Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 Politicians are useless. They really are. What we need is men and women who care about making the world a better place and that doesn't mean cramming a bunch of people like Nancy Pelosi, Alex Cortez, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or any of the other 400 plus miserable politicians into the US Capitol building. Admittedly Marco and Ted do have the best interest of the country at heart at least in theory, but Cruz, and others have become too caustic and frankly inarticulate to make a meaningful difference. We need people who can make a point without making enemies. There was a time when Americans didn't hate each other as much as they do now. We need to be united. This is the greatest country in the history of the world. That is a fact that cannot be disputed. We used to be constantly looking for ways to improve and that is what has made us great. Today we still need that commitment to improvement. We need elected officials who can talk to each other about important issues and not fake issues like climate change and gender identity.

Of course we need to take care of the planet, and we need to respect each other even if someone believes he is a girl or she is a boy. We don't need to use rules about 'hate speech' to silence any portion of our society. We also need to respect our religious differences. The First Amendment guarantees us the freedom to express ourselves and it prohibits Congress from creating a state religion. No problem! I am not afraid of letting people express their views even if I think their views are not very bright, or even down right dangerous. And I believe that we all have the right to worship God, or not, according to our own desires. Freedom of religion is an important part of our society. Some people, extremists, people we need less of, and not more, but still have the right to speak up, moronically ask; "What if human sacrifice is part of your religion, or what about forcing 12 year old girls to marry old men?" To the extent that that is a serious question I refer you to your fellow extremist Warren Jeffs who is serving a life sentence for using religion as an excuse to abuse women and children. 

Extremists are all the same and they are all equally useless. Whether you are a member of the kkk or of the national man boy love association you are a disgusting human being. The same goes for climate extremists or gender nazis. It is not the governments place to force us to drive a certain car or anything else. And it is not their job to force people who believe there are only two genders to believe there are actually dozens. They can educate us and provide opportunities to learn and decide, but they cannot force us to do anything. Not legally because the U.S. Constitution forbids it. 

We have agencies like the California Coastal Commission who have been empowered to pass laws binding on people within their sphere of influence and that is wrong. They are not elected officials and they have no legitimate power to pass laws, but we let them do it anyway. We also have The EPA extremists passing laws and many other entities who pass laws we all must obey and they have the power to take away your property if you fail to comply with their demands. They are not elected by anyone. They had a useful purpose when they were created as advisory groups to our lawmakers but now they spend far too much time persecuting people who are trying to do what's right, but don't fit the agenda of whatever agency we've decided should have the power to operate outside the government and pass laws and confiscate property when they think it is necessary. Legislators have the authority to pass laws, not unelected officials. Oh how I wish more educators understood that vital fact. The IRS is a great example of this. Theoretically Congress is the body in charge of levying and collecting taxes but don't tell that to the director of the IRS. Not unless you want to be the subject of a 'random' audit for the next 15 years. 

We need elected officials with vision and courage and at first that will be dangerous in that Americans have become so used to electing bobble heads that people with integrity and courage will seem mean. What do you mean I should get a job instead of waiting at the mailbox for my government check? I'm entitled to that check! You can't take it away! Like hell I can't, watch this. That would be such a breath of fresh air that if we had more representatives with that kind of courage it would catch on and we could become the great nation we need to be. I'm not saying we're not great now, but we are going in the wrong direction. 

Some people look at the disparity between wealthy people and poor people in America and start selling the idea the the government owes us a guaranteed income. I cannot imagine how that would look. The IRS already steals over a third of my income (yes I'm low income, if I really made a lot of money it would be closer to 70 percent) to give away to people who won't work. I don't mind supporting people who can't work. If you have a real disability and can't work we need to take care of you. Except today we have redefined disability to include far too many people. If you've ever been in a serious car accident you probably have PTSD, or if you've been a police officer and had to witness some very horrible scenes you must have PTSD. If you can't sit still you have ADD and if you can't sit still and you talk too much you have ADHD, and you really suffer from that if you are a bully at school and you beat up your classmates! He's not a criminal he has ADHD people just don't understand him so we have to create a special class for those individuals and pay them taxpayer money so they can stop their bad behavior which really is just a symptom of some imaginary illness. Autism is another and it's a shame because each of the things I've mentioned are real and need to be treated, but for some reason we've politicized them and are forcing taxpayers to give money to people who don't want to work, but still need money to live. 

