Monday, June 26, 2023

Binary/Non Binary

What's in a name? Everything. I have a friend whose daughter has been convinced by the school she attends that she is really a boy. She has given herself a boys name and she insists that I address her as a 'he' which I cannot do. I can call her by her new preferred name because it's just a name and you call yourself whatever you want. Gender is different. There are two genders; count 'em yerself-TWO. That's it. Democrats have been working on rendering language meaningless for decades. Bill Clinton famously claimed there is no clear definition for the word 'is'. They have done the same thing with their man made global warming scam. The've taken Man Made Global Warming through many different iterations until now I believe it is just Climate Change, which probably is occurring, but democrats are saying that if Americans give them essentially a blank check to spend as much money as they want they can stop the climate from changing. There isn't a single American alive who believes that. The other thing democrats are trying to change is biology. They want us to believe that Freedom means a person can change their gender. They have bastardized the language by creating a non binary gender. In other words by using the term non binary they can pretend they were lied to when they were born by their parents and medical professionals who told them they were either a girl or a boy. It's like, "Hey! Who do you think you are telling me what gender I am! There is no way to know at birth what gender a person is!" The word 'nauseating bullshit' comes to mind. 

I'm sure they are feeling pretty confident  since they have convinced just about everyone in the world that we can stop the climate from changing if we can squeeze another hundred trillion dollars from the United States. There is no evidence that the climate is going through a catastrophic change yet hundreds of millions, possible billions of people have convinced themselves that we are in imminent danger of burning up. The climate hoax has been a resounding success, but it has probably reached it's zenith in it's ability to squeeze more money out of people. Now democrats are attacking the most basic element of any civilization; men and women. I saw a t-shirt that proclaimed that "Trans people will always exist". That can only be true if normal people keep having babies. I don't think there is anything mean about making the obvious observation that transgender people are not normal. 

How did democrats even get us started on this totally insanely stupid, completely idiotic discussion? How is it possible that reasonable adults don't feel completely discombobulated arguing about something this basic? It is not only intrinsically absurd, it is also fatal to our society. If we can't agree on basic human biology; it takes a man and a woman to create a baby there is nothing else even worth discussing. We have to ask the obvious question, "Is it possible to have a rational discussion with a person who thinks a man can become pregnant and deliver a baby? Any rational adult would stare back and say, "You are out of your mind." Yet there are egomaniacs among us who will fire anyone from their job who candidly admits the absolute incontrovertible truth that there are only two genders; if a guy named Ralph wants me to call him 'her' he is out of luck. And if a man ever gives birth to a baby through some diabolical science experiment you know full well there is a woman involved in the process. It is a fact that two men cannot produce a child; neither can two women. While it is true that women can get pregnant, and give birth to a child, every time that occurs there was a man involved  in the process. There are no exceptions to that rule. 

The only way to cause a baby to be born is to involve a man and a woman who will eventually have offspring. That's it! And there is nothing any democrat can do to change that. So how do a bare handful of democrats convince the rest of the country that there is possibly an infinite number of genders? First they create sympathy. Rather than provide mental health services which they obviously need, they say we must validate their feelings. Biological facts don't mean a thing compared to a persons feelings. In order to get momentum for their stupid idea they invent hate. They didn't cause hate to happen, hate has always been part of our experience on this earth. In addition to two genders there are also pretty much two types of people; good people and bad people. Unlike gender there are varying degrees of good and bad people, but it pretty much boils down to good and bad and bad people hate. 

Democrats in their desperation to grab more and more power have come up with a genius idea; people may not agree with transgenderism, but they cannot deny that some people are born different. Gender, like race is a figment of our imagination. They shout over and over again that gender is fungible and can be changed because like a person's race there is no way to know what gender you are until you have lived a few years as a human being, taken the time to use your body and then figure out that your brain, central nervous system, and your body are not tracking the same. The day you were born somebody made a horrible mistake and assigned you a gender without taking an appropriate amount of time to find out what gender you really are. 

Of course there is no logic in any of this. Creating an unlimited number of genders serves no purpose. They look straight at you and tell you that if you don't accept the fantasy that men can change into women and women can change into men you are full of hate. You hate transgender people. I pity transgender people but I do not hate them. People like to say I am transphobic and they might have a point there. Insane people make me nervous. I can't really trust an insane person, more so if that person has the full protection of the government and the government is telling me I have to believe in the trans fantasy. In many instances if a sane person refuses to acknowledge the insanity that men and women can change their gender they can be fired from their job. Many people consider it a Hate Crime to refuse to play along with the transgender fantasy. I am afraid that in the near future Congress will pass a law forcing us to participate in the madness. It is a real possibility that soon we will be setting up re-education camps identical to those that have been used in communist countries throughout history to force sane people to accept fantasy as truth. In this case I am talking about the fantasy that there are more than two genders and boys and girls really can change their gender. It says it in our Declaration of Independence, "...all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..." and it is affirmed in our Constitution somewhere. 

