Sunday, July 28, 2024


 July 13, 2024.

Let's go over the history of Donald Trump's bid for the presidency of the United States of America. Donald Trump has his flaws unlike most democrats I suppose. He is a very successful businessman who became a billionaire by buying and selling properties and building huge buildings, hotels, casinos, country clubs, and probably a lot of other ventures I'm not aware of. Along the way he has helped quite a few people in need. He appears to be a generous man. He kind of surprised me when he suddenly decided to run for president when he was seventy years old. He had never run a political campaign in his life although he had donated to many political candidates. The fact is that he knew how to buy influence. He knew who the corrupt politicians were and he knew who could be trusted. 

He is the first person in our history to ever begin his political career when he was seventy years old, at least as a candidate for president of the United States. The situation was that our country was in trouble. Eight years of Barack Obama and Joe Biden had practically embroiled us in a race war. Obama had Black people convinced that they were hated in America and that there was no way for a Black man to succeed. Joe Biden was right there with him telling the country that everyone hated Black people and they needed handouts from the democrats if they were to have any hope of surviving. The police were the biggest offenders. White police officers in America began their shifts every day hoping to kill a Black man and they were doing it every day. 

Joe Biden was bragging about how he bribed officials in Ukraine to get them to stop and investigation into the business of a company his son worked for. There were race riots frequently in several large cities mostly over police abuse, but also because a Black teenager was killed by a White guy who the teenager was attempting to rob. Democrats had turned the Constitution around so the text faced that wall, figuratively speaking. Obamacare was such a disaster that it had to be modified several times if it was going to survive so President Obama was somehow allowed to empower himself to enact laws to change Obamacare. It wasn't affordable then and it isn't now. Obama was such a lousy president that after two years in office Americans woke up and voted for a majority Republican House of Representatives, after the next two years we voted for a majority Republican Senate. Republicans were so afraid of offending Black people that they barely lifted a finger to stop Obama from doing whatever he wanted. Democrats wanted unlimited illegal immigration. Republicans made some token statements but did nothing to stop it. Democrats wanted to enact laws to force more people to install solar panels on their houses. Republicans were silent. 

Barack Obama got Congress to authorize a half a billion dollar grant to some friends of his who said they wanted to help build up the American economy. They built a precious office building and declared bankruptcy after about a year. Poof! five hundred million dollars gone. Well, not completely; they did make a huge campaign contribution to various democrat political campaigns. Republicans were afraid of just about everything. They couldn't say anything about Blacks or Hispanics because they didn't want to lose votes in those communities, not that they were very interested in voting Republican, but that was the problem they had. They couldn't say anything about abortion because that was all women cared about then. Kind of like now. So they were sticking to the White Middle Class and saying nice things and they were boring people to tears. Republicans worst fear materialized when Hilary Clinton announced she was going to make a bid for the candidacy of the Democratic Party. Actually men from both parties gasped. She was going to be unbeatable. 

American women were still in love with Bill Clinton and the thought of having him in the White House practically made them pass out in ecstasy. Democrats were unhappy, Republicans were so scared they were stammering. There was no way they could see to win the presidency in 2016. They were practically ready to just give up and bypass the election and send Hilary directly to the swearing in ceremony, Bill standing next to her grinning from ear to ear and looking for his next groupie. I wasn't going to vote. Why waste my time. I supported Romney and he was a huge disappointment and none of the current crop looked like they had much potential at all so I was ready to sit this one out, watch Hilary win the election, appoint three Supreme Court Justices who were hostile to the Constitution, put the Constitution in a shredder and start all over. Obama had eight years, appointed two Supreme Court Justices; Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Both of whom wanted to make huge changes in our Republican form of government. Another three would have given the Court the opportunity to destroy the Constitution by simply ignoring it. 

Along came Donald Trump, practically out of nowhere. He made a few public appearances and said a lot of things that energized the Republican voters. I listened as he observed that millions of illegal immigrants pouring over our southern border every year wasn't a good thing. Several of them had been involved in notable murders and other crimes and Trump thought we needed some change. He observed that our infrastructure was aging especially airports and bridges. He was a builder and could see ways to strengthen public facilities and do it without going bankrupt. Our military had shrunk to alarming numbers, and NATO was robbing us blind. Obama had involved us in a worldwide scheme to 'fight' global warming by signing a treaty binding us to donate billions of dollars to help other countries find ways to stop the world climate from changing, as if that were even possible. Donald Trump laid out his plan. Stop illegal immigration, rebuild or reinforce bridges and overhaul airports, get out of the Paris accords and build our military back up. Drill for oil and put America first and make the economy strong. Put Americans back to work by encouraging American companies to move their offices back to the States and manufacturing products here. 

