Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Barack Obama was an American 'first'. He was the first black American to become president of the United States of America. He did more to divide the American people than any other president we've had. Race has been a sore spot in America ever since the first Black slaves were brought to the New World in 1526 by a group of morons from Spain. I call them morons  because face it, it's one thing to make someone pay off a debt that they owe, but to just take people from their homes and sell them to strangers? You have to be soulless to think that's acceptable. African tribes had been doing it for who knows how long, but Europeans should have known better. Anyway, Obama as the First Black President could have helped race relations by pointing out the obvious fact that he identifies as Black and he looks Black and he was still elected as president of the USA, a country whose citizens according to democrats hate Black people. Instead, he claimed something like he only was elected because his superior intellect and political prowess allowed enough Americans to overlook his race. In other words although we hate Black people, we made an exception for him because of obviously superior mental abilities. At least he didn't have much of a problem with his ego. 

Barack took the opportunity that was handed to him and he blew it spectacularly. He told us all that the fact that we'd elected a Black man for president didn't mean we're not a racist country. He continued by saying that it would be hard to erase hundreds of years of racial prejudice and discrimination, and we had a long way to go. To Democrats Obama is a great man who practically single handedly saved America. The truth is he was a liar who did tremendous damage to America. He perpetrated the greatest fraud upon the American people of any other president with the lie they labeled the Affordable Care Act, which was not affordable at all. We could choose a low premium medical insurance plan with a huge copay or one with a large monthly premium with a low copay. Some choice, and if we chose not to participate we could pay a fine through the IRS at tax time. He called the police stupid when they arrested the famous genealogist, Henry L. Gates Jr., at his home after he refused to identify himself to police officers when a neighbor called to report an open door at his residence. Somehow they were supposed to know who Gates was and where he lived and the only reason for arresting him was because of his race. It would have saved a lot of time and resources if Gates had just understood that the police were only trying to make sure everything was ok at his home and he was safe. It turned out to be a great publicity stunt for Gates since before the incident nobody knew who he was, now he has become very popular among the genealogy crowd. Obama went after another police officer who killed a robbery suspect during a physical altercation. The police officer responded to a call for service when he observed a suspect walking along the center dividing line of the roadway. When he tried to talk to the suspect the suspect jumped through the open driver side window and tried to take the police officer's service pistol away from him. The suspect did gain momentary control and there were several shots fired inside the police car. During the incident the bad guy was shot dead which should have been seen as a good thing. Of course so-called reporters across the country reported the incident as a white police officer killing an unarmed Black man. Being the racist that he is, Barack Obama picked up the tag line and shared his opinion that the officer should be tried for murder. Several days of looting, burning and destroying property ensued, which of course most democrats view as honorable whenever a white police officer kills a Black man no matter what the facts are. 

President Obama repeatedly demanded that the officer be convicted for murder since the only reason the suspect was killed was because of his race. There were riots across the South, which is obligatory whenever a Black man is killed by the police, people need an excuse to go looting. The subsequent investigation revealed that the police officer was in fact in the fight for his life and the shooting was justified so they fired him instead of indicting him. Justice? There were several other times when Obama could have doused water on the flames, but instead reached for the can clearly marked 'gasoline'. He was not a great president. He was in fact one of the worst presidents we've ever had. 

We dodged a bullet with the First Woman President, but she still deserves some attention. Hilary Clinton is about as flawed an individual as you'll find in American politics. As the Secretary of State for Barack Obama she was another failure in his mediocre administration. Her two crowning achievements were storing Top Secret documents on a server in her residence that didn't have the proper level of security. An FBI investigation revealed that she had broken several laws, but there was no reason to prosecute her because she didn't mean any harm. The investigation also revealed that the documents had been accessed by at least two foreign governments; Russia and China, and probably Iran. Some people think she gained financially from her little 'mistake'. There is a good reason to suspect her rationale for doing something that foolish when she clearly knew better. If she needed a secure network in her home as Secretary of State she could have ordered one installed. One problem with that is government oversight investigators conduct regular security checks and can see who is sending, receiving, and reading what's stored there. Her personal server was not subject to such security checks. It could have been so she could sell the information to people who were willing to pay for it. 