Of course this is a stumbling block for democrats because it tells us two things that democrats cannot accept. We did not create ourselves, nor is humankind a mistake of nature. We have a Creator and to the horror of democrats we derive our just rights from that Creator and not from kings or queens or any other person with a title. We have a Creator who we look to for guidance and light. Somehow democrats have decided that the pursuit of happiness means a man can change his gender, become a new woman, participate in women's sports and win all the trophies and athletic scholarships. Having the benefit of being non binary men and women can change their mind at will even if they have undergone all of the phony sex change procedures. I have personally escorted a man out of a women's restroom at a restaurant somewhere in California. He objected and threatened to call the police. He also complained to the manager of the restaurant. The police never showed up, the restaurant manager thanked me for not resorting to physical violence. All decent people know it is wrong for men and women to share private facilities. Interestingly I have also seen a woman in the men's locker room at a fitness center. She was about 85 years old and had wandered into the men's locker room by mistake. A kind gentleman helped her get reoriented and headed in the right direction. 

They are already encouraging our children in public schools to be sensitive to the feelings of others and if Davy decides he is a girl tomorrow don't try to set him straight, believe in him and help him as he assimilates into his new role as a girl. WHAT? No, a fellow student is not being mean or hateful or the other democrat dog whistle, intolerant, just because they are trying to save a fellow student from a lifetime of misery. It is not intolerant to explain to a child that he was born a boy so he's a boy. He may want to win trophies and a lot of idiot educators will indulge that desire by allowing him to call himself a girl, but no matter how many trophies, ribbons, or scholarships he is awarded he will never be a girl. The tragedy is that there are a lot of kids in public schools who are being shamed into acknowledging that boys can be girls if they want to and girls can be boys if they want to. 

For those of you on the fence the public shaming takes place in the form of teachers constantly telling kids that they are being intolerant and mean if they don't accept a fellow students fantasy. There are some kids who want to make sure they aren't becoming confused by wearing t-shirts with the letters, "I am a boy!" on the front. Kids are being sent home for wearing inappropriate attire, while the confused rainbow crowd is encouraged to wear their 'gay pride' nonsense. And when a child in public school refuses to participate in the boy/girl non binary charade the administrators and school board members attend the school meetings and announce, "This stuff comes from home!" Way to go dude! You made it all the way through grad school, managed to eek out a doctoral thesis and obtain a E.ed, all on your own and you even figured out all by yourself that parents are mad as hell about the brainwashing taking place in the schools they used to, and still wish they could, support. That's exactly right Genius! Those kids are being taught truth at home and it's the only place it's being taught. I am so grateful for parents who care enough about their kids to teach them how to separate the truth from the fantasy they are exposed to every day at school. 

I used to say to myself, "I'm not intolerant, why are they saying I'm intolerant?" Then it hit me like a messenger from Heaven, "You better be intolerant of anyone who is poisoning the minds of your children." So I am becoming one of the faces of intolerance. I saw a woman being chased out of a pubic school administrators office one day by some low life administrator who was threatening to call the police if she didn't leave. 

"Why?" the woman asked, "All I want to know is why a certain book was in the library of an elementary school?" The administrator responded, "You are trespassing! You don't have a teaching degree. You have no right telling me what we can or cannot teach!" I've always been real good at minding my own business, but this had the appearance of something that was my business so I asked the woman being chased off campus if she would mind telling me what that was all about? She took a book from her purse and showed it to me. Inside there were some passages marked, and it was pornographic. It clearly didn't belong anywhere on campus let alone in the school library. I was embarrassed that I had even read it in the presence of this good woman. The point is that schools have been teaching smack to our kids for longer than most of us realize and now they've come up with a new tactic to drive a wedge between parents and their children. Non binary. They are telling children that they may not be the gender their mothers and fathers have been telling them they are, and they might need to consider sex change drugs and surgeries. I've stopped asking myself if they are insane because it is a stupid question; of course they are. How else could they encourage elementary school kids to read books about rape and incest, kidnap and rape, and experimenting with multiple sex positions. It has to be harder than ever to be a decent teacher in a public school these days. I know a lot of teachers who do a tremendous job and are a real blessing to the students with whom they interact. They survive by ignoring the bad things that may be occurring around them and just being the best examples they can, and they do stand out. Too many of them don't get the recognition they deserve because they are not gifted at kissing the bosses posterior. 