He famously stopped eating anything produced by Nabisco when they moved their operation to Mexico. I don't know about him, but I still refuse to by anything produced by Nabisco. He wasn't afraid to openly criticize a female candidate and that was something that made other Republican candidates gasp. As Secretary of State she allowed an American embassy complex in Lybia to be overrun and the ambassador and several other people were killed. It was more than just an embarrassment, it was a slap in the face to every American and Trump was not going to just let it go. He mentioned it regularly. She also was storing Top Secret documents on personal server in her home. It was not secure and the contents were read by just about every terrorist nation in the world. Putin bragged about knowing what was in those documents. Donald Trump didn't care that she was a woman, he talked about it daily. It wasn't that she was a woman, women are great, but Hilary can't be so reckless with government business. 

He was making a lot of sense. People liked what they heard so he announced he was going to run for office. Everyone panicked. Republicans especially, but Democrats were scared too. He wasn't afraid to tell the truth and no politician can compete with that. Had he no sense of decency at all? It was a crazy campaign. He called her crooked Hilary and she called all Republicans 'Deplorable'. Democrats cheated of course. Voting machines were programmed to count a certain number of Republican votes for Democrats, ballot boxes were stuffed and illegal aliens were registered to vote and they voted, but despite winning the popular vote by a couple of million votes, Crooked Hilary lost the electoral college vote and Donald Trump was declared the winner. She was furious and the nation was stunned. 

The most likely cause of her downfall was the high number of Democrats who crossed the line and voted for Donald Trump because they were tired of watching America's position in the continue to drop and they wanted to stop the invasion of illegal aliens crossing the border as if it didn't exist. Trump won! It was a good day and we did in fact save a country that was worth saving. Obama promised to destroy America, but when people saw that he was serious they came to their senses and voted to save America. It was going to be Hilary's task to finish the job that Barack Obama started; destroy America and turn it into a socialist model monarchy. Donald Trump wasn't going to do that. The Democrats immediately started a campaign to impeach him. They paid a retired British spy to write a report that was negative about Trump and his association withe Vladimir Putin of Russia. 

They claimed that the Russians interfered with the election and helped Trump win. They made up stories about secret meetings and did everything they could think of to discredit him. They lied to get the House of Representatives to put him through two impeachment processes; both failed. They lied about him having contact with terrorist organizations. They even got the FBI to lie to FISA courts so they could illegally spy on his campaign before he was elected. They were scared to death of him. They weren't afraid of him because he was leading a charge against our nation, but because he was a serious threat to their ongoing coup against America. Obama had effectively divided the races, especially Black against everyone and Hilary was supposed to finish the job by packing the courts with judges who were against our Constitution. 

When the justices of the Supreme interpret the Constitution in a certain way their ruling becomes law. That's how we got obamacare. That fraudulent law became part of our tax code when the Supreme Court ruled that the government can force people to buy something they don't need or want and Congress delegated the responsibility for ensuring that everyone complied to the only organization in our system with the authority to steal money from citizens without due process; the Internal Revenue Service. A line was added to the the IRS forms used to report income that included a question regarding payment for health insurance. Anyone who cannot provide proof of being covered by health insurance has to pay a penalty. So, because obamacare is so expensive that most people cannot afford it's coverage the IRS has been authorized to collect a penalty that supposedly is used to help cover the financial deficiencies of obamacre. 

When Donald Trump came out of nowhere and defeated Hilary Clinton we literally saved the nation. That's how important the Supreme Court is. As long as they support the Constitution we will have three branches of government with equal power. When the Supreme court runs afoul of the Constitution they upset the balance and force Congress to pass a law countermanding their law. That's the only responsible remedy. Hotheads want to talk about another civil war and democrats like to push their buttons. Americans are more thoughtful than that. As soon as Donald Trump was inaugurated democrats started talking about articles of impeachment. He hadn't even had enough time to commit any violations and they wanted to impeach him for winning the election. 

They lied every single day, and called President Trump liar every day, multiple times a day and CNN and MSNBC were their strongest allies. "Trump lies!" They cried. Well, what did he lie about? "Are you kidding?" was their reply and it still is. "Where have you been?" Well I've been right here listening to him and watching him accomplish great things like getting Arab nations to recognize Israel as a country, and bringing home an American man being held illegally in a N. Korean prison, and while he was at it he spoke to Kim Jung Un about not firing ballistic missiles over Japan anymore and getting Vladimir Putin to stop his aggressions against Ukraine, that's where I've been. What did he lie about? 

