Thursday, August 8, 2024

Left Wing; Right Wing

Okay, I don't belong to either major political party. I don't believe that either of them represents the interests of most Americans. If I had to choose one or the other it would be the Republican Party because at least their history has been one of putting America and Americans first. They believe in strength and individual rights. Almost without exception the Republican Party supports the entire Bill of Rights so I guess that's where I'll start. Most Republicans believe that we all have the right to not only have an opinion, but to share it with others, and they have the right to disagree. Whether or not that's a friendly disagreement is also up to the individual. They believe in the right to self defense and that the Second Amendment is a vital part of our constitution. For the most part Republicans don't believe that pornography has any place in our public schools. They recognize the inherent danger in teaching children that certain lifestyles are better than others, or lying to children about who they are. Gender identity is a sensitive subject and should not be pushed in our public schools, or even the work place. 

Over the years people who worked with me have changed their name. David decided that his dad was a total loser so he no longer wants to use his name so now he's George, or something. It can be hard to get used to, but it's just a learning curve. When George becomes 'Georgiana' and comes to work in high heels and a skirt that's a problem. Why is it a problem? Because George is a man and men don't wear high heels and skirts. It looks ridiculous and it's a real distraction. Can't I control myself you ask? Of course I can, but doing my job is tough enough without having to watch George walk around checking his lipstick. Did I mention that along with the skirt and high heels there is a wig and make up? Women worry about their facial hair. Compared to George their facial hair is nothing. Do I have to tell George how nice he looks in his new skirt? Remember that men tend to be rather brutal with each other when it comes to fashion. Like "Dude who are you trying to impress!" Or worse, "Hey Mark what the hell did you do? You smell like a French whore house." on the day that Mark, who usually wears Levi's 501's and a t shirt, but had to wear the slacks his wife gave him for his birthday along with the new cologne she's been nagging him to try. The only time I ever heard women criticize another woman's wardrobe was when the drop dead gorgeous twenty-five year old new girl showed up wearing a pleated miniskirt and a blouse that was in their opinion a little too flattering. 

It was the same outfit they wore to work when they were twenty-five, but that was different somehow I suppose. They were young professionals, she's a floozy. Republicans tend to view success as a result of hard work and discipline, and not being afraid to take chances once in awhile. And of course learning what the boss drinks and would he prefer a Virginia ham or an Omaha steak. No one should get preferential treatment because they were born a certain race or they're confused about their gender. Most Republicans don't just say they believe in science, they live it. People cannot change their gender and most Republicans recognize that fact. How about national security? Republicans try to keep illegal immigration to a minimum mostly because when you just let people cross the border illegally you run the risk of being infiltrated by some mean people who want to kill Americans like they did on 11 Sept., 2001. Democrats want us to think that could never happen again, but they know it can and probably will. 

The more I think about it the more obvious it becomes. Democrats don't think crime is a big deal, even violent crime. They don't think we should have the right to self defense. If we are being robbed we should be cooperative with the robber and hope the police can get our stuff back. That is if the robber is kind enough not to kill us. Democrats don't see any problem with children in elementary school looking a pornographic materials. It's ok with them if George changes into a skirt, a blouse, heels and make up, and comes to work looking like a bad joke. National security is a joke to them. They'd rather give money away to illegal aliens, and people who don't work than pay for better defense and more military personnel. They know there could be another terrorist attack, but so what? Only a couple thousand people will be killed or injured and any buildings that are damaged can be rebuilt. It's no big deal. For some reason they are willing to send the few resources that are available to foreign lands to fight a war that isn't ours. 

Democrats like to fund both sides in a war, probably even if we are involved. They are sending billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine, mostly in the form of vehicles and munitions, and they are purchasing oil products from Russia, thus ensuring that this war can never end. They are doing the same in the Middle East. Democrats don't believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world either. We are just one more in a vast number of countries. Democrats only believe in science when they are quoting a 'scientist' who is helping them sound the man made global alarm. They call it climate change now, but what they mean is man made global warming and they blame the United States for creating a problem that there is no scientific proof of it's existence. during the seven decades I've lived on this planet, and people I trust say it's been going on even longer than that, it's hotter in the summer than it is in the winter. It's one of the things you can count on. Some years it rains more than others, and some years it barely rains at all. 

Democrats claim that if we don't immediately start driving electric cars and putting solar panels on our houses we will soon be burned to death from catastrophic global warming. They are even warning farmers that if their cows keep farting we will all be doomed in ten years. For the last fifty years they've been saying we have ten more years before it's too late. The oceans will rise and everyone within fifty miles of the coast will drown. I live a few blocks from the ocean and for the last sixty years it has remained in the same place. I'm about ten feet above sea level and have been for the last thirty years. That's science enough for most people, but not democrats. They are trying to force me to buy an electric car and install solar panels on my roof. They are trying to get my relatives in Wyoming to get out of the cattle business before their cows fart us all to death. What I suspect they are really trying to do is help billionaires like Bill Gates, who is heavily invested in synthetic meat, make billions more. 

Democrats want to take away my right to free speech. If my ex-friend George wants to be called Georgiana and be referred to as she, I have to do it. In public schools they are forcing my kids to do the same thing. Democrats don't believe in education. If the world is in imminent danger of being destroyed by man made global warming they should show us how it is happening. What evidence is there that it is actually a danger to us. So far they haven't done that. A guy named Al Gore, who was a Democrat Senator from Tennessee and a failed presidential candidate made what he termed a documentary that supposedly showed all of the proof that our planed earth was about to overheat and kill us all. That was in 2006. One of the claims he made was that if we didn't reverse the trend in ten years it would be too late and he proposed some unrealistic goals. He said we all had to start driving electric cars within the next ten years. We had to stop using our air conditioners in our homes and we had to all stop driving our personal cars and take public transportation; buses, subways, or trains if we had any chance of surviving. And we had to live in smaller houses so we could lower the amount of electricity we were using. He said all this as he lived alone in a 25,000 square foot mansion over looking the ocean in Santa Barbara. He traveled alone in his private jet. 

Hypocrisy is what defines democrats, and as I've pointed out earlier they don't mind. They pass it off as a trait that everyone already has, but most people are too hypocritical to admit it. He's a real Bozo. He said the oceans were going to rise and wipe out Manhattan and most of Florida and take out a good portion of California as well. That was eighteen years ago and we are all still here. I was at the beach today and it hasn't changed a bit. It's the same as it was sixty years ago when I first came here with my mom and dad. Gore had photographs that supposedly depicted the glaciers in Glacier Park Montana were all gone, ditto Patagonia. Antarctica was practically ice free, as was the Arctic Circle and the North Pole. They showed it to kids in elementary school, and that's when I discovered that there are way too many illiterate educators. Everyone believed it. We live in Orange County California and most people go to the beach at least once a year, and many of us live on the beach. It's still right where it's always been. The same houses are on the foundations that were laid sixty to seventy years ago. There has been no need to modify the marinas to keep all those yachts from being swamped by the rising oceans yet I've been told that some teachers were crying after seeing Al Gore's fake documentary and a good portion of the kids were scared to death. 

One of my friends told me one of her kids came home and told her they had to start recycling immediately, "Okay", she said, "That will be your job." Just like that, at least in their home man made global warming was no longer a problem. Too many parents aren't as smart as my friends so they contribute to their child's unnecessary fears. I agree with recycling to a point, but when the plastic becomes so fragile that you can't stack water bottles without them collapsing it's gone too far. hundreds of 'scientists' all over the world signed a worthless paper stating that we were all doomed and democrats sat back, folded their arms over their fat stomachs and said, "See there it is! The top scientists in the world are telling us if we don't do what Mr. Gore says immediately we will all be dead very soon." That was about fifteen years ago. We're still not driving electric cars, we are still air conditioning our homes in the summer and heating them in the winter. We still don't use public transportation and the ocean is still where it's supposed to be. To me the most interesting thing about Mr. Gore's fairy tale is that he came up with a scheme to trade carbon credits. Apparently carbon dioxide is what we are belching that is killing the planet, causing the oceans to rise and basically threatening life as we know it with complete extinction. 

