Thursday, April 21, 2022

Putin's Big Failure

 I'm happy to see Putin's Red army getting it's butt kicked, but I'm appalled at the cost. The Ukrainian people are the bravest people on earth right now and their president, Zellinskyy is the undisputed leader of the Free World. Our president, Uncle Joe Biden, is the undisputed embarrassment of the Free World. Poland deserves a huge amount of financial and other support for the tremendous example they are setting and the unselfish service they are rendering to the world. 

President Biden, along with the rest of the world hoped this operation would be over in a few days, a week at the most and look what's happening. I knew as soon as President Zellensky made his first broadcast to the world that they were going to put up a very good defense, and possibly even win the war. And they are doing a great job at keeping Putin's Red army at bay. They are destroying his armored vehicles and shooting down his helicopters and destroying the morale of the soldiers who have resorted to horrible crimes. On the first day of Vlad's invasion he warned the world to stay out of his way, warning that anyone who dared to intervene risked a nuclear attack. So the entire world took a big step back. He's got nukes! We are helpless! Oh the poor people of Ukraine! We'd love to help, but it's not possible! If we help we will be starting World War III! Cowards that the leaders of the Free World are they couldn't think straight. The very threat of using nuclear weapons was Putins announcement that World War III had begun. 

Then the unthinkable happened; A week went by then two and the Ukrainian people weren't giving up. President Zellensky called upon every citizen who was able to join the fight against the invading Red army and he opened the national armory to anyone willing and able to fire a weapon. He was passing out rifles to everyone! Doesn't he know how dangerous that is? And Vlad's Air Force was bombing cities all night. He was moving his artillery into range of the capital city. The news organizations were gleefully reporting that with a 35 mile long supply line carrying armored vehicles, food, fuel and other support it was only a matter of time before Kiev fell to the communist regime. Finally, Great Britain couldn't take it anymore. They had been victims themselves a few decades ago of a brutal and evil little man who bombed their cities all night, destroying buildings and residences and indiscriminately killing children.

With many people still alive who remembered those terrible days their government sent the Ukrainian defenders anti tank weapons. The finest anti tank weapons on the market and the Ukrainian army made quick and effective use of them. They dared to attack the mighty Red convoy and stopped it in its tracks. Then they flooded the fields on either side of the road with so much water that any vehicle that dared to try taking a different route became hopelessly stuck. With the supply line stuck Ukrainian soldiers started destroying armored vehicles by the dozen. And Uncle Joe peeked out from under his desk in the Oval Office and uttered those immortal words: Damn it! He was supposed to be standing at a lectern babbling about the tragedy of the Russian take over of Ukraine. Those damn Ukrainians! And that madman Zelensky, what's wrong with him? Doesn't he know Ukraine can't beat the Red army? Russia has nukes. NUKES! Ukraine has to surrender, we can't help them because if we do Putin will nuke the USA. We are helpless!

Then the damn Germans promised to send help, and Uncle Joe's dreams began to collapse around him. Then the light bulb went on in his mushy little head. Sanctions! Yes the USA could announce sanctions that will hurt Russia financially. That won't save Ukraine but it will make America look strong. Sanctions against a couple of Russian banks until Ukraine falls and Putin takes over. Then Uncle Joe could console the world and promise fierce prosecution of war criminals. That will take years and the world will forget and everything will be fine again. And hopefully when they hang Zelensky and the rest of his family there will be a strict media black out and it will take years for the world to find out the truth. 

That wasn't to be. Western Europe began keeping up with Great Britain. Cautiously to be sure since they had made a huge blunder a couple of years ago when they entered into a deal with an unstable madman who wanted to sell them oil and natural gas so he could build up his military machine in preparation for the take over of Ukraine and other rebellious Western European former members of the beloved USSR. President Trump advised against it, offering them a better deal than they could get from the Russian dictator while at the same time providing them a measure of security. He reminded them that Russia is an enemy to the world and a friend to no one. Russian dictators can't be trusted, but Trump is mean! so they went with the benign dictator of Russia. Not to be outdone in the Stupid Idiot column Uncle Joe declared on his first day in office that the world could be saved from so-called global warming, a phenomenon that isn't even occurring, at least not to the extent they are claiming, if the United States stopped producing its own oil and started buying it from Vlad so Vlad could build up his military machine. So America found itself in the position of funding Putin in his vicious unprovoked war on innocent civilians while at the same time imposing economic sanctions on Russia. And NATO countries were in the same predicament. Germany especially has become so dependent on Russian oil and natural gas that they have to continue to send him money so he can continue to murder innocent people and bomb their country into extinction. 

President Biden's problems were getting worse by the minute so he quickly stepped in and started taking the 'lead' by promising not only to impose sanctions, but to start sending military hardware to Ukraine. Specifically he sent Javelin missiles to destroy Russian tanks, and Stinger missiles to shoot down low flying and slow moving helicopters. And since the United States is a big country with a huge budget he quickly began to authorize billions of dollars in weapons which could be sent to help the people of Ukraine. And Ukraine made excellent use of them. They were killing tanks like crazy. And now reporters were asking Uncle  Joe if it weren't kind of silly to put economic sanctions on Russia, and send defensive weapons to Ukraine while we were buying billions of dollars of oil from Russia. President Biden didn't like the corner he put himself in so he claimed he couldn't stop purchasing Russian oil because the price of gas would go up and he couldn't supply the type of weapons the Ukrainian army needed because Putin had threatened to launch a nuclear strike against anyone who assisted Ukraine. And he appeared unstable enough to mean it. As weeks went by the United States increased weapons shipments as did the rest of Europe and Putins mighty Red army was looking pretty bad. They were poorly trained and undisciplined. 

In a couple of days their forty mile convoy was hopelessly stalled and their top generals were being killed. The soldiers of the Red army were abandoning their armored vehicles when they were attacked which only served to supply the Ukrainians with badly needed functioning armored vehicles. And it turned out that Putin was not quite as unstable as he at first appeared. He did not launch a nuclear strike against anyone. He did tell his officers that they needed to start terrorizing the local population of civilians so they would stop fighting so hard. And the Red army complied, shooting civilians wherever they found them. Thousands of civilians were murdered by the Russian invaders. Russian soldiers were raping women while their children watched then murdering entire families. 

This has got to stop. The world has to stop being afraid of a ruthless dictator and send Ukraine whatever they need to stop the Russian army. We live in a world so interconnected that we need all of it's parts to keep running smoothly. Ukraine isn't a NATO member, but they are doing NATO's job and paying a very heavy price for that. It's time for Uncle Joe to get out from under his desk, put on a helmet and send Ukraine the type of weapons systems they need to shoot down Russian bombers and take out Russian artillery.

Americans should never be cowards.

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