Always the same answer; "Everything!" Well I'm just able to accept that answer. Democrats insisted that the Trump campaign colluded with Vladimir Putin to help Trump win the election. Proof? You want proof? Well yeah we have incontrovertible evidence how's that for proof? Well I'd kind of like to know what it is. Yeah, you're just Trump dupe. We'll show the proof, we've got more than enough and when the time is right we'll show it to the whole world! The 'proof' turned out to be a report they paid a retired British spy named Christopher Steele. It' a little difficult to know just who ordered the report, certainly the Clinton campaign paid him for it, but for some reason the FBI paid him about a million dollars for it. 

That was their smoking gun. A report that they paid a retired spy to write and it had lots of good stuff in it. Donald Trump throwing lavish parties with Russian businessmen and prostitutes. There was even a photograph that was obviously photoshopped depicting Donald Trump in a big bed with a bunch of prostitutes. It also contained multiple stories about Trump making shady business deals and bribing Russian officials. They manufactured evidence of members of the Trump campaign meeting with Russian government officials and promising to provide huge political favors if the Russian government would launch an internet campaign aimed at getting Donald Trump elected. They also relied heavily on a report submitted by Robert Mueller who was a friend of James Comey, who also relied quite a bit on the Christopher Steele report. 

When a reporter asked Mr. Steele how he got the  information contained in his report he said he got it from people who claimed to have personal, or close personal knowledge. He said he had no idea if anything in his report was true. That was their proof that Donald Trump was a traitor. That and their report from Robert Mueller which relied heavily on FBI affidavits that it turns out weren't worth the paper they were printed on. It was called the "Mueller Report" and was signed by Robert Mueller himself. Everyone was looking forward to Mueller's testimony before the House of Representatives. He took the stand and was administered the Oath. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler had been telling us for weeks that they had seen the report and the evidence and it was very clear that Donald Trump was a traitor and should be removed from office. 

The only problem was that when being questioned Robert Mueller couldn't remember anything that was in the report. Finally someone asked him if he wrote the report. He said he only signed it, but it had been a collaborative effort with many contributors. He didn't have any personal knowledge about any of the investigation. He only supervised. It was almost entirely a fabrication. Multiple Special Agents of the FBI had already sullied the reputation of that once great organization. Perhaps the most famous was Peter Strzok who was cheating on his wife with a girlfriend named Lisa Page. Both of whom were devout Trump haters. Peter Strzok went so far as to send Lisa an email claiming that he would not allow Trump to become president. Somehow he was going to stop him. In short, the entire federal law enforcement apparatus was and still is a mess. Andrew McCabe, a big shot at the FBI was signing applications for FISA warrants that never should have even seen his desk. Since at least the days of James Comey the FBI has become an investigative tool of the Democratic Party.

Against the wishes of most democrats and federal law enforcement bureaucrats Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States. Being the gracious, hard working patriotic Americans democrats immediately began to martial their law enforcement assets. Letitia James campaigned solely on the platform of promising to send Donald Trump to prison for whatever she could find. First of all that is not the way our system of justice is supposed to work. We don't target an individual we don't like and investigate everything about that person until we find something we can turn into a criminal indictment. Then in rapid succession a variety of other anti-America Democrats jumped on the band wagon, charging Trump with multiple felonies without providing any evidence that any crime had occurred. He has been convicted of a crime that includes 34 counts of fraud stemming from payments made to a porn star who claims she had an intimate relationship with Donald Trump a long time ago. The case is largely one of semantics. Yes she was paid, but was she paid from a trust account, or his personal account. It turns out she was paid from both accounts through an attorney who then billed Trump for his services. It's not illegal to pay people to stop talking. but somehow a prosecutor was able to convince a jury selected from an area that is well known for its hostility to Donald Trump, in a trial presided over by a judge who makes campaign contributions to Joe Biden, to convict Donald Trump of the crime even if he didn't commit the crime. 

An appeals court has already sent the case back to the lower court for clarification. The conviction will almost certainly be ultimately overturned, but not until about the time President Trumps term expires anyway. Over the past ten years FBI officials loyal to Joe Biden and not the Constitution have knowingly submitted false affidavits to FISA judges in order to illegally spy on Donald Trump's presidential campaign, as well as many of his friends and family members. They have falsified reports so they could conduct illegal searches of Trump supporters, and to search Donald Trump's personal residence and offices. Prosecutors loyal to Biden have sought and received criminal and civil indictments against Donald Trump for a variety of reasons, mostly fraud related. Democrats have stolen about half a billion dollars from him, attempted to send him to prison for crimes they know he didn't commit, and now in a move of extreme desperation they have tried to kill him. 

