Monday, May 29, 2023


 Okay, I understand that there are people who seem to think they were born the wrong gender. And a lot of people used to make fun of them for having that belief. Sometimes people who were homosexuals were physically attacked and even murdered and of course that was never acceptable. That's why legislation was passed in 2009 that created another special class of  protected individuals in the USA; homosexuals that were victims of crimes, essentially adding them to the protected classes of people covered in the hate crimes legislation passed in 1968. Race discrimination is wrong. Nobody should be discriminated against based on the race they were born obviously because nobody can do anything about their race.

Homosexuality is a little harder to protect since it is behavior related and not a condition of a persons birth. We are all born either male or female, and a certain race or combination of races. Moreover we aren't being coerced into believing a black person is actually hispanic or white. Transgender occurs when a person undergoes a sex change procedure that can involve chemicals, surgery, or both. Supposedly once a person has completed the transgender process that person has changed their sex from male to female. The fact that the person remains whatever gender they were when they were born is ignored by people who really want us to play the 'sex change' game. 

People who go through this process usually change the way they dress and their name and they expect all of us to respect their 'new' identity. Inevitably that leads to confusion, fear, anxiety, anger, and a host of other problems, especially when we learned that men are still stronger than women and have a physical advantage even though they now claim to be women. How does that happen? Because they still haven't been able to actually change a man into a woman.  Some people, ME, cannot accept the fantasy that a person is 'assigned' a gender at birth. That doesn't make any sense and it goes against thousands of years of science and tradition. 

The term 'transgender' has been around since the 1920's apparently, but began to pick up popularity during the 1960's, a period of time we could best describe as the years of insanity. Since then some so called 'doctors' have learned how to make physical changes to make it look like people can change their sex, but the fact remains that there are only two genders and wishing there were more just doesn't work. The lie that we are assigned a gender at birth goes against any known medical science. So the people who claim to revere science when they are lying about man made global warming, abhor science when we are telling the truth about gender. 

How women are falling into the transgender trap is a real puzzle. Women, with a few exceptions, are allowing men take all the trophies in women's sports. Men are modeling women's bathing suits, dresses, underwear, feminine hygiene products, and they're getting named Woman of the Year in some publications. Why are women so willing to give up all the hard earned progress they've made? Women aren't making any sense to me now. They had to fight for the right to vote, the right to apply for any job without fear of being discriminated against because of their gender, the right to equal sporting opportunities, and now they're throwing all that away because some men want to pretend to be women so they can take over women's sports? Is it because women assume that transgenders support the right to have an abortion whenever you want, including while giving birth? Is allowing partial birth abortion more important than every other right women have? Alright then, give up all of your rights. 

And we're not just talking about women's sports. Now women have more competition when looking for employment. In addition to real men who are applying for the same jobs, they are competing with other men pretending to be women, and also enjoy protected status. The only demographic being served by this madness is real men. Real men aren't concerned about women taking over the NFL or men's college sports or any other area of their lives. Real men are pretty much in the same position as before. The onslaught of more women applying for jobs won't hurt real men because there is no offset of fake women pretending to be men. As pathetic as this is, I find it a little humorous. Women have actually voted themselves right back into second class status. Transgender people as a specially protected class will get priority to real women when applying for a job. Women of America, give yourselves a hand. You have just voted to lower yourselves to a class just barely above slavery right when you were finally getting the rights you deserve. 

This entire conversation is insane. "Why? Democrats ask." "Is it because you don't like it?" 

Actually no. Whether you like it or not the fact remains that you cannot change your gender. No one is assigned a gender at birth, we were all born male or female. I don't like the argument that we can change our gender because it is a waste of time and it is cruel to tell anyone, especially children, that a mistake was made when they were born. It is destructive to an entire society to entertain such a fantasy. You can change your appearance and tell everybody that you are now a different gender and your name is no longer Gerry, now you are Geraldine, but you are still Gerry. And I know that because there are only two genders. 

When kids reach the age when they are interested in the opposite sex, what are they supposed to do? Is the transgender girl supposed to tell a potential suitor that she used to be a boy and still has some boy parts? Or even that he has changed all of his equipment and is now a 'real' girl? Or does the lie continue until the young man who thinks he is dating a young woman finally figures it all out, and feels completely betrayed, even mentally damaged perhaps for the rest of his life? 

These are questions we are not allowed to ask in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. The democrat party has all but eviscerated the Constitution. We no longer have freedom of speech especially on college campuses where it is needed the most. No one who has a job dares utter a word that is out of step with democrat demagoguery. If you are a student at most major universities if you expect to graduate you better goose step to the tune of the mental midgets running the place (think Horst Wessel, you'll get an A+). It is already dangerous to refer to anyone at the workplace, or especially the classroom, as 'he' or 'she', instead we are to refer to each other as 'they' or 'them'. And all they are doing is following the science; there are way more than two genders. So many that they can't be counted because science is inventing new genders all the time. I know it's just plain mean to tell the truth because democrats believe that if you really believe something it becomes the truth. I don't hate to burst your crazy bubble; that is insane. 

How foolish we've been for all these years. We always were taught that in order to maintain a certain level of population growth we needed a male and a female. Anything else was going to fail. That's what we used to think, what a bunch of dummies! It was the worst case of misinformation in the entire history of humankind (whew! I almost said mankind and that's pretty much a death sentence). No wonder Uncle Joe wanted to institute a Ministry of Free Speech. It is obvious that we need one (at least for those of us who dare to think). 

If there is anyone more out of touch with reality than a democrat they can only be found in such bastions of freedom as the Russian Federation, Pyongyang, North Korea, and Beijing, China. And of course there are lots of countries in the Middle East and the African Continent who share the same ideology as the average American democrat. Soon it will be a crime to tell the truth about transgenderism. When that happens I will be locked up because I will always refuse to support the lie that men can be women and women can be men. 

Similarly I will never agree that there are more than two genders. Keep It Simple Stupid! There are only two; male and female. 

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