Monday, June 26, 2023

Binary/Non Binary

What's in a name? Everything. I have a friend whose daughter has been convinced by the school she attends that she is really a boy. She has given herself a boys name and she insists that I address her as a 'he' which I cannot do. I can call her by her new preferred name because it's just a name and you call yourself whatever you want. Gender is different. There are two genders; count 'em yerself-TWO. That's it. Democrats have been working on rendering language meaningless for decades. Bill Clinton famously claimed there is no clear definition for the word 'is'. They have done the same thing with their man made global warming scam. The've taken Man Made Global Warming through many different iterations until now I believe it is just Climate Change, which probably is occurring, but democrats are saying that if Americans give them essentially a blank check to spend as much money as they want they can stop the climate from changing. There isn't a single American alive who believes that. The other thing democrats are trying to change is biology. They want us to believe that Freedom means a person can change their gender. They have bastardized the language by creating a non binary gender. In other words by using the term non binary they can pretend they were lied to when they were born by their parents and medical professionals who told them they were either a girl or a boy. It's like, "Hey! Who do you think you are telling me what gender I am! There is no way to know at birth what gender a person is!" The word 'nauseating bullshit' comes to mind. 

I'm sure they are feeling pretty confident  since they have convinced just about everyone in the world that we can stop the climate from changing if we can squeeze another hundred trillion dollars from the United States. There is no evidence that the climate is going through a catastrophic change yet hundreds of millions, possible billions of people have convinced themselves that we are in imminent danger of burning up. The climate hoax has been a resounding success, but it has probably reached it's zenith in it's ability to squeeze more money out of people. Now democrats are attacking the most basic element of any civilization; men and women. I saw a t-shirt that proclaimed that "Trans people will always exist". That can only be true if normal people keep having babies. I don't think there is anything mean about making the obvious observation that transgender people are not normal. 

How did democrats even get us started on this totally insanely stupid, completely idiotic discussion? How is it possible that reasonable adults don't feel completely discombobulated arguing about something this basic? It is not only intrinsically absurd, it is also fatal to our society. If we can't agree on basic human biology; it takes a man and a woman to create a baby there is nothing else even worth discussing. We have to ask the obvious question, "Is it possible to have a rational discussion with a person who thinks a man can become pregnant and deliver a baby? Any rational adult would stare back and say, "You are out of your mind." Yet there are egomaniacs among us who will fire anyone from their job who candidly admits the absolute incontrovertible truth that there are only two genders; if a guy named Ralph wants me to call him 'her' he is out of luck. And if a man ever gives birth to a baby through some diabolical science experiment you know full well there is a woman involved in the process. It is a fact that two men cannot produce a child; neither can two women. While it is true that women can get pregnant, and give birth to a child, every time that occurs there was a man involved  in the process. There are no exceptions to that rule. 

The only way to cause a baby to be born is to involve a man and a woman who will eventually have offspring. That's it! And there is nothing any democrat can do to change that. So how do a bare handful of democrats convince the rest of the country that there is possibly an infinite number of genders? First they create sympathy. Rather than provide mental health services which they obviously need, they say we must validate their feelings. Biological facts don't mean a thing compared to a persons feelings. In order to get momentum for their stupid idea they invent hate. They didn't cause hate to happen, hate has always been part of our experience on this earth. In addition to two genders there are also pretty much two types of people; good people and bad people. Unlike gender there are varying degrees of good and bad people, but it pretty much boils down to good and bad and bad people hate. 

Democrats in their desperation to grab more and more power have come up with a genius idea; people may not agree with transgenderism, but they cannot deny that some people are born different. Gender, like race is a figment of our imagination. They shout over and over again that gender is fungible and can be changed because like a person's race there is no way to know what gender you are until you have lived a few years as a human being, taken the time to use your body and then figure out that your brain, central nervous system, and your body are not tracking the same. The day you were born somebody made a horrible mistake and assigned you a gender without taking an appropriate amount of time to find out what gender you really are. 

