and picks his teeth with his finger on live TV. He  then clumsily walks away from the podium.  

And our country is in real trouble. All during the 2019 campaign the American people allowed a doddering fool hide in his home avoiding any possible contact with the press or anyone else. He made very few television appearances while the president of the United States was out daily doing his job, creating other jobs for Americans and spending all of his time explaining to the world what a great country the United States is, which happens to be the truth. And he told people all over the world that they should be thinking the same thing about their country. He was forging alliances while democrats were here looking for ways to creat confusion and disseminate misinformation. Unable to find anything to attach Donald Trump with democrats made up a Russia collusion joke and hired a supposed British spy to collect evidence. There was no evidence. No one knows what was in that so-called dossier. The impeachment farce revealed that even the guy who was supposedly in charge of the fake investigation had no idea what was in the dossier or who was doing what. Congressman Adam Schiff, California democrat, lied multiple times a day about having incontrovertible evidence that President trump was guilty of treason. No one was able to present any evidence that Donald Trump had done anything wrong. Zilch. 

And of course democrats lost their impeachment proceeding. They were caught red handed lying to all of us. Not deterred in the least they immediately launched another fake investigation and another impeachment hearing and of course with no evidence at all to back their lies he was not removed from office after that so-called hearing either. Americans should have seen right away that democrats were desperate and lying, but they were so blind to the facts because President Trump is very direct and very honest. He never made fun of anyone because of their disability, but democrats were able to convince a gullible public that he did. He never said anything against a gold star family, but a gullible public believed the lies. Democrats lie consistently and boldly. 

And so they elected a man clearly in the beginning stages of dementia as president and a woman who cackles every time she is asked a serious question. Her handlers are so afraid of what she will say that they keep her out of the country as much as possible and away from the press whenever they can. The Oval Office is occupied by a fool and the second in command is an idiot. And the American people still don't get it. 

The Commander In Chief ignored all of his experts and made a mess of the military withdrawal from Afghanistan. And now Putin, emboldened by the fact that Western Europeans are selfish and ignorant, and the USA is foundering at sea like a ship without a rudder is taking advantage of the leadership vacuum an is making his move to reconsolidate the old Glorious Soviet Union. Fear made him leave the country of Georgia when he failed to make the world cower before him. Now he supplies natural gas to Europe and even the doddering fools we call Americans are partially reliant on him for oil which is used to produce badly needed energy. 

Innocent people are dying in Ukraine, both military and civilian because a madman is in charge of Russia and a fool is in charge of America. It will be a real surprise if the Chinese Communist government doesn't find a way to exploit this dangerous situation. Thousands of people will lose their homes in the next few days and the American people are to blame. I'm grateful to be an American. I'm ashamed of those selfish gullible Americans who support Biden-Harris. As you witness the needless suffering taking place in Ukraine right now remember that if Donald Trump were still president this would not be happening. Trump is not a polished politician, he is just a hard working and hard hitting American. With him the world knew where it stood and that maniac in N. Korea stopped firing missiles over Japan, The guy in Charge of China stopped menacing shipping in the South China Sea, and Putin the Russian madman never would have attacked Ukraine. Not to mention that the American people would be experiencing a booming economy and the security of producing it's own energy.

Intelligent people don't waste time and money fighting a non existent threat, scared children and gullible adults do that. Democrats do that. So congratulations to all of you who voted Biden-Harris. Enjoy the show as an entire country suffers at the hands of a madman. Innocent people will be murdered in their homes and on their streets, and tens of thousands will starve to death and freeze to death having been forced from their homes. 

I hope we as a country watch in horror at the scenes unfolding in Ukraine and this year vote pro America. Get rid of the dead weight. We live in the greatest country ever formed, and for decades we were strong and dependable leaders for the world. Look at us now. extremely well armed and Powerless and wondering what is happening in Eastern Europe. The democrats' mantra is and forever will be;

"Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll!" Followed by, "Hey man, what are you talking about? America  ain't perfect you know!"

Idiots. Ruining the greatest nation ever created because they didn't get their free lunch. 

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