So he came up with a 'brilliant' plan. Everyone, according to him, has a carbon footprint. That is we all pollute at least a little. He says he has to pollute more than most because he is a very important man and if he didn't travel the world in his private jet he wouldn't be able to get his message out. I guess he hasn't heard of television or radio, or any other way of communicating with people. You have to fly to European resorts in your private jet and stay in huge resort hotels with other people who are very important and meet you there in their private jets and the most important have jumbo jets and the less important people fly in Gulfstream 650's and the poor people fly in jets that only have seating for eight to ten people, so the three or four people traveling in them can actually see each other (how embarrassing!). I suppose they park their jets in hangers at the far end of the airport to avoid the embarrassment of being seen with an aircraft that's worth less than eighty million dollars. While they attend these conferences they play all night on hundred foot yachts. They can do that because they care so much about Mother Earth that they are willing to sacrifice their time and attend these conferences where professors come from all over the world, flying coach at their own expense and staying in a Super 8 that is only about a 45 minute drive away, at the expense of their sponsor of course, where they read the latest paper they've had published in some scholarly journal. The day after they have read their paper and had all of the important people in the world clap their hands and  tell them how brilliant they are they are fed a steak dinner in a side room and checked out of their cheap hotel the next day after which they take an hour long bus ride back to the airport where they fly back home. On coach, at their own expense and nobody ever hears from them again, but they get to tell their giddy students, "Hey kids! I got to read my paper to a group of very important people in Switzerland, and Leonard DiCaprio was there. They put me up in a Swiss hotel and fed me a steak dinner. It was great!" 

And all those swooning skulls full of mush text their upper middle class parents and tell them how much their professor cares about the planet and he got to see Leonard DiCaprio. So Gore's idea was to make everyone "equal" be allotting everyone a certain number of carbon credits. People like me get about five. People like him get like fifty thousand, and corporations get a little more than that. Since I live in a very small house and don't travel in a privately owned aircraft I only use about three of my credits, but the very important people, people like Hollywood actors who care about the planet and Al Gore of course can purchase the credits that us peasants don't use. He wanted to start sort of an exchange that could facility this carbon trading thing. For a modest cost of course, but it wasn't about the money it was about saving the planet and making sure we were all equal, and we all understood that very important people have to live alone in mansions while those of us little people could get by in a three room apartment. One thing you can say about Al Gore is that he is very compassionate. The whole farce was put together so Gore could stop crying about having a bank account that was only in the nine digit range and break into the real big league of billionaires. Alas it failed and he will have to hang his head in shame for the rest of his days knowing that he will never have more than about five hundred million dollars in the bank. 

The reason democrats can't afford to take a chance on education is because their numbers don't add up. To make up for that they pass punitive tax measures that drive up the cost of fuel in an effort to force us all to ride overcrowded, diesel fueled busses and trains. They also pass punitive regulations that drive small businesses out so corporate chains can take over and make billions of dollars off the backs of small business owners. They pass onerous laws regulating farmers so they have a hard time making ends meet and are forced to sell to corporations who then, if they are lucky, hire them to stay on their farm to manage it and they get paid for their service. They penalize everyone they can. The fishing industry has to use a certain type of material in their nets. Something that is somehow friendlier to the environment and to the fish. Nobody goes untouched, including the large corporations who make up their losses by charging us peasants more. 

Democrats are good at supporting wars in foreign lands. Our corporations make billions of dollars selling weapons and ammunition to countries all over the world. Some of those countries can't afford those weapons so Congress uses third parties all over the world to make back room deals allowing third world countries to receive machine guns, tanks, missiles, and other implements of war as 'loans' from the USA. We pay for those loans that are never repaid via higher taxes. Democrats keep corporate welfare alive because those corporations return some of the money they 'earn' from the government in the form of campaign contributions. Since there are laws governing how much an individual or corporation can donate to a candidate, Congress passed a law allowing a thing called a 'Super PAC'. Corporations can donate as much as they want to a Super PAC. Instead of encouraging people to constantly educate themselves and look for ways to improve their standard of living democrats pass minimum wage laws which ensure them a so-called living wage, which companies pass on to us peasants, which includes the recipients of this generosity, making sure that no one can improve their lot in life and all of us experience the hardship of inflation. 

Abortion is another democrat brainchild. Instead of encouraging responsible behavior they tell people to go out and have a good time. If your girlfriend gets pregnant and you don't want a kid just go ahead and get her to have an abortion and the problem will be solved. At first they made it legal to have an abortion, then realizing that some people can't afford the procedure they decided to force all of us to pay for their good time. Worse, today we are faced with the idea that gender is something we can change. If a person decides, at the ripe old age of six, that they are the wrong gender they can change from a girl to a boy or a boy to a girl. In some states if a child's parent doesn't think that is a good idea the state can take the child away from the parents and charge them with child abuse. Unless they make some serious changes in their thinking I could never vote democrat. 

I'll remain Undeclared for the rest of my days. Republicans are too willing to cave in to such policies as Big Government, and abusive regulations, and democrats are too willing to push us to find out how far they can go toward stripping us of all of our freedoms. Currently democrats are winning and that's a bad thing for the entire world. Global inflation and world war is not going to help very many people. I will continue to support the candidates who are supporting the goals of preserving our liberty and our way of life. Those who are willing to take the risk of lowering tax rates and providing less services to other countries, and even some of the people living in this country. They need to provide incentives for corporations to limit their overseas operations and provide more opportunities for Americans. I'm also hoping that soon our representatives will have the courage to stop building up China's military power. The communist Chinese government is trying to take control of the world's economy and we seem content to allow that to happen. That will result in a worldwide depression, mass starvation and poverty that we haven't seen in almost a hundred years. 

If you like poverty and an endless world war vote democrat, they will accommodate you. If you want to continue a comfortable and safe lifestyle vote conservative, which will usually be Republican. We have to try to strengthen the GOP if we want to save our country. That's the truth. The far Left Wing is relentless and destructive. The far Right Wing, is just a small bunch of wing nuts that virtually no one listens to. Democrats claim that all Republicans are far Right Wing because they want to regulate abortion and stop mutilating children who have become brainwashed into thinking a person can change their gender if they want to. Republicans claim that not all Democrats are far left (but they are), only a few who want to strip us of all our rights and install a monarchy, which they claim is a small minority. Republican leadership is far too willing to appease democrats, who are willing to appease despots all over the world. Anyone who will take a serious look at what's happening today will see right away that if not all Democrats, the leadership of the democrat party is trying to topple America and set aside the Constitution. Their lemmings follow them out of habit. The democrat coup against America is picking up momentum. 



Sunday, August 4, 2024


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion;

Why do democrats always have to make everything so complicated? When I  first heard of DEI my first thought was oh %#$@ what 'feel good' nonsense have they come up with now? When I was in kindergarten we were taught to say things like 'please' and 'thank you'. We were taught that in group activities it was important to 'take your turn'. No pushing, no shoving, respect everyone, treat other people the same way you would want to be treated. Is there anything in that teaching that is exclusionary? Why do democrats always find subtle, and not so subtle, ways to separate us by race, gender, and any other way they can think of? 

