Thursday, April 7, 2022

Americans have Become Soft

 George S. Patton, one of our most celebrated generals, and a man who helped stop the Nazi advance in Europe, a man so aggressive that his boss, General Eisenhower was constantly finding it necessary to hold him back in order to appease America's supposed allies, once said that, "Real Americans love to fight!!" and that real Americans wouldn't give a hoot in hell for any American who lost a fight and laughed. Good sportsmanship probably was not one of the generals virtues. His virtue was winning wars. He would have occupied Berlin ahead of the Russians if he would have been allowed to, but his boss thought the Russians deserved that prize after all they had endured during the German siege all over Russia. The Russian army, true to form, tortured innocent civilians, tortured, raped and murdered women and terrorized the entire population with the approval and permission of the top commanders. A population that was already defeated by the Americans long before the Reds ever arrived. Patton may have allowed some German POW's to be killed, but he never would have supported the wholesale murder, rape and torture of the civilian population. 

Americans never learn. If Patton had been allowed to take Berlin the world never would have  been plagued by the Berlin Wall and it is even likely that Germany never would have been split into East and West. There probably would have still been a Soviet Union since by then the world was tired of fighting and the Soviets were a very brutal army that had already occupied Eastern Europe  and they weren't about to allow the people in those countries to have their freedom. The truth is they had done the same thing to the citizens of all of the countries they occupied. Using public executions of public officials and the murder of civilians is how brutal dictators always grind, and maintain control of a country, and Uncle Joe Stalin was a very brutal dictator. Russians do not believe in mercy or justice. They believe that the only thing that matters is power, might makes right. If your neighbor is weaker than you then you have the right and possibly even the responsibility to beat him down and enslave him and take all of his property for yourself. To them there is no need for laws since the only law is survival of the fittest, trample the weak, burn the dead. 

We sit here many thousands of miles away all but oblivious to the suffering of the people in Ukraine thinking it has nothing to do with us, but it does. We no longer live in an era where communication is slow and it takes months for us to find out what is happening in the far reaches of the world. We have the blessing of the internet and we practically see events unfold live right before our eyes. Even in the fog of war we are able to catch glimpses of crimes as they occur or within a few days of their occurrence. During the battles of World War II we didn't have that luxury. People didn't have cell phones with cameras in them that allowed the entire world to witness in real time the horrors of civilians being bombarded and murdered, and the atrocity of Jews being sent to death camps.

Upon learning of the horrible evil that had occurred during Hitler's war against the world, the world leaders all promised, 'never again'. Never again would the world sit idly and watch a genocide be carried out by demonic dictators. And yet here we sit watching the people of Ukraine being murdered by a dictator who wants to take over their country. Nations are sending money and weapons that can destroy tanks and aircraft that fly at low altitudes and slow speeds, but they can't do anything to stop the incoming ballistic missiles. They need anti missile batteries capable of tracking and destroying incoming ballistic missiles traveling many times the speed of sound. The Russian dictator reminds the world that he has nuclear weapons at his disposal and the world dutifully stands back. Paralyzed by fear. And failing to recognize their shame. A few months ago a woman was raped on a public train in full view of other passengers and no one tried to help her. Americans are becoming fat and lazy and self absorbed. There is no honor in this. 

We have become soft as a nation. What happened to the American fighting spirit? How come we don't want to stop Putin in his tracks before he actually does send an army to our shores under cover of a ballistic missile bombardment? American politicians from both parties claim they don't want to be responsible for starting World War III not realizing that it has already begun. Germany, Great Britain, France, Poland, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, the United States, and other countries I haven't mentioned are sending weapons to Ukraine to be used to kill Russians. And they need to kill Russians, as many as they can as quick as they can. We need to give them the tools they need to shoot down high flying bombers, cruise missiles and Ballistic missiles, and to detect the location of artillery batteries less than fifteen miles away that are pounding them day and night. All of those things need to be destroyed. Killing tanks and helicopters is great, and it is fun to watch, but that is not enough. They are still being bombarded from fast moving aircraft and missiles that are out of range of shoulder fired Stinger and Javelin weapons. Even with the meager weapons they are being provided (Uncle Joe Biden sent them 400 shotguns, what are they supposed to do with obsolete worn out pump action shotguns?) President Zelensky's army is punching the hell out of Putins Red army. Thousands of Russian soldiers have been killed, but that's not enough. Hundreds of tanks have been blown up, but they need to destroy all of them, and they've successfully shot down a couple dozen helicopters and maybe two or three Russian bombers and ballistic missiles but they need to be able to ensure that Russian pilots are afraid to be seen anywhere near Ukraine and they need to be able to destroy all incoming ballistic missiles and anti ship missiles are needed to keep the Red navy from getting too close. 

We are being held at bay by a madman and watching women and children be killed by the hundreds in their homes, in their cars, on their bicycles, and as they walk on the sidewalk. The Russian army tells the citizens that if they want to leave the city they can use certain streets as escape routes then they are shot down by terrorists masquerading as soldiers as they attempt to use those escape routes. I love the United States of America, it is the greatest nation the world has ever known and I hope she will find her courage and resolve soon to stop tyrants in their tracks. The president of Ukraine is begging for help, real help, weapons capable of sweeping the skies of high flying and fast moving aircraft. And they could use Harpoon anti ship missiles. They should have all the tools they need to kill Russian aggressors. 

I've written my political representatives and they responded that they couldn't agree more and they are doing everything they can to help the people in Ukraine, but they aren't. And I sit in my comfortable home in a safe city far from the fighting and gnash my teeth and wish Americans hadn't become such cowards. Someday the enemy will attack us, will we just give up? The enemy will have nukes, what will we do then?

We are already submitting to disarmament in many cities and states. Democrats don't believe we have a right to defend ourselves, and Republicans are pretty silent on the issue. Freedom of speech is being taken away at the same time. If you oppose same gender marriage, or transgender surgery or even abortion you better keep your opinions to yourself or you run the real risk of losing your job. And don't even think about stating an opinion against government mandates to be vaccinated against a virus that no one understands. And with the introduction of hate crimes legislation you could be in trouble with the law, paying fines or even being sentenced to jail time. And don't forget about the religion of global warming. Democrats are telling us that the war in Ukraine is nothing compared to the horrors of global warming. Hell in the next hundred years temperatures could, could, rise by as much as two degrees and that could, could, cause a catastrophic rise in sea levels. I can tell them that Russian aggression is killing people right now. Right before their eyes, and if we can't stop tyrants like Putin it won't matter what the weather is like in a hundred years.

With the demise of the right to self defense and the right to express your views your right against unreasonable search and seizure will soon be forfeit as well. We are giving up our freedoms without even realizing it. Not that long ago we had a saying in America that went something like, "I may not agree with what you are saying, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it," I like that kind of thinking. It is precisely thinking like that that bought us our precious freedom. 

Let's hope the American people wake up and votes pro America this year. 

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