Her other great achievement was leaving an American embassy annex vulnerable to an enemy attack. The annex was protected by a handful of well trained, dedicated men who did their best to protect it when it was attacked by terrorists who murdered, among other people, an American ambassador. There was an American embassy just a couple hundred yards away that had a much better equipped security force. When the head of security at the annex called and requested help they started to respond when their boss told them to stand down. Fortunately a few of them ignore the order and ran toward the attacking terrorists. The fight lasted all night and in the end the ambassador and three members of his security force were killed, but they saved a couple dozen civilians who worked in the building. There were American assets within fighter jet range who could have rendered assistance, but Hilary ignored the ambassadors pleas for help. So while we never actually were stupid enough to elect her as president, she is the first woman to be nominated as a candidate for the presidency by the Democratic Party. The most famous quote I remember from her as she campaigned was, "Don't you think it's time we had a woman for President of the United States of America?" Fortunately we didn't. 

Today we have the First Senile President of the United States of America. Joe Biden is clearly in the early stages of dementia and has been during his entire time in office. It was clear during the 2020 campaign that his mental capacity was shrinking, and there was a lot going on in there even before the campaign. Anyone who has spent any time around people who are experiencing that change in mental status recognizes the far away look in their eyes and that grin they display when they are trying to remember something, or are actually experiencing a pleasant memory while trying to figure out who the strangers are who are trying to talk to them. That's Joe Biden. He's the 46th president of the United States. They've got him on the right kind of drugs to help him function fairly normal for maybe twenty minutes at a time, but it fades fast. He is running for re-election this year, but he isn't campaigning very much. He really can't. His handlers are terrified that he might say something really off the wall and they can't afford that. His opponent is Donald Trump and neither one of them belongs anywhere near the Oval Office. Biden is eighty one years old and fading fast. Trump is seventy seven years old, but can hold audiences captive for hours and his speeches always make sense. His mind is clear as a bell, but he is old and overweight and in a decent world should be enjoying his semi retirement. Trump is a billionaire with a great life. Biden is a multi millionaire. Biden is one of the hundreds of people to enter politics with a couple hundred thousand dollars to there name, including the value of his house, then after forty years in politics he has a fortune around ten million dollars, all while being paid $175,000 a year. 

It's pretty clear that Biden's been up to some sort of political shenanigans. It's also pretty clear that during the 2020 elections there was some foul play that gave the presidency to him. He barely left his house. He never was able to get more than a few hundred people, and usually much fewer than that, to listen to him speak, and when he did speak he didn't make much sense. Donald Trump won the 2016 election and did a great job as president, but wasn't  polished enough as a politician, so people turned on him and enough of them voted for Biden that it wasn't that hard to cheat and get him enough extra votes while at the same time convincing the poll managers in democrat areas to lose some of the ballots cast for Trump. Trump demanded an investigation. The justice department refused and here we are. Biden has totally screwed up the economy, the country is being overrun by illegal aliens which is making life hard on people, especially in democrat controlled cities because they welcomed illegal aliens with open arms at first; now they can see it was a mistake and are begging for relief. Robberies are up, shoplifting is up, residential burglaries have increased, and life is getting tough. One of the most famous democrat strongholds in the country experienced a brief invasion of illegal aliens and got rid of them right away. Martha's Vineyard had a couple of busloads of illegals arrive in their town and in short order the sheriff rounded them up and the local residents arranged to fly them somewhere else; anywhere else. Just like that the hypocrites in Martha's Vineyard showed us all the correct way to deal with the illegal invasion. If only the rest of America had followed their example. In addition to ruining our economy and encouraging an invasion of illegal aliens across our southern border under Biden's watchful eye Vladimir Putin has started a war with their neighbor the East, Ukraine that threatens the possibility of a nuclear war since Russia cannot defeat Ukraine using only conventional forces and China and North Korea are menacing their Asian neighbors and Iran is further destabilizing the Middle East by helping Palestinian terrorists launch a horrific attack on Israel. 