What makes one group less deserving of respect than another? Of course we also taught boys to let girls go first, open doors for them, and show them respect in other ways. It didn't occur to me then but democrat teachers must have hated that. We were taught to be courteous and try to build friendly relationships with our fellow students. I have no idea why that wouldn't work today. Except that democrats have finally found a way to permanent divide America; gender identity. There is a large number of Americans who will never accept the idea that a person's gender is a matter of choice. We were not assigned a gender at birth we given a medical examination and that determined if we were a boy or a girl. That's it and a lot of people in this country are understandably offended by the idea that they have to be forced to accept the idea that a person's gender can be changed because it can't. 

Whatever a person thinks they are in reality we are all either female or male. Medical science is very clear about that. A person can think whatever they want, but some things cannot be changed. Some 'scientists' say that science is never 'settled', that there is nothing in science that can be counted on with absolute certainty, but that's really not true. Mountain climbers prove it pretty regularly. If you fall off a cliff and the distance is sufficient you are going to die. Decapitations rarely result in a successful reattachment of the head that results in the decapitated person returning to life. Every search I've conducted has concluded that a person who has had their head separated from their body never can be resuscitated. If you are born a male you will remain a male for the rest of your life. That is what DEI is really about. Actually at least two things are on the DEI agenda; gender can be changed and white people need to be punished for their white privilege. Especially if you are a white male. 

What we need to teach kids in school in addition to being able to read and add and subtract they need to know how to behave in a group setting. Basic manners. Be polite. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. Don't steal (although a lot of democrats probably see this one as a church/state issue), don't hit anyone. It's really not complicated. We can teach kids not to make fun of Danny if he wears a dress to school and has ribbons in his hair, but we cannot teach them to use the pronouns, she or hers, when addressing him because he is not a girl and his parents need to explain that to him. What every traditions they have at home are fine, but they cannot impose those traditions onto other people who don't believe the way they do. If Danny wants to explain why he wants to be called a girl that's ok, but when classmates refuse to go along Danny has to drop it and just accept the idea that he is different. His parents could help with that too, but that is not why we pay teachers. 

Teachers must set the example for kids so they learn how to respect each other and creating conflict will not help accomplish that goal. It would be great if democrats could be honest, but the idea of honesty is lost on them. I've heard way too many of them defend their dishonest positions by claiming that everybody lies about something. That may be true, but it is not something we should be encouraging. We should be holding everyone to the higher standard that says everyone should be honest about their dealings and that lying is something that caused a lack of trust among individuals. A person who lies then tries to defend the lie is not a person to be associated with. Honor is important. 

The core philosophy of DEI teaching is dishonest and teaches kids to be dishonest. There is no way I can ever condone such a philosophy being taught in our schools whether they are public or private. One of the things I've been taught from the day I was born was that honor is to be valued as one of the most important traits a person can cultivate. I was actually raised in a "Death before Dishonor" tradition. For some people that's a little extreme, for democrats it's unthinkable, but honor needs to hold a very high place in our society. Liars should never be celebrated, people of honor should always be respected and sought after. So-called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion teaching should be abolished from all of our elementary school and our public high schools. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024


 July 13, 2024.

Let's go over the history of Donald Trump's bid for the presidency of the United States of America. Donald Trump has his flaws unlike most democrats I suppose. He is a very successful businessman who became a billionaire by buying and selling properties and building huge buildings, hotels, casinos, country clubs, and probably a lot of other ventures I'm not aware of. Along the way he has helped quite a few people in need. He appears to be a generous man. He kind of surprised me when he suddenly decided to run for president when he was seventy years old. He had never run a political campaign in his life although he had donated to many political candidates. The fact is that he knew how to buy influence. He knew who the corrupt politicians were and he knew who could be trusted. 

He is the first person in our history to ever begin his political career when he was seventy years old, at least as a candidate for president of the United States. The situation was that our country was in trouble. Eight years of Barack Obama and Joe Biden had practically embroiled us in a race war. Obama had Black people convinced that they were hated in America and that there was no way for a Black man to succeed. Joe Biden was right there with him telling the country that everyone hated Black people and they needed handouts from the democrats if they were to have any hope of surviving. The police were the biggest offenders. White police officers in America began their shifts every day hoping to kill a Black man and they were doing it every day. 

Joe Biden was bragging about how he bribed officials in Ukraine to get them to stop and investigation into the business of a company his son worked for. There were race riots frequently in several large cities mostly over police abuse, but also because a Black teenager was killed by a White guy who the teenager was attempting to rob. Democrats had turned the Constitution around so the text faced that wall, figuratively speaking. Obamacare was such a disaster that it had to be modified several times if it was going to survive so President Obama was somehow allowed to empower himself to enact laws to change Obamacare. It wasn't affordable then and it isn't now. Obama was such a lousy president that after two years in office Americans woke up and voted for a majority Republican House of Representatives, after the next two years we voted for a majority Republican Senate. Republicans were so afraid of offending Black people that they barely lifted a finger to stop Obama from doing whatever he wanted. Democrats wanted unlimited illegal immigration. Republicans made some token statements but did nothing to stop it. Democrats wanted to enact laws to force more people to install solar panels on their houses. Republicans were silent. 

Barack Obama got Congress to authorize a half a billion dollar grant to some friends of his who said they wanted to help build up the American economy. They built a precious office building and declared bankruptcy after about a year. Poof! five hundred million dollars gone. Well, not completely; they did make a huge campaign contribution to various democrat political campaigns. Republicans were afraid of just about everything. They couldn't say anything about Blacks or Hispanics because they didn't want to lose votes in those communities, not that they were very interested in voting Republican, but that was the problem they had. They couldn't say anything about abortion because that was all women cared about then. Kind of like now. So they were sticking to the White Middle Class and saying nice things and they were boring people to tears. Republicans worst fear materialized when Hilary Clinton announced she was going to make a bid for the candidacy of the Democratic Party. Actually men from both parties gasped. She was going to be unbeatable. 

American women were still in love with Bill Clinton and the thought of having him in the White House practically made them pass out in ecstasy. Democrats were unhappy, Republicans were so scared they were stammering. There was no way they could see to win the presidency in 2016. They were practically ready to just give up and bypass the election and send Hilary directly to the swearing in ceremony, Bill standing next to her grinning from ear to ear and looking for his next groupie. I wasn't going to vote. Why waste my time. I supported Romney and he was a huge disappointment and none of the current crop looked like they had much potential at all so I was ready to sit this one out, watch Hilary win the election, appoint three Supreme Court Justices who were hostile to the Constitution, put the Constitution in a shredder and start all over. Obama had eight years, appointed two Supreme Court Justices; Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Both of whom wanted to make huge changes in our Republican form of government. Another three would have given the Court the opportunity to destroy the Constitution by simply ignoring it. 

Along came Donald Trump, practically out of nowhere. He made a few public appearances and said a lot of things that energized the Republican voters. I listened as he observed that millions of illegal immigrants pouring over our southern border every year wasn't a good thing. Several of them had been involved in notable murders and other crimes and Trump thought we needed some change. He observed that our infrastructure was aging especially airports and bridges. He was a builder and could see ways to strengthen public facilities and do it without going bankrupt. Our military had shrunk to alarming numbers, and NATO was robbing us blind. Obama had involved us in a worldwide scheme to 'fight' global warming by signing a treaty binding us to donate billions of dollars to help other countries find ways to stop the world climate from changing, as if that were even possible. Donald Trump laid out his plan. Stop illegal immigration, rebuild or reinforce bridges and overhaul airports, get out of the Paris accords and build our military back up. Drill for oil and put America first and make the economy strong. Put Americans back to work by encouraging American companies to move their offices back to the States and manufacturing products here. 