Elected officials need to have the courage and integrity to stand up to special interest groups. How great would that be? It would be true leadership and real greatness. And that is what it is going to take to keep America strong. Fewer special interest groups and more hard working Americans. Politicians? We need fewer of those too. Hard working and intelligent people is who we need to elect to public office. Americans need to read more, study harder, learn about those who want to have vast influence over our lives. Get involved learn, vote for people who will do the job they are paid to do and during the next election cycle fire the bad ones. If you're on of the slobs who sit back drinking coffee and complaining that your vote doesn't count so you are smart enough not to waste your time voting, get off your fat behind and participate. Put down the cup and work! You are the problem. 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

hurray for Texas

 Texas got this right. Again. The United States Supreme Court erred when it decided to create a constitutional right to an abortion. It simply doesn't exist. Abortion is an ugly practice wherein an innocent child is brutally killed and that just isn't right. The truth is that abortion is legal so irresponsible people can avoid the consequences of their selfish indulgences. No one has ever explained a medical reason to justify an abortion. If a baby is going to be born with a deformity and the parents can't deal with that they can let other people adopt that baby. In the extremely rare cases where the life of the mother is actually in jeopardy a difficult choice may have to be made as to which life is more important and the decision may tilt toward the mother. If that were the case there wouldn't be any Planned Parenthood or any other baby grinders in business because there wouldn't be enough patients to keep them open. 

So good for Texas for stopping the genocide of babies in the womb. At least in their state.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Joy Reid; Scumbag

 Joy Reid is a major piece of garbage and if MSNBC had any integrity at all they would fire her. She is a racist and of course I have the evidence. Missing White Woman Syndrome. Then she mentions three examples over the past twenty years. Her example of the Syndrome is Gabby Petito, who was murdered by her boyfriend, Something Laundrie, who I hope they find dead somewhere in Florida. His name is not worth remembering. Then, just in case we didn't notice how deranged she truly is Joy goes on to say that Gabby's case is the same as a twenty five year old black man who is missing an arm or something and wondered off into the Arizona desert in his car by himself and he hasn't been seen for a few weeks.

There is no similarity and no reason for this black man to receive the same amount of press reporting that Gabby is getting. Like most democrats Joy has a problem with reading comprehension. If she had any brains at all, which I don't think she has because she operates on hate and not reason, she would have taken the twenty seconds it took me to find Latoya Figueroa from about 2008 near Philadelphia. Latoya was murdered by her boyfriend who then hid her body and it took about a month to find her. She was reported missing at about the same time as Laci Peterson and Natalie Holloway. Besides race there are some other striking differences. Laci Peterson disappeared on Christmas Eve which automatically makes her case more newsworthy than the average missing person case. And Natalie Holloway was a high school student who disappeared on a senior trip with her high school friends after graduation. Natalie has never been found, but a judge has declared her legally dead. Latoya's disappearance was not even close to ignored. There was a hundred thousand dollar reward offered for information leading to her killer and it was prominent in the news all during the time she was missing. 

I don't believe in Missing White Woman Syndrome. It is just one more way democrats have developed to further divide Americans by race and social standing. I don't know of a conservative commentator that practices such a destructive line of communication. Conservatives and most republicans recognize that we are all Americans and we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. Our way of life is vital to the rest of the world. If the United States of America ever falls the world will be plunged into a global war more horrible than any war the world has ever seen. The Joy Reids, Ocasio Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumers of the nation will tear it apart if we let them. 

Woke culture, 1619 project, Missing White Woman Syndrome, are all fictions that are preached by people who call themselves Liberals but are in fact Marxists. 

Conservatives support agendas like everybody who votes should be required to show a valid identification card to prove who they are. Modern Liberals support things like early release for violent prisoners, open borders, forcing American citizens to get a vaccine, but ignoring the tens of thousands of people who are illegally crossing our border every day. They support the right of illegal aliens to vote, they want environmental laws that are so strict that businesses can barely remain open. 

But I digress. The point is that anyone who tries to divide Americans by race or social standing should be shunned and shouted down. A divided America is a weak America. We need to celebrate who we are, listen to each other, respect each other. We are a great nation and a strong innovative people. We should act like it. Don't fight against people because they see the world differently than you, talk to them. Understand each other. Respect each other. 