I don't know how Americans have become so resistant to facts. I completely understand how frustrating it is to be a parent who is being accused of teaching a child at home that there really is such a thing as boys and girls, and babies aren't assigned a gender at birth, they are either a girl or a boy. Refusing to participate in the monkeys riding unicorns circus known as pride month is not being intolerant. It is being honest and even courageous. There are a few examples of bigotry against normal kids in the schools where I live, but most parents are rebelling against this insidious new curriculum that all but forces kids to believe that being transgender is as good as being normal. The arrogance of the democrat party is nauseating to me, as is the cowardice of parents today. No matter how tired my old man was when he came home from work is he had heard about any teacher telling me I had to celebrate something as evil as homosexuality he would have been camped at the principles front door the next day, along with half of the other fathers on our street and the foolishness would have stopped immediately. I'm no longer young so I learn from my children as they raise their children that too many parents are afraid to speak up. They face the reality of being arrested for even visiting the campus. Transgenders talk about being inclusive and tolerant while they are having people who disagree with them arrested, fired from their job, or placed on a domestic terrorist watch list. We are becoming an intolerant society. Anyone who is morally clean is an anomaly in today's society. 

Children don't need to be told they might not be who their parents have always told them they are, they need to be carefully nurtured. Parents need to ask probing questions about what their children are learning and show interest in what is happening at school. It is not being kind or tolerant to deny a person the psychological help they need when they are facing a crisis. Exactly the opposite is true; a compassionate person would involve a competent mental health pro to help a person in crisis understand that a sex change is not the answer, indeed it is not even possible. Anyone contemplating a sex change is in crisis and needs special help. There are way too many people telling people experiencing a crisis that if they think they are the wrong gender then by golly they are the wrong gender.

I don't understand why it is automatically considered tolerant to allow men to steal women's awards but as long as it is ok with some women. It isn't ok with the woman who actually won the contest then had the award stolen from her by a tolerant athletic director who in turn gives the award to a man who was allowed to compete in a women's event. There is no compassion  for women who work hard and then are denied the recognition they richly deserve. Just the idea that this is a real conversation is causing me a lot of mental anxiety that I'm having a hard time dealing with. How come women are so willing to give up women's sports so men can pretend to be women and take over? How does that make any sense to any sane person? Yet I'm the one who is intolerant? And I'm the one who is hateful and anti transgender. It's true, I am anti transgender because of it's destructive power. Anyone who is opposed to nuclear war has to be opposed to a society that encourages transgenderism because transgenderism is possibly even more destructive than nuclear arms. You can rebuild after a nuclear explosion has destroyed a city, but once you've made it nearly impossible to tell the difference between a man and a woman your society is gone forever. When a man finds out he can't tell if he's dating a man or a woman he will stop dating and there won't be anymore marriages either. Childbirth will slow to a trickle. Of course there will still be a few who will be honest about who they are so marriages may not actually stop, but it will slow way down. 

I believe that gender identity is one of the most fundamental elements essential to building a strong society and creating confusion could actually bring about the death of the society. Because men and women are different they bring different strengths and weaknesses that we all depend upon. A man simply cannot be a woman, nor can a woman be a man. The height of intolerance is when a tyrannical people, transgenders, impose their will on people whose only crime is telling the truth. Transgender people are the most intolerant among us and their intolerance is driving other people crazy. There is no such thing as non binary when dealing with gender. We are all one or the other, it's that simple. Democrats can dirty it up all they want, but once the shrill voices have had to stop to take a breath, any sane person will step up and state the obvious; we are all male or female. The very idea of transgenderism is a ridiculous and stupid concept. It seems possible to me that if you want a violent society, for example an increase in mass murder, then you take women out of the equation. Confuse everyone by making sure no one can tell the difference between a man and a woman and we will lose the vital and positive influence women have on our society. If we insist on tolerating this level of insanity the next generation will probably be our last generation. 