He famously stopped eating anything produced by Nabisco when they moved their operation to Mexico. I don't know about him, but I still refuse to by anything produced by Nabisco. He wasn't afraid to openly criticize a female candidate and that was something that made other Republican candidates gasp. As Secretary of State she allowed an American embassy complex in Lybia to be overrun and the ambassador and several other people were killed. It was more than just an embarrassment, it was a slap in the face to every American and Trump was not going to just let it go. He mentioned it regularly. She also was storing Top Secret documents on personal server in her home. It was not secure and the contents were read by just about every terrorist nation in the world. Putin bragged about knowing what was in those documents. Donald Trump didn't care that she was a woman, he talked about it daily. It wasn't that she was a woman, women are great, but Hilary can't be so reckless with government business. 

He was making a lot of sense. People liked what they heard so he announced he was going to run for office. Everyone panicked. Republicans especially, but Democrats were scared too. He wasn't afraid to tell the truth and no politician can compete with that. Had he no sense of decency at all? It was a crazy campaign. He called her crooked Hilary and she called all Republicans 'Deplorable'. Democrats cheated of course. Voting machines were programmed to count a certain number of Republican votes for Democrats, ballot boxes were stuffed and illegal aliens were registered to vote and they voted, but despite winning the popular vote by a couple of million votes, Crooked Hilary lost the electoral college vote and Donald Trump was declared the winner. She was furious and the nation was stunned. 

The most likely cause of her downfall was the high number of Democrats who crossed the line and voted for Donald Trump because they were tired of watching America's position in the continue to drop and they wanted to stop the invasion of illegal aliens crossing the border as if it didn't exist. Trump won! It was a good day and we did in fact save a country that was worth saving. Obama promised to destroy America, but when people saw that he was serious they came to their senses and voted to save America. It was going to be Hilary's task to finish the job that Barack Obama started; destroy America and turn it into a socialist model monarchy. Donald Trump wasn't going to do that. The Democrats immediately started a campaign to impeach him. They paid a retired British spy to write a report that was negative about Trump and his association withe Vladimir Putin of Russia. 

They claimed that the Russians interfered with the election and helped Trump win. They made up stories about secret meetings and did everything they could think of to discredit him. They lied to get the House of Representatives to put him through two impeachment processes; both failed. They lied about him having contact with terrorist organizations. They even got the FBI to lie to FISA courts so they could illegally spy on his campaign before he was elected. They were scared to death of him. They weren't afraid of him because he was leading a charge against our nation, but because he was a serious threat to their ongoing coup against America. Obama had effectively divided the races, especially Black against everyone and Hilary was supposed to finish the job by packing the courts with judges who were against our Constitution. 

When the justices of the Supreme interpret the Constitution in a certain way their ruling becomes law. That's how we got obamacare. That fraudulent law became part of our tax code when the Supreme Court ruled that the government can force people to buy something they don't need or want and Congress delegated the responsibility for ensuring that everyone complied to the only organization in our system with the authority to steal money from citizens without due process; the Internal Revenue Service. A line was added to the the IRS forms used to report income that included a question regarding payment for health insurance. Anyone who cannot provide proof of being covered by health insurance has to pay a penalty. So, because obamacare is so expensive that most people cannot afford it's coverage the IRS has been authorized to collect a penalty that supposedly is used to help cover the financial deficiencies of obamacre. 

When Donald Trump came out of nowhere and defeated Hilary Clinton we literally saved the nation. That's how important the Supreme Court is. As long as they support the Constitution we will have three branches of government with equal power. When the Supreme court runs afoul of the Constitution they upset the balance and force Congress to pass a law countermanding their law. That's the only responsible remedy. Hotheads want to talk about another civil war and democrats like to push their buttons. Americans are more thoughtful than that. As soon as Donald Trump was inaugurated democrats started talking about articles of impeachment. He hadn't even had enough time to commit any violations and they wanted to impeach him for winning the election. 

They lied every single day, and called President Trump liar every day, multiple times a day and CNN and MSNBC were their strongest allies. "Trump lies!" They cried. Well, what did he lie about? "Are you kidding?" was their reply and it still is. "Where have you been?" Well I've been right here listening to him and watching him accomplish great things like getting Arab nations to recognize Israel as a country, and bringing home an American man being held illegally in a N. Korean prison, and while he was at it he spoke to Kim Jung Un about not firing ballistic missiles over Japan anymore and getting Vladimir Putin to stop his aggressions against Ukraine, that's where I've been. What did he lie about? 

Always the same answer; "Everything!" Well I'm just able to accept that answer. Democrats insisted that the Trump campaign colluded with Vladimir Putin to help Trump win the election. Proof? You want proof? Well yeah we have incontrovertible evidence how's that for proof? Well I'd kind of like to know what it is. Yeah, you're just Trump dupe. We'll show the proof, we've got more than enough and when the time is right we'll show it to the whole world! The 'proof' turned out to be a report they paid a retired British spy named Christopher Steele. It' a little difficult to know just who ordered the report, certainly the Clinton campaign paid him for it, but for some reason the FBI paid him about a million dollars for it. 

That was their smoking gun. A report that they paid a retired spy to write and it had lots of good stuff in it. Donald Trump throwing lavish parties with Russian businessmen and prostitutes. There was even a photograph that was obviously photoshopped depicting Donald Trump in a big bed with a bunch of prostitutes. It also contained multiple stories about Trump making shady business deals and bribing Russian officials. They manufactured evidence of members of the Trump campaign meeting with Russian government officials and promising to provide huge political favors if the Russian government would launch an internet campaign aimed at getting Donald Trump elected. They also relied heavily on a report submitted by Robert Mueller who was a friend of James Comey, who also relied quite a bit on the Christopher Steele report. 

When a reporter asked Mr. Steele how he got the  information contained in his report he said he got it from people who claimed to have personal, or close personal knowledge. He said he had no idea if anything in his report was true. That was their proof that Donald Trump was a traitor. That and their report from Robert Mueller which relied heavily on FBI affidavits that it turns out weren't worth the paper they were printed on. It was called the "Mueller Report" and was signed by Robert Mueller himself. Everyone was looking forward to Mueller's testimony before the House of Representatives. He took the stand and was administered the Oath. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler had been telling us for weeks that they had seen the report and the evidence and it was very clear that Donald Trump was a traitor and should be removed from office. 

The only problem was that when being questioned Robert Mueller couldn't remember anything that was in the report. Finally someone asked him if he wrote the report. He said he only signed it, but it had been a collaborative effort with many contributors. He didn't have any personal knowledge about any of the investigation. He only supervised. It was almost entirely a fabrication. Multiple Special Agents of the FBI had already sullied the reputation of that once great organization. Perhaps the most famous was Peter Strzok who was cheating on his wife with a girlfriend named Lisa Page. Both of whom were devout Trump haters. Peter Strzok went so far as to send Lisa an email claiming that he would not allow Trump to become president. Somehow he was going to stop him. In short, the entire federal law enforcement apparatus was and still is a mess. Andrew McCabe, a big shot at the FBI was signing applications for FISA warrants that never should have even seen his desk. Since at least the days of James Comey the FBI has become an investigative tool of the Democratic Party.

Against the wishes of most democrats and federal law enforcement bureaucrats Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States. Being the gracious, hard working patriotic Americans democrats immediately began to martial their law enforcement assets. Letitia James campaigned solely on the platform of promising to send Donald Trump to prison for whatever she could find. First of all that is not the way our system of justice is supposed to work. We don't target an individual we don't like and investigate everything about that person until we find something we can turn into a criminal indictment. Then in rapid succession a variety of other anti-America Democrats jumped on the band wagon, charging Trump with multiple felonies without providing any evidence that any crime had occurred. He has been convicted of a crime that includes 34 counts of fraud stemming from payments made to a porn star who claims she had an intimate relationship with Donald Trump a long time ago. The case is largely one of semantics. Yes she was paid, but was she paid from a trust account, or his personal account. It turns out she was paid from both accounts through an attorney who then billed Trump for his services. It's not illegal to pay people to stop talking. but somehow a prosecutor was able to convince a jury selected from an area that is well known for its hostility to Donald Trump, in a trial presided over by a judge who makes campaign contributions to Joe Biden, to convict Donald Trump of the crime even if he didn't commit the crime. 