Of course there is no logic in any of this. Creating an unlimited number of genders serves no purpose. They look straight at you and tell you that if you don't accept the fantasy that men can change into women and women can change into men you are full of hate. You hate transgender people. I pity transgender people but I do not hate them. People like to say I am transphobic and they might have a point there. Insane people make me nervous. I can't really trust an insane person, more so if that person has the full protection of the government and the government is telling me I have to believe in the trans fantasy. In many instances if a sane person refuses to acknowledge the insanity that men and women can change their gender they can be fired from their job. Many people consider it a Hate Crime to refuse to play along with the transgender fantasy. I am afraid that in the near future Congress will pass a law forcing us to participate in the madness. It is a real possibility that soon we will be setting up re-education camps identical to those that have been used in communist countries throughout history to force sane people to accept fantasy as truth. In this case I am talking about the fantasy that there are more than two genders and boys and girls really can change their gender. It says it in our Declaration of Independence, "...all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..." and it is affirmed in our Constitution somewhere. 

Of course this is a stumbling block for democrats because it tells us two things that democrats cannot accept. We did not create ourselves, nor is humankind a mistake of nature. We have a Creator and to the horror of democrats we derive our just rights from that Creator and not from kings or queens or any other person with a title. We have a Creator who we look to for guidance and light. Somehow democrats have decided that the pursuit of happiness means a man can change his gender, become a new woman, participate in women's sports and win all the trophies and athletic scholarships. Having the benefit of being non binary men and women can change their mind at will even if they have undergone all of the phony sex change procedures. I have personally escorted a man out of a women's restroom at a restaurant somewhere in California. He objected and threatened to call the police. He also complained to the manager of the restaurant. The police never showed up, the restaurant manager thanked me for not resorting to physical violence. All decent people know it is wrong for men and women to share private facilities. Interestingly I have also seen a woman in the men's locker room at a fitness center. She was about 85 years old and had wandered into the men's locker room by mistake. A kind gentleman helped her get reoriented and headed in the right direction. 

They are already encouraging our children in public schools to be sensitive to the feelings of others and if Davy decides he is a girl tomorrow don't try to set him straight, believe in him and help him as he assimilates into his new role as a girl. WHAT? No, a fellow student is not being mean or hateful or the other democrat dog whistle, intolerant, just because they are trying to save a fellow student from a lifetime of misery. It is not intolerant to explain to a child that he was born a boy so he's a boy. He may want to win trophies and a lot of idiot educators will indulge that desire by allowing him to call himself a girl, but no matter how many trophies, ribbons, or scholarships he is awarded he will never be a girl. The tragedy is that there are a lot of kids in public schools who are being shamed into acknowledging that boys can be girls if they want to and girls can be boys if they want to. 

For those of you on the fence the public shaming takes place in the form of teachers constantly telling kids that they are being intolerant and mean if they don't accept a fellow students fantasy. There are some kids who want to make sure they aren't becoming confused by wearing t-shirts with the letters, "I am a boy!" on the front. Kids are being sent home for wearing inappropriate attire, while the confused rainbow crowd is encouraged to wear their 'gay pride' nonsense. And when a child in public school refuses to participate in the boy/girl non binary charade the administrators and school board members attend the school meetings and announce, "This stuff comes from home!" Way to go dude! You made it all the way through grad school, managed to eek out a doctoral thesis and obtain a E.ed, all on your own and you even figured out all by yourself that parents are mad as hell about the brainwashing taking place in the schools they used to, and still wish they could, support. That's exactly right Genius! Those kids are being taught truth at home and it's the only place it's being taught. I am so grateful for parents who care enough about their kids to teach them how to separate the truth from the fantasy they are exposed to every day at school. 

I used to say to myself, "I'm not intolerant, why are they saying I'm intolerant?" Then it hit me like a messenger from Heaven, "You better be intolerant of anyone who is poisoning the minds of your children." So I am becoming one of the faces of intolerance. I saw a woman being chased out of a pubic school administrators office one day by some low life administrator who was threatening to call the police if she didn't leave. 

"Why?" the woman asked, "All I want to know is why a certain book was in the library of an elementary school?" The administrator responded, "You are trespassing! You don't have a teaching degree. You have no right telling me what we can or cannot teach!" I've always been real good at minding my own business, but this had the appearance of something that was my business so I asked the woman being chased off campus if she would mind telling me what that was all about? She took a book from her purse and showed it to me. Inside there were some passages marked, and it was pornographic. It clearly didn't belong anywhere on campus let alone in the school library. I was embarrassed that I had even read it in the presence of this good woman. The point is that schools have been teaching smack to our kids for longer than most of us realize and now they've come up with a new tactic to drive a wedge between parents and their children. Non binary. They are telling children that they may not be the gender their mothers and fathers have been telling them they are, and they might need to consider sex change drugs and surgeries. I've stopped asking myself if they are insane because it is a stupid question; of course they are. How else could they encourage elementary school kids to read books about rape and incest, kidnap and rape, and experimenting with multiple sex positions. It has to be harder than ever to be a decent teacher in a public school these days. I know a lot of teachers who do a tremendous job and are a real blessing to the students with whom they interact. They survive by ignoring the bad things that may be occurring around them and just being the best examples they can, and they do stand out. Too many of them don't get the recognition they deserve because they are not gifted at kissing the bosses posterior. 