A lone gunman twenty years old was able to sneak a rifle to within about 150 yards of the spot where Donald Trump, now running for president for another term, was going to give a speech to thousands of his supporters. Somehow one of the best, most thorough protection agencies in the world stood on the stage, looked at the roof of a building just over 400 feet way and decided it could be a possible danger to the candidate they were protecting, but not dangerous enough to pay it any special attention. Every other spot was covered, which I guess means they metal detectors were manned and there were secret service personnel watching the area immediately surrounding the candidate. There was another building directly behind the candidate on top of which there were two sharpshooters. That building overlooked the building the bad guy used to gain access to the candidate. In addition to that the bad guy was observed using a range finder by local law enforcement police officers who then alerted the secret service. Attempts to follow the bad guy were unsuccessful, which they knew there was a potential threat in the immediate area for up to an hour before the candidate was to give his speech. 

For some reason tthe secret service decided to create a safety perimeter that didn't include the building with the most clear view of the location where their protectee would be speaking. Inside that building there were an unknown number of police congregated presumably awaiting their assignments. Outside of that building there were a few police officers supposedly watching for 'suspicious activity'. There were also several dozen supporters of Candidate Trump. Some of the supporters saw the bad guy crawling across the roof of the building and they alerted the police. The police supposedly alerted a supervising secret service agent who apparently did nothing. One police officer in an embarrassing display of incompetence was able to get a view of the bad guy with the rifle by standing on the shoulders of his partner. It seems logical to me that those police officers must have realized that they were putting themselves in an unreasonably risky shooting position should the need arise for them to defend themselves, for example a shootout with a man armed with a rifle. 

Incompetence all around. I'm sure the Butler PD doesn't get the finest training so I can almost forgive the simplicity of this search especially given the party atmosphere that must have attended the visit like a celebrity the caliber of Donald Trump. I'm sure they didn't remotely expect to see a guy up there with a rifle pointed at them. I'm also pretty sure they immediately notified their immediate supervisor. They probably thought that the secret service would take this threat seriously and at the very least stop Donald Trump from giving his speech until the area was safe. In their position I may have thought the same thing. After all we have been led to believe that the secret service is the best protection organization in the world. If that was ever true it obviously isn't true anymore. We also tend to forget that this is not the first time there has been an assassination attempt that might have been plotted by our own government. John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy were both assassinated under bizarre circumstances. 

Especially with JFK the investigation was handled so horribly that we probably will never know who all was involved. I personally agree that Oswald was the lone shooter, but I'm not sure he acted alone. The same with Crooks and Donald J. Trump. Fortunately Crooks missed. He was hit, but it wasn't a fatal hit. Except to the credibility of the FBI and the secret service. So how do we unravel the mystery of Mr. Crooks? Is it really possible that a twenty year old kid with no connections knew that he could get a rifle on top of one of the very few buildings in the area of Trump's rally so he could shoot a presidential candidate? Has he ever even voted before? There has been no official information provided about this kid. Usually there at least a few press briefings held publicly for a day or two after such an event. Did this kid have a job? was he a student somewhere? Nothing. Everything about this attempted assassination is suspicious. And now he is dead. 

Here's what I've been able to learn. From the day that Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president of the United States from the escalator in Trump Tower in Manhattan the federal government has broken multiple laws in an effort to discredit him. Prior to June 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump was practically a hero in Manhattan. He was a celebrity who had once been a bit of a playboy but that was ok. He was well liked, even admired by most people. That all changed after that day. A Republican? Are you insane? He wasn't insane, he was concerned about the direction of the country he deeply cared about. By June 17 he was practically on the FBI Most Wanted list. At least the one they keep in the back office where no one can see it. The personal enemies of the Director, those who haven't committed any crimes, but are still on the political enemies list. The FBI has never been exactly apolitical. It has always leaned politically conservative, but aggressively anti crime.