An appeals court has already sent the case back to the lower court for clarification. The conviction will almost certainly be ultimately overturned, but not until about the time President Trumps term expires anyway. Over the past ten years FBI officials loyal to Joe Biden and not the Constitution have knowingly submitted false affidavits to FISA judges in order to illegally spy on Donald Trump's presidential campaign, as well as many of his friends and family members. They have falsified reports so they could conduct illegal searches of Trump supporters, and to search Donald Trump's personal residence and offices. Prosecutors loyal to Biden have sought and received criminal and civil indictments against Donald Trump for a variety of reasons, mostly fraud related. Democrats have stolen about half a billion dollars from him, attempted to send him to prison for crimes they know he didn't commit, and now in a move of extreme desperation they have tried to kill him. 

A lone gunman twenty years old was able to sneak a rifle to within about 150 yards of the spot where Donald Trump, now running for president for another term, was going to give a speech to thousands of his supporters. Somehow one of the best, most thorough protection agencies in the world stood on the stage, looked at the roof of a building just over 400 feet way and decided it could be a possible danger to the candidate they were protecting, but not dangerous enough to pay it any special attention. Every other spot was covered, which I guess means they metal detectors were manned and there were secret service personnel watching the area immediately surrounding the candidate. There was another building directly behind the candidate on top of which there were two sharpshooters. That building overlooked the building the bad guy used to gain access to the candidate. In addition to that the bad guy was observed using a range finder by local law enforcement police officers who then alerted the secret service. Attempts to follow the bad guy were unsuccessful, which they knew there was a potential threat in the immediate area for up to an hour before the candidate was to give his speech. 

For some reason tthe secret service decided to create a safety perimeter that didn't include the building with the most clear view of the location where their protectee would be speaking. Inside that building there were an unknown number of police congregated presumably awaiting their assignments. Outside of that building there were a few police officers supposedly watching for 'suspicious activity'. There were also several dozen supporters of Candidate Trump. Some of the supporters saw the bad guy crawling across the roof of the building and they alerted the police. The police supposedly alerted a supervising secret service agent who apparently did nothing. One police officer in an embarrassing display of incompetence was able to get a view of the bad guy with the rifle by standing on the shoulders of his partner. It seems logical to me that those police officers must have realized that they were putting themselves in an unreasonably risky shooting position should the need arise for them to defend themselves, for example a shootout with a man armed with a rifle. 

Incompetence all around. I'm sure the Butler PD doesn't get the finest training so I can almost forgive the simplicity of this search especially given the party atmosphere that must have attended the visit like a celebrity the caliber of Donald Trump. I'm sure they didn't remotely expect to see a guy up there with a rifle pointed at them. I'm also pretty sure they immediately notified their immediate supervisor. They probably thought that the secret service would take this threat seriously and at the very least stop Donald Trump from giving his speech until the area was safe. In their position I may have thought the same thing. After all we have been led to believe that the secret service is the best protection organization in the world. If that was ever true it obviously isn't true anymore. We also tend to forget that this is not the first time there has been an assassination attempt that might have been plotted by our own government. John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy were both assassinated under bizarre circumstances. 

Especially with JFK the investigation was handled so horribly that we probably will never know who all was involved. I personally agree that Oswald was the lone shooter, but I'm not sure he acted alone. The same with Crooks and Donald J. Trump. Fortunately Crooks missed. He was hit, but it wasn't a fatal hit. Except to the credibility of the FBI and the secret service. So how do we unravel the mystery of Mr. Crooks? Is it really possible that a twenty year old kid with no connections knew that he could get a rifle on top of one of the very few buildings in the area of Trump's rally so he could shoot a presidential candidate? Has he ever even voted before? There has been no official information provided about this kid. Usually there at least a few press briefings held publicly for a day or two after such an event. Did this kid have a job? was he a student somewhere? Nothing. Everything about this attempted assassination is suspicious. And now he is dead. 

Here's what I've been able to learn. From the day that Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president of the United States from the escalator in Trump Tower in Manhattan the federal government has broken multiple laws in an effort to discredit him. Prior to June 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump was practically a hero in Manhattan. He was a celebrity who had once been a bit of a playboy but that was ok. He was well liked, even admired by most people. That all changed after that day. A Republican? Are you insane? He wasn't insane, he was concerned about the direction of the country he deeply cared about. By June 17 he was practically on the FBI Most Wanted list. At least the one they keep in the back office where no one can see it. The personal enemies of the Director, those who haven't committed any crimes, but are still on the political enemies list. The FBI has never been exactly apolitical. It has always leaned politically conservative, but aggressively anti crime.

During the last twenty years they have squandered whatever capital they had doing stupid things and becoming an enforcement arm of the democrat party. On June 17 somehow they joined the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign in their efforts to discredit Donald Trump. First they engaged in a campaign of disinformation surrounding a report paid for initially by the Clinton campaign. A report that supposedly would prove that Trump was an agent of the Russian Federation. He was scheming with Vladimir Putin with whom he supposedly had a close friendship. The report included salacious stories of Donald Trump having riotous parties in hotels in Moscow with prostitutes. The report also included some statements by others who were supposedly close associates of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump that detailed all of the debauchery in the Kremlin and how Trump planned to peddle his influence to the Kremlin if they helped him win the election. 

Using that report, information that had never been verified, from sources they had no knowledge of, the FBI lied to FISA courts so they could illegally spy on Donald Trump and many of his close supporters. They dug their hole even deeper by lying to obtain search warrants to search the homes of people who worked for the Trump campaign. The trail of evidence against the FBI is so clear anyone can follow it. They were given a laptop computer that belonged to President Biden's son and for over a year they claimed it contained Russian disinformation aimed at discrediting Joe Biden and derail his political campaign. For a year they stuck to that story and even had over fifty FBI agents sign an affidavit confirming that fact. It turned out that there was nothing about Russia. What it did contain was evidence against Hunter Biden that led to his arrest for illegally purchasing a firearm and later he was charged with certain tax code violations. 

The FBI remains on the Democrat bandwagon to this day. They have consistently leaked false information against Donald Trump, and to this day they have not been held accountable for any of their lies, except for a low level agent who was sentenced to federal prison for lying to a FISA court. The problem was that in spite of the best efforts of the FBI, and the DNC Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Immediately the Department of Justice began a campaign of publishing false information against now President Trump. Working with the DOJ democrats immediately began an impeachment proceeding. They trotted out the only two things they had; the false report they bought from a retired British spy and another report by a guy named Robert Mueller whose investigation relied heavily on the information from the report that democrats bought from the same retired Brit. If it were possible to embarrass a democrat they would have been embarrassed by the disclosure of all the lies they told. There was no evidence that President Trump committed any of the crimes they claimed they had 'incontrovertible' evidence of. Congressman Adam Schiff was on the news almost every day claiming that he had to wait for the right time to present it, but the evidence in his possession was going to prove beyond any doubt that Donald Trump had committed treason against the United States of America. 

He ever showed any evidence at all and he is still a hero of the democrat party. I literally cannot call them the Democratic party because they have actually become the enemy of democracy. They have once again engaged in assassination because there candidate was about to lose an election. This time their assassin failed, but it was close. I can't emphasize enough how painfully obvious this is. 