I don't know how Americans have become so resistant to facts. I completely understand how frustrating it is to be a parent who is being accused of teaching a child at home that there really is such a thing as boys and girls, and babies aren't assigned a gender at birth, they are either a girl or a boy. Refusing to participate in the monkeys riding unicorns circus known as pride month is not being intolerant. It is being honest and even courageous. There are a few examples of bigotry against normal kids in the schools where I live, but most parents are rebelling against this insidious new curriculum that all but forces kids to believe that being transgender is as good as being normal. The arrogance of the democrat party is nauseating to me, as is the cowardice of parents today. No matter how tired my old man was when he came home from work is he had heard about any teacher telling me I had to celebrate something as evil as homosexuality he would have been camped at the principles front door the next day, along with half of the other fathers on our street and the foolishness would have stopped immediately. I'm no longer young so I learn from my children as they raise their children that too many parents are afraid to speak up. They face the reality of being arrested for even visiting the campus. Transgenders talk about being inclusive and tolerant while they are having people who disagree with them arrested, fired from their job, or placed on a domestic terrorist watch list. We are becoming an intolerant society. Anyone who is morally clean is an anomaly in today's society. 

Children don't need to be told they might not be who their parents have always told them they are, they need to be carefully nurtured. Parents need to ask probing questions about what their children are learning and show interest in what is happening at school. It is not being kind or tolerant to deny a person the psychological help they need when they are facing a crisis. Exactly the opposite is true; a compassionate person would involve a competent mental health pro to help a person in crisis understand that a sex change is not the answer, indeed it is not even possible. Anyone contemplating a sex change is in crisis and needs special help. There are way too many people telling people experiencing a crisis that if they think they are the wrong gender then by golly they are the wrong gender.

I don't understand why it is automatically considered tolerant to allow men to steal women's awards but as long as it is ok with some women. It isn't ok with the woman who actually won the contest then had the award stolen from her by a tolerant athletic director who in turn gives the award to a man who was allowed to compete in a women's event. There is no compassion  for women who work hard and then are denied the recognition they richly deserve. Just the idea that this is a real conversation is causing me a lot of mental anxiety that I'm having a hard time dealing with. How come women are so willing to give up women's sports so men can pretend to be women and take over? How does that make any sense to any sane person? Yet I'm the one who is intolerant? And I'm the one who is hateful and anti transgender. It's true, I am anti transgender because of it's destructive power. Anyone who is opposed to nuclear war has to be opposed to a society that encourages transgenderism because transgenderism is possibly even more destructive than nuclear arms. You can rebuild after a nuclear explosion has destroyed a city, but once you've made it nearly impossible to tell the difference between a man and a woman your society is gone forever. When a man finds out he can't tell if he's dating a man or a woman he will stop dating and there won't be anymore marriages either. Childbirth will slow to a trickle. Of course there will still be a few who will be honest about who they are so marriages may not actually stop, but it will slow way down. 

I believe that gender identity is one of the most fundamental elements essential to building a strong society and creating confusion could actually bring about the death of the society. Because men and women are different they bring different strengths and weaknesses that we all depend upon. A man simply cannot be a woman, nor can a woman be a man. The height of intolerance is when a tyrannical people, transgenders, impose their will on people whose only crime is telling the truth. Transgender people are the most intolerant among us and their intolerance is driving other people crazy. There is no such thing as non binary when dealing with gender. We are all one or the other, it's that simple. Democrats can dirty it up all they want, but once the shrill voices have had to stop to take a breath, any sane person will step up and state the obvious; we are all male or female. The very idea of transgenderism is a ridiculous and stupid concept. It seems possible to me that if you want a violent society, for example an increase in mass murder, then you take women out of the equation. Confuse everyone by making sure no one can tell the difference between a man and a woman and we will lose the vital and positive influence women have on our society. If we insist on tolerating this level of insanity the next generation will probably be our last generation. 


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