Saturday, September 4, 2021

Time to Celebrate!!

Well I guess we can now celebrate another democrat victory. Afghanistan is in the filthy clutches of the Taliban. For twenty years women and girls had the opportunity to live fulfilled lives. They could attend school and find decent jobs. They didn't have to worry about religion fanatics murdering them and raping them and forcing them to 'marry' with men they didn't know, trust, much less love. Democrats paved the way for a complete Taliban victory and left them some of the best weapons available today. 

And the sweetest part of this victory is the fact that we have left American citizens and loyal allies behind because of Uncle Joe's deadline. He promised the Taliban that the last flight would leave on a certain date and that's probably the only promise he will keep. Under his sloppy leadership the military commanders he hired failed to maintain a safe perimeter and ingress routes to the airport. Thirteen American military personnel were murdered because American armed forces units under the weak leadership of General Millie were murdered. 

And democrats are claiming that the route from Afghanistan was a huge success. Advanced weapons left behind for the Taliban to use and American citizens and allies left behind for the Taliban to torture and murder. 

Go ahead and celebrate. You've made the world a much more dangerous place to live. That will be Uncle Joe's legacy. Democrats may feel the need to celebrate this great victory. The rest of America will feel the need to mourn for those we lost and those we abandoned to the merciless Taliban. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible life is going to be for those we left behind. Uncle Joe and the democrats are a humiliating disgrace.  

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