Until he announced his candidacy he was not even being investigated for any crimes. As soon as he announced he was going to take a third run at the presidency they started their illegal wiretaps and started harassing his friends, even finding reasons to send them to prison, which they did. They manufactured evidence of real estate fraud and convinced twelve Trump haters that he had defrauded banks and other lending institutions. None of the lenders ever complained. They used the fact that he insisted that there was wide spread election fraud to send him to prison for election interference. That case is in trouble because the district is involved in fraud herself and the trial may not move forward. His fraud conviction is about to be overturned on appeal so in desperation they found a vulnerable young man who was willing to carry out an assassination and when he had done his job they killed him. 

There is no smoking gun, but it looks very suspicious. Nobody wants to believe that the FBI and the secret service would do something that evil. I didn't want to believe they would ever take sides in a political race, but they have. During the Obama administration offices of the federal government began working to help eliminate any opposition to the Democratic Party. Lois Lerner as director of the tax exempt arm of the IRS was given the task of eliminating tax exemptions for conservative groups. At first she denied it but when the evidence became more than circumstantial she admitted she had done it and apologized. There was an investigation conducted by the IRS Inspector General's office which discovered that a whole bunch of emails had been eliminated when a hard drive crashed. Then he found some email accounts with a name no one recognized at the time, but later found out it was the name of Lois Lerner's dog. Lerner was subpoena'd to appear to testify to congress but refused to appear. She was found to be in contempt of Congress and placed on indefinite leave. Soon after that she resigned from her position in the IRS.

After the investigation was concluded the Inspector General decided that although Lerner destroyed evidence and had an account in the name of her dog, there was no evidence that she was deliberately trying to hide anything. The investigation also disclosed that the Commissioner of the IRS, John Koskinen knew or should have known about what was going on and Congress voted to impeach him, however politics being what it is the case was referred back to the Department of Justice and pretty much died with them. And that's why democrats resorted to an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. He represents a strong America with constitutional law and all of their efforts to stop him were failing. I predicted a couple of years ago that if their efforts to frame him for crimes that were never committed failed, and he wasn't sent to prison, they might resort to assassination and that's what they did. These are dark days for the United States of America. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Barack Obama was an American 'first'. He was the first black American to become president of the United States of America. He did more to divide the American people than any other president we've had. Race has been a sore spot in America ever since the first Black slaves were brought to the New World in 1526 by a group of morons from Spain. I call them morons  because face it, it's one thing to make someone pay off a debt that they owe, but to just take people from their homes and sell them to strangers? You have to be soulless to think that's acceptable. African tribes had been doing it for who knows how long, but Europeans should have known better. Anyway, Obama as the First Black President could have helped race relations by pointing out the obvious fact that he identifies as Black and he looks Black and he was still elected as president of the USA, a country whose citizens according to democrats hate Black people. Instead, he claimed something like he only was elected because his superior intellect and political prowess allowed enough Americans to overlook his race. In other words although we hate Black people, we made an exception for him because of obviously superior mental abilities. At least he didn't have much of a problem with his ego. 

Barack took the opportunity that was handed to him and he blew it spectacularly. He told us all that the fact that we'd elected a Black man for president didn't mean we're not a racist country. He continued by saying that it would be hard to erase hundreds of years of racial prejudice and discrimination, and we had a long way to go. To Democrats Obama is a great man who practically single handedly saved America. The truth is he was a liar who did tremendous damage to America. He perpetrated the greatest fraud upon the American people of any other president with the lie they labeled the Affordable Care Act, which was not affordable at all. We could choose a low premium medical insurance plan with a huge copay or one with a large monthly premium with a low copay. Some choice, and if we chose not to participate we could pay a fine through the IRS at tax time. He called the police stupid when they arrested the famous genealogist, Henry L. Gates Jr., at his home after he refused to identify himself to police officers when a neighbor called to report an open door at his residence. Somehow they were supposed to know who Gates was and where he lived and the only reason for arresting him was because of his race. It would have saved a lot of time and resources if Gates had just understood that the police were only trying to make sure everything was ok at his home and he was safe. It turned out to be a great publicity stunt for Gates since before the incident nobody knew who he was, now he has become very popular among the genealogy crowd. Obama went after another police officer who killed a robbery suspect during a physical altercation. The police officer responded to a call for service when he observed a suspect walking along the center dividing line of the roadway. When he tried to talk to the suspect the suspect jumped through the open driver side window and tried to take the police officer's service pistol away from him. The suspect did gain momentary control and there were several shots fired inside the police car. During the incident the bad guy was shot dead which should have been seen as a good thing. Of course so-called reporters across the country reported the incident as a white police officer killing an unarmed Black man. Being the racist that he is, Barack Obama picked up the tag line and shared his opinion that the officer should be tried for murder. Several days of looting, burning and destroying property ensued, which of course most democrats view as honorable whenever a white police officer kills a Black man no matter what the facts are. 

President Obama repeatedly demanded that the officer be convicted for murder since the only reason the suspect was killed was because of his race. There were riots across the South, which is obligatory whenever a Black man is killed by the police, people need an excuse to go looting. The subsequent investigation revealed that the police officer was in fact in the fight for his life and the shooting was justified so they fired him instead of indicting him. Justice? There were several other times when Obama could have doused water on the flames, but instead reached for the can clearly marked 'gasoline'. He was not a great president. He was in fact one of the worst presidents we've ever had. 

We dodged a bullet with the First Woman President, but she still deserves some attention. Hilary Clinton is about as flawed an individual as you'll find in American politics. As the Secretary of State for Barack Obama she was another failure in his mediocre administration. Her two crowning achievements were storing Top Secret documents on a server in her residence that didn't have the proper level of security. An FBI investigation revealed that she had broken several laws, but there was no reason to prosecute her because she didn't mean any harm. The investigation also revealed that the documents had been accessed by at least two foreign governments; Russia and China, and probably Iran. Some people think she gained financially from her little 'mistake'. There is a good reason to suspect her rationale for doing something that foolish when she clearly knew better. If she needed a secure network in her home as Secretary of State she could have ordered one installed. One problem with that is government oversight investigators conduct regular security checks and can see who is sending, receiving, and reading what's stored there. Her personal server was not subject to such security checks. It could have been so she could sell the information to people who were willing to pay for it. 

Her other great achievement was leaving an American embassy annex vulnerable to an enemy attack. The annex was protected by a handful of well trained, dedicated men who did their best to protect it when it was attacked by terrorists who murdered, among other people, an American ambassador. There was an American embassy just a couple hundred yards away that had a much better equipped security force. When the head of security at the annex called and requested help they started to respond when their boss told them to stand down. Fortunately a few of them ignore the order and ran toward the attacking terrorists. The fight lasted all night and in the end the ambassador and three members of his security force were killed, but they saved a couple dozen civilians who worked in the building. There were American assets within fighter jet range who could have rendered assistance, but Hilary ignored the ambassadors pleas for help. So while we never actually were stupid enough to elect her as president, she is the first woman to be nominated as a candidate for the presidency by the Democratic Party. The most famous quote I remember from her as she campaigned was, "Don't you think it's time we had a woman for President of the United States of America?" Fortunately we didn't. 

