Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 What a waste of valuable time and resources. Of course Gavin Newsome is a horses ass (sorry horses) at least 95% of politicians are horses asses. California was arguably better off when it was a conservative state about 25 years ago. Then we had the mandatory Three Strikes law which kept violent repeat offenders out of our neighborhoods for much longer periods of time. And we believed in putting thieves away for longer periods of time. In the old days a third shoplifting conviction could be sentenced as a felony which meant a couple of years in the state prison instead of a couple of months in the county jail. And we were business friendly, recognizing that we can protect the environment and recruit businesses here at the same time. Now we are wrecking the environment with solar fields (what are the tortoises going to do now?) and chasing away businesses at a record pace. And don't think the governor of Texas doesn't appreciate it. At least not yet. Soon there will be enough Californians in Texas to wreck that state too. Utah is falling fast and Idaho is having a difficult time preserving its identity. Progressives ruin everything they touch.

Then democrats began to take over this beautiful state, and it happened pretty fast. Today we no longer have mandatory sentencing for anything. The Three Strikes law is 'mean', like getting raped is a walk in the park? And 'shoplifters really shouldn't receive a jail sentence' or 'hell, why should it be a felony charge for something that only costs $500.00? (To a democrat $500.00 is nothing). So they raised the amount to $999.00 in order for a thief to receive a prison sentence. And the results speak for themselves; criminals are having a great time. Stores are locking up certain items making it difficult to purchase many everyday things like make up and some shaving items. And of course violent crime is up. Democrats decided prisons are overcrowded so they are letting as many bad guys out as they can, even violent criminals. Do democrats really like getting murdered robbed and raped? Or have the poor democrats adjusted to a life of getting murdered robbed and raped and feel grateful for the nickels and dimes democrats promise them every election cycle that they keep voting for the Big 'D', and the rich democrats are comfortable in their mansions in gated communities with armed guards protecting them so they look for the easy votes. Fortune and Glory is the goal of most politicians but not all. 

So the recall failed. Big Deal. I did want Larry Elder to become our governor and next year he might. Still it is disappointing how consistently hypocritical democrats are voting for a flashy semi literate white guy over a humble intelligent black man who has concrete ideas about how this state can regain it's footing. Democrats claim that everybody's a hypocrite but I don't think so. As a group democrats are hypocrites and that's a fact. We need to revive the Republican Party and work hard to reclaim this great state.

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