Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Have Americans Become Cowards?

 I'm afraid to think this may be true of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave but where is America now while Ukraine is being invaded by the brutal dictator of Russia? Many Americans are asking why should we care? How is it our problem that a country is being wiped out by a more powerful enemy? One answer is because we entered an alliance with the United Nations in 1945. The goal of the UN is to provide countries all over the world a way to resolve disputes peacefully. So far the United Nations has failed to stop or end a single war. They have succeeded in getting food to poor countries in certain parts of the world. As a peace keeping body the UN is a colossal failure. Looking to the UN to stop or prevent a war is a futile effort. Today Volodymir Zelensky gave a presentation to the United Nations pleading for help, to at least expel Russia from the United Nations Security Council. 

His presentation included a heart wrenching video proving the brutality of the Russian army in Ukraine. Dozens of innocent citizens murdered in the streets, many of them with their hands tied and shot in the head. Acts of brutality and cruelty have been committed by Russian soldiers. Old men and women and children were murdered and either left dead on the streets or buried in mass graves. At the end of the presentation the UN ambassadors dutifully stood and applauded the Ukrainian president and congratulated him for his courage and the courage of all Ukrainians. Many of them took turns saying how horrible the war is, but few of them seemed to agree that Russia should be expelled from the Security Council. Most of them pledge their undying support for Ukraine, but that is all they will do. Appeasement is what Europe has always been comfortable with. Recently it was appeasement that allowed Adolf Hitler to take over all of Europe and murder millions of people Hitler didn't like, mostly Jews but there were others as well. And the Jews are not innocent in this nightmare being forced on the Ukrainians today. They are also refusing to assist Ukraine in their efforts to stop air attacks. The Iron Dome missile battery is an effective weapon and Ukraine could really use a couple of them, but nope. Sorry Ukrainians we stand with you and recognize that you are victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity and we applaud your bravery as you battle the Russian army. Good luck my friend we are with you all the way!

Any relief provided to Ukraine will have to come from individual nations. Most of Europe is dependent on Russia for the oil they need to operate their vehicles and heat their homes. Even the mighty USA is at the mercy of a maniacal dictator who is bent on taking over Eastern Europe and possibly more. The world economy is weakening as Russian terrorists continue their murderous attack on Ukraine. All the president of Ukraine is asking for is advanced weapons systems not American soldiers or pilots. He needs effective surface to air missiles and fighter aircraft. It is a mystery to me why President Biden isn't willing to help that happen. This is a perfect problem for the Central Intelligence Agency to sink its teeth into. Just park a bunch of advanced fighter jets that Ukrainian pilots know how to fly, leave the keys in them and wait for them to be 'stolen'. Mercenaries could fly them into an airbase in Ukraine and there are lots of mercenaries who would love to do it. Mercenaries could also deliver advanced surface to air missiles, many of them are from Russia and being warehoused in NATO countries. 

If we are so afraid of a murderous dictator who is threatening nuclear war, but very unlikely to actually do something that stupid, we don't deserve the freedom we enjoy. In 1994 we encouraged Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons to Russia and we would protect them if they ever needed it. Bill Clinton, assured the president of Ukraine that Boris Yeltsin was an honorable man and could be trusted. The president of Ukraine, knowing better, but also knowing that if he didn't comply with the 'request' Yeltsin was probably going to find a way to start a war with Ukraine. Yeltsin, as least as honorable as Clinton, also assured the president of Ukraine that the Russian government would also protect Ukraine if it were ever to be attacked. Russians and democrats should never be trusted. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and we are saying, 'wait a minute, not so fast!' Then we shake in our shoes and say we can't help Ukraine because we don't want to start WW3. We are too stupid to realize that WW3 has already begun. If we allow Putin to take Ukraine in a couple of years he will set his sights on the rest of Europe. When I say we should be giving the people of Ukraine every type of weapon systems they need my friends ask me if I want to see a nuclear war? The short answer is no, but I can't stop Vlad from launching a nuke if he wants to and I won't be held hostage by a brutal murderous dictator. I would stop his army in its tracks. If he chose to launch a nuclear strike then we'd be in the middle of a new world war. Better to do it now while Russia's strongest ally is not ready to help him.

I would stop the murder of innocents anywhere in the world where it was possible. And the Ukrainians deserve our help. You bet I'm ready to fight a nuclear war if that is what we need. I'm not afraid to help people just because a madman threatens to resort to a nuclear strike if he can't get what he wants. If he puts his finger on the button I'd say go ahead Vlad, sign your own death certificate because we are going to win this war too, and you are going to be buried in an unmarked grave in an unpublicized location. History will remember you as the man who completely destroyed Russia. Go ahead, show us what you are made of. 

Yeah, I'm ready to help innocent women and children avoid the horrors of rape and murder, watching loved ones as they are tortured and humiliated in unimaginable ways. Lots of countries have nuclear weapons in their arsenals today and someday someone is going to deploy one. What I'm not ready to do is let Putin use the threat of a nuclear strike to keep me from helping the innocent people he is murdering today. 

Americans didn't used to be cowards. It's not easy to watch then cowering now. Is war ever justified? Sure it is. We need to use every tool we have to stop the horrendous actions being taken by the maniac running Russia. We promised to protect Ukraine when they gave up their nuclear arsenal to an enemy in 1994 I can't emphasize that enough. Today we wring our hands and claim to "Stand With Ukraine" and then send them a few bucks and inadequate weapons and continue to applaud their courage as we enjoy our peaceful lives of comfort far from the fighting. And the good people of Europe do the same. Maybe if we let that madman have his way with Ukraine he will be pacified and leave the rest of us alone. We did the same in the 1930's as Japan terrorized countries all over Asia, including China, and Hitler consolidated his control over Europe. Appeasement didn't work so I guess it will work now? We better wake up now because Putin is fully awake and he knows he only has two more years to intimidate his neighbors. If Donald Trump becomes our next president Putins reign of terror will have to wait awhile. Like most bullies Putin will back down when faced with certain failure. 

I hope Americans haven't become cowards, but what I'm watching now makes me fear that we are. I was in disbelief when our leaders trusted the Russian dictator twenty eight years ago, and I'm appalled at our cowardice in the face of the enemy today. I have always hated bullies and I don't have any respect for cowards. Americans should stand up to that evil little dictator today while there is a country over there with a leader who is willing to fight his own battles. Yeah, we might get nuked and that would really suck. And we would have to nuke back, but he who nukes last nukes best. 

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