Today we have the First Senile President of the United States of America. Joe Biden is clearly in the early stages of dementia and has been during his entire time in office. It was clear during the 2020 campaign that his mental capacity was shrinking, and there was a lot going on in there even before the campaign. Anyone who has spent any time around people who are experiencing that change in mental status recognizes the far away look in their eyes and that grin they display when they are trying to remember something, or are actually experiencing a pleasant memory while trying to figure out who the strangers are who are trying to talk to them. That's Joe Biden. He's the 46th president of the United States. They've got him on the right kind of drugs to help him function fairly normal for maybe twenty minutes at a time, but it fades fast. He is running for re-election this year, but he isn't campaigning very much. He really can't. His handlers are terrified that he might say something really off the wall and they can't afford that. His opponent is Donald Trump and neither one of them belongs anywhere near the Oval Office. Biden is eighty one years old and fading fast. Trump is seventy seven years old, but can hold audiences captive for hours and his speeches always make sense. His mind is clear as a bell, but he is old and overweight and in a decent world should be enjoying his semi retirement. Trump is a billionaire with a great life. Biden is a multi millionaire. Biden is one of the hundreds of people to enter politics with a couple hundred thousand dollars to there name, including the value of his house, then after forty years in politics he has a fortune around ten million dollars, all while being paid $175,000 a year. 

It's pretty clear that Biden's been up to some sort of political shenanigans. It's also pretty clear that during the 2020 elections there was some foul play that gave the presidency to him. He barely left his house. He never was able to get more than a few hundred people, and usually much fewer than that, to listen to him speak, and when he did speak he didn't make much sense. Donald Trump won the 2016 election and did a great job as president, but wasn't  polished enough as a politician, so people turned on him and enough of them voted for Biden that it wasn't that hard to cheat and get him enough extra votes while at the same time convincing the poll managers in democrat areas to lose some of the ballots cast for Trump. Trump demanded an investigation. The justice department refused and here we are. Biden has totally screwed up the economy, the country is being overrun by illegal aliens which is making life hard on people, especially in democrat controlled cities because they welcomed illegal aliens with open arms at first; now they can see it was a mistake and are begging for relief. Robberies are up, shoplifting is up, residential burglaries have increased, and life is getting tough. One of the most famous democrat strongholds in the country experienced a brief invasion of illegal aliens and got rid of them right away. Martha's Vineyard had a couple of busloads of illegals arrive in their town and in short order the sheriff rounded them up and the local residents arranged to fly them somewhere else; anywhere else. Just like that the hypocrites in Martha's Vineyard showed us all the correct way to deal with the illegal invasion. If only the rest of America had followed their example. In addition to ruining our economy and encouraging an invasion of illegal aliens across our southern border under Biden's watchful eye Vladimir Putin has started a war with their neighbor the East, Ukraine that threatens the possibility of a nuclear war since Russia cannot defeat Ukraine using only conventional forces and China and North Korea are menacing their Asian neighbors and Iran is further destabilizing the Middle East by helping Palestinian terrorists launch a horrific attack on Israel. 

We need Donald Trump back which leads to another 'First' for a former president turned presidential candidate again. Trump is the First Former President to be charged with a Crime, and convicted of a felony. Now I proudly call him "Felony Don." Even if they succeed in putting him in prison Trump will win the election. Donald Trump is a very good negotiator. If the American people had been smart enough to overlook some of his not so good off the cuff remarks and re-elected him to the presidency our economy would not be a shambles, the Russians would not have started a war with their neighbor, and the Palestinian terrorists would not have started a war with Israel. China and North Korea would not be threatening Taiwan, the Philippines, and Japan, and the world would be a much safer place. Donald Trump has the gift of knowing how to talk to people. He really does. So, against that backdrop President Biden and his handlers are in a panic since they know old Joe is a lousy candidate and a hard sell. His vice president is no bargain either. They brought her along because she is female and part Black. Kamala Harris only speaks gibberish. Her gift is being black enough to appear black to a lot of people, her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica, and she is the First Black Female Vice President. Beyond that she offers nothing. 

Panicked over the probability that Joe was going to lose to Trump Biden's handlers decided to sick the Department of Justice on Candidate Trump and charge him with a bunch of crimes that were never even committed. They said he filed false real estate reports in order to get better loans from lenders so he could build sky scrapers, make a lot of money and create thousands of jobs. The judge in that case famously valued Donald Trump's home in Florida, Mar a Lago at "No more that $18 million." Real Estate experts all along the East coast spit up their coffee. In their opinion Mar a Lago was worth as much as $500 million. They all wished they could get it for eighteen. At the trial lenders all testified that they worked with Trump on the valuation of his properties and agreed upon the value of the properties before extending him the loan. They all got paid with interest and ahead of schedule. They were happy campers and said they'd continue to do business with Mr. Trump. Trump haters are hard to satisfy. The judge found him guilty and fined him $355 million. That decision will be among many that will be reversed during the appeals process. 

Then the district attorney of New York decided to charge Trump with the crime of paying hush money to a porn star who claimed she had an affair with Trump. He paid her to avoid wasting time on a trial and to move on with his life. Although it is not a crime, the district attorney decided to charge him with making a false entry in a financial ledger, a misdemeanor at best, and one on which the statute of limitations had run out so they claimed it was on multiple lines, declared it was a felony and charge him with a crime in New York City. They found a judge who was a Biden supporter and chose a jury in an area where everyone voted for Biden. There was no evidence of a crime presented, but the jury found him guilty. That case is also on appeal. A district attorney in Atlanta found grounds to charge him with election interference because he leaned on someone down there to conduct an investigation into election fraud. In Atlanta there is evidence of election fraud, but they are Biden supporters so Trump is facing a trial there for election interference, and there is another charge filed but I can't remember where.  

The theory behind all this is even if they lose their cases they keep Donald Trump from campaigning. It's a bad theory. Donald Trump has his own 757 Boeing jumbo jet. He travels in comfort at a high rate of speed. After court he would travel to other areas, many of which are heavily populated with former Biden supporters who don't appreciate seeing the justice system manipulated the way it is being done by the Bidenistas. Donald Trump  is picking up a lot of new voters and after two phony convictions he has brought in over $200 million in campaign donations. Their plan is backfiring on them, they have made him a martyr and the American people are not going to stand for it. In November I look for Donald Trump, Felon, to become the First Candidate for President of the United States with a Felony Conviction to be elected to office. What a ride. Democrats are still engaged in their coup against the Constitution and they are becoming ever bolder. I may be around to see the next American Civil War and I'm not looking forward to it.  

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Terrorists in American universities

The movement began small. At first no one dared protest in favor of terrorists. We do have two members of Congress who are Palestinian terrorist supporters and anti America. Congressperson Rashida Tlaib recently made a speech during which she had her admirers chanting "Free Palestine!" She refuses to admit that what the Palestinians did to the Israelis was barbaric and completely unjustified. She criticizes Israel and her own, supposedly, country, the United States of America, accusing Israel of committing war crimes against the civilian population of Palestine. 

 I'm sick of hearing about the 'poor' Palestinian people. They've been terrorizing Israel for about seventy years. They claim that they are being oppressed by a Nazi style regime in Israel which is a reckless and stupid claim. The only Nazi regime I'm aware of is Nazi Germany and in only four years they murdered about six million Jews. For you democrats who don't understand the English language that was genocide. Hitler actually published a plan among his top generals stating he was going to exterminate (that means kill) all Jews. If there's any doubt that such an order constitutes genocide keep it to yourself because I don't want to hear it. My command of the English language is near perfect. If the Jews had been blowing up government buildings and murdering Germans in the streets of Munich it would not have taken Hitler four years to get rid of them. 

No one can offer a reasonable explanation of how Netanyahu's response to the terrorist attack last October constitutes a genocide. Are the Israelis going block by block murdering all Palestinians? Have they started herding Palestinians into different districts and holding them until they can be murdered en masse? No, they are not. The truth is they are carefully selecting targets, often warning people living in the targeted areas that there is an attack coming. After the incomprehensible attack against them, the Israelis are exhibiting a lot of restraint. If the Palestinians want to be free from the supposed oppression of Hamas, they need to help the IDF find the hiding place of the leadership of Hamas. The IDF would be more than happy to take out the leadership of that organization. Instead of chanting "Death to America!" Palestinians should be passing notes to the leaders of the IDF letting them know where Hamas is hiding. 