Monday, September 20, 2021


Brigham Young University is a great place! It is a unique university that offers a well rounded learning experience and it doesn't shy away from its multifold mission to offer a complete education. Liberal arts and a deep spiritual experience. Winning the game against the Utes was  great, but the after game show was also beautiful. The fans were celebrating and the players were being interviewed  and one player stood out above the rest when he was asked about the after game party and he said, "I'm going to bed! I've got Church tomorrow!" 

And he wasn't bashful about it. Where else do you find a university where a football player can display that type of commitment to God? You don't. BYU doesn't play sports on Sunday in keeping with the commandments of God. And they don't apologize for it. It just isn't done. I love the devotion the university has to teaching the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and living by His teachings. It is a place where a person can be comfortable sharing their testimonies with each other member and non member alike. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints practice what they preach and they are criticized for that. When parents don't  let there children go out and play on Sunday non members accuse them of being judgmental even though they are the people who judging. When Latter Day Saints stick to the teachings of the Word of Wisdom again they are being accused of being judgmental. They aren't judging anybody.

If you want to treat the Sabbath like any other day of the week that is your right. If you want to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke tobacco products, consume coffee and other substances that Latter Day Saints are warned to stay away from nobody is judging you for that. Our dress code is also criticized. We like people to dress modestly and clothe their bodies respectfully. We don't judge people who dress differently than we do. It is just the way we like to live and we recognize that not everyone teaches the same things we do. We respect the traditions of others and we recognize that as God's children we are all doing the best we can to live by His commandments. We invite people to learn with us and study with us and worship with us and we are judged for that too. We don't judge others. Others do judge us. The next time you look at someone and say, "Look at what those flippin' Mormons are doing now!" Remember we are not saying that about anyone else. Personally I don't mind being judged by others it means I'm doing something right. And I don't mind letting other live the life they want to live. What I don't like is being accused of being judgmental by people who disagree with what I teach so they have to make up false accusations against me. God is our judge and He has not delegated that authority to anyone else. 

Commitment to a good cause is something to be celebrated more now than ever before. Hopefully BYU will always stand by its principles of honor and integrity and never capitulate to those who think they are being too rigid. In a day when honor and integrity are scoffed at and ridiculed BYU stands out as a light to the world; an example for everyone to follow. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 What a waste of valuable time and resources. Of course Gavin Newsome is a horses ass (sorry horses) at least 95% of politicians are horses asses. California was arguably better off when it was a conservative state about 25 years ago. Then we had the mandatory Three Strikes law which kept violent repeat offenders out of our neighborhoods for much longer periods of time. And we believed in putting thieves away for longer periods of time. In the old days a third shoplifting conviction could be sentenced as a felony which meant a couple of years in the state prison instead of a couple of months in the county jail. And we were business friendly, recognizing that we can protect the environment and recruit businesses here at the same time. Now we are wrecking the environment with solar fields (what are the tortoises going to do now?) and chasing away businesses at a record pace. And don't think the governor of Texas doesn't appreciate it. At least not yet. Soon there will be enough Californians in Texas to wreck that state too. Utah is falling fast and Idaho is having a difficult time preserving its identity. Progressives ruin everything they touch.

Then democrats began to take over this beautiful state, and it happened pretty fast. Today we no longer have mandatory sentencing for anything. The Three Strikes law is 'mean', like getting raped is a walk in the park? And 'shoplifters really shouldn't receive a jail sentence' or 'hell, why should it be a felony charge for something that only costs $500.00? (To a democrat $500.00 is nothing). So they raised the amount to $999.00 in order for a thief to receive a prison sentence. And the results speak for themselves; criminals are having a great time. Stores are locking up certain items making it difficult to purchase many everyday things like make up and some shaving items. And of course violent crime is up. Democrats decided prisons are overcrowded so they are letting as many bad guys out as they can, even violent criminals. Do democrats really like getting murdered robbed and raped? Or have the poor democrats adjusted to a life of getting murdered robbed and raped and feel grateful for the nickels and dimes democrats promise them every election cycle that they keep voting for the Big 'D', and the rich democrats are comfortable in their mansions in gated communities with armed guards protecting them so they look for the easy votes. Fortune and Glory is the goal of most politicians but not all. 

So the recall failed. Big Deal. I did want Larry Elder to become our governor and next year he might. Still it is disappointing how consistently hypocritical democrats are voting for a flashy semi literate white guy over a humble intelligent black man who has concrete ideas about how this state can regain it's footing. Democrats claim that everybody's a hypocrite but I don't think so. As a group democrats are hypocrites and that's a fact. We need to revive the Republican Party and work hard to reclaim this great state.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Time to Celebrate!!