During the last twenty years they have squandered whatever capital they had doing stupid things and becoming an enforcement arm of the democrat party. On June 17 somehow they joined the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign in their efforts to discredit Donald Trump. First they engaged in a campaign of disinformation surrounding a report paid for initially by the Clinton campaign. A report that supposedly would prove that Trump was an agent of the Russian Federation. He was scheming with Vladimir Putin with whom he supposedly had a close friendship. The report included salacious stories of Donald Trump having riotous parties in hotels in Moscow with prostitutes. The report also included some statements by others who were supposedly close associates of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump that detailed all of the debauchery in the Kremlin and how Trump planned to peddle his influence to the Kremlin if they helped him win the election. 

Using that report, information that had never been verified, from sources they had no knowledge of, the FBI lied to FISA courts so they could illegally spy on Donald Trump and many of his close supporters. They dug their hole even deeper by lying to obtain search warrants to search the homes of people who worked for the Trump campaign. The trail of evidence against the FBI is so clear anyone can follow it. They were given a laptop computer that belonged to President Biden's son and for over a year they claimed it contained Russian disinformation aimed at discrediting Joe Biden and derail his political campaign. For a year they stuck to that story and even had over fifty FBI agents sign an affidavit confirming that fact. It turned out that there was nothing about Russia. What it did contain was evidence against Hunter Biden that led to his arrest for illegally purchasing a firearm and later he was charged with certain tax code violations. 

The FBI remains on the Democrat bandwagon to this day. They have consistently leaked false information against Donald Trump, and to this day they have not been held accountable for any of their lies, except for a low level agent who was sentenced to federal prison for lying to a FISA court. The problem was that in spite of the best efforts of the FBI, and the DNC Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Immediately the Department of Justice began a campaign of publishing false information against now President Trump. Working with the DOJ democrats immediately began an impeachment proceeding. They trotted out the only two things they had; the false report they bought from a retired British spy and another report by a guy named Robert Mueller whose investigation relied heavily on the information from the report that democrats bought from the same retired Brit. If it were possible to embarrass a democrat they would have been embarrassed by the disclosure of all the lies they told. There was no evidence that President Trump committed any of the crimes they claimed they had 'incontrovertible' evidence of. Congressman Adam Schiff was on the news almost every day claiming that he had to wait for the right time to present it, but the evidence in his possession was going to prove beyond any doubt that Donald Trump had committed treason against the United States of America. 

He ever showed any evidence at all and he is still a hero of the democrat party. I literally cannot call them the Democratic party because they have actually become the enemy of democracy. They have once again engaged in assassination because there candidate was about to lose an election. This time their assassin failed, but it was close. I can't emphasize enough how painfully obvious this is. 

Until he announced his candidacy he was not even being investigated for any crimes. As soon as he announced he was going to take a third run at the presidency they started their illegal wiretaps and started harassing his friends, even finding reasons to send them to prison, which they did. They manufactured evidence of real estate fraud and convinced twelve Trump haters that he had defrauded banks and other lending institutions. None of the lenders ever complained. They used the fact that he insisted that there was wide spread election fraud to send him to prison for election interference. That case is in trouble because the district is involved in fraud herself and the trial may not move forward. His fraud conviction is about to be overturned on appeal so in desperation they found a vulnerable young man who was willing to carry out an assassination and when he had done his job they killed him. 

There is no smoking gun, but it looks very suspicious. Nobody wants to believe that the FBI and the secret service would do something that evil. I didn't want to believe they would ever take sides in a political race, but they have. During the Obama administration offices of the federal government began working to help eliminate any opposition to the Democratic Party. Lois Lerner as director of the tax exempt arm of the IRS was given the task of eliminating tax exemptions for conservative groups. At first she denied it but when the evidence became more than circumstantial she admitted she had done it and apologized. There was an investigation conducted by the IRS Inspector General's office which discovered that a whole bunch of emails had been eliminated when a hard drive crashed. Then he found some email accounts with a name no one recognized at the time, but later found out it was the name of Lois Lerner's dog. Lerner was subpoena'd to appear to testify to congress but refused to appear. She was found to be in contempt of Congress and placed on indefinite leave. Soon after that she resigned from her position in the IRS.

After the investigation was concluded the Inspector General decided that although Lerner destroyed evidence and had an account in the name of her dog, there was no evidence that she was deliberately trying to hide anything. The investigation also disclosed that the Commissioner of the IRS, John Koskinen knew or should have known about what was going on and Congress voted to impeach him, however politics being what it is the case was referred back to the Department of Justice and pretty much died with them. And that's why democrats resorted to an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. He represents a strong America with constitutional law and all of their efforts to stop him were failing. I predicted a couple of years ago that if their efforts to frame him for crimes that were never committed failed, and he wasn't sent to prison, they might resort to assassination and that's what they did. These are dark days for the United States of America. 

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