Most likely, the Palestinians are harboring the Hamas leaders and doing their best to make sure the IDF is unsuccessful in their hunt. Meanwhile here in the United States there are American students joining the terrorists as they chant "Free Palestine" and wave the flag of the Palestinian terrorists. They are also setting up barriers on campuses restricting the movement on legitimate students and intimidating Jewish students on campus. They are setting up tents and taking over large portions of campus grounds. While doing all this they are making a mess. Litter is everywhere and sanitary conditions are unhealthy. In multiple cases protesters moved in and took over some campus buildings. 

No reasonable person is fooled by any of this. Protesters don't break the law, they make a statement. They want to be heard and they want to persuade the rest of us that they have a legitimate complaint. Blocking traffic and disrupting the business of universities is not a protest it is a riot and needs to be stopped. At least three campus administrations, UCLA, Columbia, and UCI, and probably others, delayed action way too long, creating a dangerous and disruptive atmosphere for real students. The administration at USC had to cancel all commencement activities. Yes, we have a right to peacefully assemble and be heard. We do not have the right to destroy property or block traffic, or create an environment that is dangerous in any way to the people around us. 

What we've been watching is not protest. It's Palestinian terrorists trying to scare people and succeeding. And they've managed to get some idiot students, most likely Biden supporters, to provide cover for them. This is the probing force. The first wave and they are being watched by their handlers who are studying the response of the administration of the universities and the tactics of the police. There may be other mild terrorist activities similar to what has just occurred and they will be followed by something far more destructive. Apparently 'We The People' have not learned our lesson yet. 

Monday, April 29, 2024


On October 7, 2023 a group of Palestinian terrorists invaded Israel killing over a thousand and kidnapping over 200. They raped and murdered  Israeli women some of them in their homes in front of their families. They entered a nursery and cut the heads off about three dozen babies, and they took the naked body of at least one Israeli women they had raped and murdered and dragged her naked body through one of their cities. That was almost seven months ago. It took the Israeli's about two weeks to come up with a plan of attack to kill the people responsible and when they launched their attack it was devastating. So far about 32,000 Palestinians have been killed in the fighting and about 1,200 members of the Israeli Defense Force have been killed. 

The Israeli forces have discovered a vast network of tunnels where the leadership of Palestine can hide. The Palestinians also place weapons systems like anti aircraft batteries and surface to surface missile batteries in residential areas, hospitals, and schools so when they are destroyed there will be a maximum of collateral damage. The Palestinians knew from the beginning that they were not equipped to repel a full scale invasion from Israel and were probably counting on other Arab nations joining the fight and bailing them out. Historically that has never gone well for the Arabs. What has happened is that world opinion quickly turned against the government of Israel. Anti semitism is alive and well all over the world. Now even the United States who initially promised undying support is now telling the Israelis to stop their offensive. 

To be clear the Israelis have stated from the beginning that they were going to destroy Palestine and ensure they don't pull another stunt like that for decades if not longer. Everyone knows that the Arabs are never going to give up their plan to kill all Jews. The Israelis are not slowing down their attack and their search for the Palestinian leaders. They are very serious. There is a joke of a court somewhere in Europe, known as the International Criminal Court, who has just indicted Prime Minister Netanyahu for war crimes. Democrats in America are all saying that Israel is engaged in a genocide against the Palestinians since the Palestinians are not equipped with the weapons necessary to repel the IDF. 

This is not our war. The United States has provided weapons and money to Israel and money and food to Palestine. I'm not sure what the Palestinians need money for but we have a democrat president so we are going to be throwing money in all directions. Nobody should be telling the Israelis what to do. It is their war and they should do what they think is necessary to stop future aggressive acts from the Palestinians. The Israeli army is not going door to door kidnapping, raping and murdering women. They are not murdering babies. They are carefully targeting specific locations. Some innocent people are getting killed. That is war and the Palestinians themselves are ensuring that lots of innocent people are killed by putting their artillery pieces in schools, hospitals and residential areas. I'm sympathetic to them, but I also recognize that if the Palestinians weren't terrorist thugs they wouldn't be in this mess. I thought it would be over by now and I'm pretty sure the Israelis did too.

The Palestinians need to turn their leaders over to the Israelis and free all hostages so the carnage will stop. The Palestinians started it and they could stop it now or they can wait until the IDF finds the people they are looking for and puts them to sleep. The Palestinians have been saying for decades they wanted their own country so Israel gave them one. Since that day the Palestinians have been expressing their gratitude by firing rockets into neighboring Israel and occasionally killing Israelis in the streets. Until the latest atrocity the Jews were very patient. They aren't being patient now. There won't be another Palestine for a very long time. The Israelis will take back the territory they gave the Palestinians and govern it themselves. 

The Palestinians asked for it and now that they have achieved their goal they are crying foul. Unfortunately the entire world is listening. I feel sorry for the Israelis because the truth is if the Palestinians had he weapons there would not be an Israel. Israel has the weapons and there is still a Palestine. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Democrats are in another panic mode. Some criminal killed a bunch of frozen embryos and was charged under a statute that provides stiffer penalties when children are murdered. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are children and need to be protected. Democrats are appalled. They don't think babies should be protected on the day they are born, how can we expect them to be anything but disgusted by anyone who would suggest that an embryo should be protected? The only thing democrats care about anymore, at least for now, is abortion. They put abortion in the context of 'women's rights', that a woman has no rights if she can't have an abortion during the third trimester of a pregnancy. No one has a right to force a woman to have a baby they say. 

No one has a right to force a woman to get pregnant either, but women are far more worried about their right to kill a baby than they are about their responsibility to avoid an unwanted pregnancy if possible. For most of us I believe there is a strong moral component. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, there is a God and He has rules. People who wish He didn't try to find loopholes in His laws. When we tell people that God expects  obedience to His laws say, "Wait a minute! God is love!" 

Lots of Christians fall into this trap. It is true that God loves us all and wants us to find our way back to him, but God is not love. He is our creator and He loves us. He has given us instructions on how to live a happy life here in mortality and in our post mortal afterlife. There are two forces operating on us; the forces of evil led by Satan, and the force of good, led by Jesus Christ. Following the teachings of our Savior will bring us happiness and help us avoid the sadness of aborting a child. Killing an unborn child is a serious consequence of sin. There are times when a woman is raped and a pregnancy occurs or incest where the pregnancy was not sought by the young woman. Many rape victims still choose to give birth rather than kill the unborn baby they are carrying. The evil of rape is a serious crime perpetrated by evil people. The act of giving birth even in that difficult situation is an act of Christlike love. 

In Alabama the state supreme court justices sought to allow for the maximum penalty for killing frozen embryos. I guess democrats think vandalism would be more appropriate since there was no injury, property damage only in their view. It isn't that they care about the humanity of the embryos, or that they even want to preserve the practice of IVF. Their ultimate goal is to protect the evil practice of abortion even on the birth date of the baby. If they can turn this into an emotional issue by claiming that somehow if some of the embryos die during the IVF process then a crime has been committed they can attach the same logic that they've used to legalize abortion. No one in Alabama want to stop the practice of IVF they just want to make sure the facilities are secure and properly run. 

Unlike democrats Republicans support the practice of IVF. The fact is that even in a natural childbirth sometimes a baby dies, or is stillborn. No one wants to charge a medical professional or the baby's mother with a crime when that happens anymore than they do if a frozen embryo dies during the process. politicians need to beware of this potential trap before running to play in Bloody Hilary's bounce house. She will lead them astray every time. We can protect IVF in Alabama and every other state in the union without forcing all states to accept the abomination of abortion by federal law.