Well I guess we can now celebrate another democrat victory. Afghanistan is in the filthy clutches of the Taliban. For twenty years women and girls had the opportunity to live fulfilled lives. They could attend school and find decent jobs. They didn't have to worry about religion fanatics murdering them and raping them and forcing them to 'marry' with men they didn't know, trust, much less love. Democrats paved the way for a complete Taliban victory and left them some of the best weapons available today. 

And the sweetest part of this victory is the fact that we have left American citizens and loyal allies behind because of Uncle Joe's deadline. He promised the Taliban that the last flight would leave on a certain date and that's probably the only promise he will keep. Under his sloppy leadership the military commanders he hired failed to maintain a safe perimeter and ingress routes to the airport. Thirteen American military personnel were murdered because American armed forces units under the weak leadership of General Millie were murdered. 

And democrats are claiming that the route from Afghanistan was a huge success. Advanced weapons left behind for the Taliban to use and American citizens and allies left behind for the Taliban to torture and murder. 

Go ahead and celebrate. You've made the world a much more dangerous place to live. That will be Uncle Joe's legacy. Democrats may feel the need to celebrate this great victory. The rest of America will feel the need to mourn for those we lost and those we abandoned to the merciless Taliban. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible life is going to be for those we left behind. Uncle Joe and the democrats are a humiliating disgrace.  

Friday, September 3, 2021

Uncle Joe has got to GO!

 What a clunker. Uncle Joe is doing what most democrats do. He is making a mockery of the most respected office in the world. If the legislature of the United States leaves any American citizens in Afghanistan they are guilty of one of the greatest atrocities ever perpetrated against our country. I don't understand how democrats can continuously and completely make a total mess of American foreign policy and not see it. There is no excuse for what just happened in Afghanistan. There was no excuse for what happened in Lybia. 

In true democrat tradition Uncle Joe wants to blame his predecessor. President Trump was in communication with the Taliban because he wanted to bring American military personnel home. He doesn't believe our country should be involved in so many other countries. We can help them without doing the work for them. Our military people trained the Afghan army and as long as they knew the Americans were there they were confident, but when we left it looks like the Afghan army folded and their president fled. 

It looks like Donald Trump was right. Uncle Joe probably thought if he screwed this event up he could blame President Trump and make the world think Trump was a fool. We don't need people with a 'royalty complex' in the White House. Democrats want a monarchy with a royal figure at the top.   If Uncle Joe had wanted to avoid the tragedy that took place under his shaky guidance he would have done what President Trump promised the Taliban he would do. This isn't just another political blunder, it's a major strategic defeat that we will be dealing with for a very long time. Biden wanted to use Afghanistan as a club to beat Donald Trump over the head with. He didn't, and doesn't give a damn about the military personnel who are suffering under poor leadership. 

The guys GW hired were no geniuses, but at least they were working for the right cause. Politics wasn't what GW was worried about; he watched those towers fall, those people jumping out of windows and he wanted to kick somebody's ass. And he did win a second term. Doing the right thing will usually get the right result. We suffered such a heavy defeat in Afghanistan because President Biden wanted to be a politician. He likes telling people how good it feels to have children rub his legs in the pool. He likes photo ops in high places with families with small girls so he can hold them and fondle them. Joe Biden is a despicable man. 

The fact that he won the election is a testimony to how far we as a nation have fallen. Biden ran a horrible campaign. He had no foundation to stand on having accomplished exactly nothing during his fifty years in public office. He displayed obvious signs of dementia throughout his campaign. And now I have no idea what kind of drugs he is being fed to make it look like he can function for short periods of time and look almost coherent. And now, early in his presidency he has embarrassed this nation in a very damaging way. He has armed the Taliban with some of the best weapons systems available and he is contemplating providing them money that has been frozen and withheld from them. 

He is paving the way for the Chinese government to take over some very important strategic mineral deposits. And he has blamed his predecessor for his failure. If he had followed Donald Trump's plan Afghanistan probably would have still fallen to the Taliban, but without the advance weapons systems and we wouldn't have abandoned American citizens and critical allies to the mercy of an evil bunch.

A man like Uncle Joe should never have been elected to such an important office, he is more Taliban than American.