We need Donald Trump back which leads to another 'First' for a former president turned presidential candidate again. Trump is the First Former President to be charged with a Crime, and convicted of a felony. Now I proudly call him "Felony Don." Even if they succeed in putting him in prison Trump will win the election. Donald Trump is a very good negotiator. If the American people had been smart enough to overlook some of his not so good off the cuff remarks and re-elected him to the presidency our economy would not be a shambles, the Russians would not have started a war with their neighbor, and the Palestinian terrorists would not have started a war with Israel. China and North Korea would not be threatening Taiwan, the Philippines, and Japan, and the world would be a much safer place. Donald Trump has the gift of knowing how to talk to people. He really does. So, against that backdrop President Biden and his handlers are in a panic since they know old Joe is a lousy candidate and a hard sell. His vice president is no bargain either. They brought her along because she is female and part Black. Kamala Harris only speaks gibberish. Her gift is being black enough to appear black to a lot of people, her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica, and she is the First Black Female Vice President. Beyond that she offers nothing. 

Panicked over the probability that Joe was going to lose to Trump Biden's handlers decided to sick the Department of Justice on Candidate Trump and charge him with a bunch of crimes that were never even committed. They said he filed false real estate reports in order to get better loans from lenders so he could build sky scrapers, make a lot of money and create thousands of jobs. The judge in that case famously valued Donald Trump's home in Florida, Mar a Lago at "No more that $18 million." Real Estate experts all along the East coast spit up their coffee. In their opinion Mar a Lago was worth as much as $500 million. They all wished they could get it for eighteen. At the trial lenders all testified that they worked with Trump on the valuation of his properties and agreed upon the value of the properties before extending him the loan. They all got paid with interest and ahead of schedule. They were happy campers and said they'd continue to do business with Mr. Trump. Trump haters are hard to satisfy. The judge found him guilty and fined him $355 million. That decision will be among many that will be reversed during the appeals process. 

Then the district attorney of New York decided to charge Trump with the crime of paying hush money to a porn star who claimed she had an affair with Trump. He paid her to avoid wasting time on a trial and to move on with his life. Although it is not a crime, the district attorney decided to charge him with making a false entry in a financial ledger, a misdemeanor at best, and one on which the statute of limitations had run out so they claimed it was on multiple lines, declared it was a felony and charge him with a crime in New York City. They found a judge who was a Biden supporter and chose a jury in an area where everyone voted for Biden. There was no evidence of a crime presented, but the jury found him guilty. That case is also on appeal. A district attorney in Atlanta found grounds to charge him with election interference because he leaned on someone down there to conduct an investigation into election fraud. In Atlanta there is evidence of election fraud, but they are Biden supporters so Trump is facing a trial there for election interference, and there is another charge filed but I can't remember where.  

The theory behind all this is even if they lose their cases they keep Donald Trump from campaigning. It's a bad theory. Donald Trump has his own 757 Boeing jumbo jet. He travels in comfort at a high rate of speed. After court he would travel to other areas, many of which are heavily populated with former Biden supporters who don't appreciate seeing the justice system manipulated the way it is being done by the Bidenistas. Donald Trump  is picking up a lot of new voters and after two phony convictions he has brought in over $200 million in campaign donations. Their plan is backfiring on them, they have made him a martyr and the American people are not going to stand for it. In November I look for Donald Trump, Felon, to become the First Candidate for President of the United States with a Felony Conviction to be elected to office. What a ride. Democrats are still engaged in their coup against the Constitution and they are becoming ever bolder. I may be around to see the next American Civil War and I'm not looking forward to it.  

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