Sunday, June 18, 2023

CIVIL WAR; final chapter

There is no one who cares more about the American Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War and our great Constitution than I do. I spent forty of my adult years defending the Constitution. I, along with millions of other Americans swore an Oath to defend the Constitution from "All enemies, foreign and domestic," and the fact that I'm no longer active duty does not release me from that oath. Unfortunately even many of us who took that oath don't take it seriously. Similar to the Confederate generals who violated their oath in 1860 when they took up arms against their country, many law enforcement officers and even military leaders are working to undermine this great nation and there will be another civil war if we can't stop them. The only reason democrats are so desperate to erase all evidence of the confederacy is to hide their complicity in the horrors of the civil war. All of those statues of Confederate generals, politicians and soldiers should remain on display so we can point to them and tell our children how wrong those men were and the importance of preserving the Union. Today democrats are plotting the downfall of America and they need to distance themselves as far from the civil war as possible to hide their intentions now. You can bet everything you own that those who are desecrating the civil war battlefield displays are not visiting those sacred places to appreciate the greatness of this nation, and underscore what we can do and achieve when difficulties arise. 

When Richard Nixon was about to be accused of violating his oath as President of the United States even members of his own party leadership asked him to resign rather than drag the country through an impeachment proceeding and then a possible criminal trial. Being the blood thirsty and power hungry people that they've always been, not to mention ego maniacs, democrats can't do that. Democrat President Bill Clinton abused a young woman by having a prolonged sexual affair with her when she was an intern in the White House then lied about it on national TV and anywhere else where people would listen to him, including all members of Congress. He survived two impeachment attempts because his fellow democrats cared more about power than upholding their oath. No democrat voted to impeach him even when they knew he was guilty, lied to them, and lied to the nation. He survived impeachment but was found to be in contempt of court after it was discovered he lied under oath. Being a democrat he was allowed to agree to a suspension of his law license for a period of time in return for the court doing him a favor by not indicting him for the crime of perjury. By doing that the judge was able to appear to care about the integrity of her court and allow a criminal she held in high regard to avoid being convicted of a serious crime. There is no reason to believe President Nixon, arguably one of the best presidents we've ever had, would have been given the same courtesy. President Gerald Ford sacrificed his chances at becoming elected president when he pardoned Richard Nixon in part to avoid the spectacle of a former president being dragged through a criminal proceeding and possibly convicted for a crime for which he was not guilty. Republicans care about keeping this country whole and safe, democrats care about maintaining their grasp on power. 

Years later another Clinton, Hilary this time, committed the crime of obstruction of justice by having everyone who worked for her destroy all of their communication devices including cell phones, ipads, and personal computers when the FBI was attempting to investigate her for illegally storing Top Secret files on her unsecured personal server in her personal residence while she was Secretary of State. The FBI was in the early stages of becoming a tool to be used by the democrat party and Director Comey, a national disgrace and traitor to his country, conducted a sham investigation and determined that although the FBI agents involved in the investigation found that multiple laws had been broken and her internet server had most likely been hacked by everyone in the world who had an interest in finding out about state secrets, she couldn't be charged with a crime because she was only acting recklessly and not criminally. The FBI didn't actually conduct an investigation. They loosely supervised while Bloody Hilary investigated herself. Apparently part of Comey's job was to ensure that Bloody Hilary was elected president, luckily in spite of his best efforts she was defeated. 

During the 2016 presidential campaign when a reporter asked Donald Trump a question about what was on Hilary's private server he stated something to the effect of, "I don't know what was on that server. Contact Putin, he probably knows!" The democrat press turned that statement into 'proof' that Trump and Putin were working together to corrupt the American election process when in fact it was an observation that since she had acted so negligently that it was very likely that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, Israelis and anyone else who cared to had read what she had stored. And she was probably paid handsomely by all of them for her service. Since her only goal is the overthrow of our government the FBI didn't see any reason to dig too deep. In a too close election the first woman presidential candidate from a major political party, Hilary Clinton, was defeated by a man who had never sought any political office in the past, Donald Trump, and we saved the nation for another couple of years. It is very likely that Bloody Hilary would have stacked the Supreme Court with justices hostile to the Constitution and they could have teamed up to subvert the rule of law in America. Just thinking about the Supreme Court she would have given us causes all freedom loving Americans to shudder. Such a court would have abolished the Bill of Rights by simply bypassing the Constitution and ruling solely on their emotions. After all, the Constitutions says whatever the Supreme Court Justices say it says. We've already seen a few who told us that "Shall not be infringed" means it is a right that can be taken away. 

There is no way to explain using any form of logic how a doddering old fool was able to defeat one of the only presidents in the history of our country to keep every political promise he made as a candidate except for one, and he would have kept that promise but his own party was still mad at him for winning the election. Republican party leaders with tons of political experience were deeply hurt by losing the election to a man who had never held any political office in his life. He had never even run for any other political office and that's why he won. Nobody trusted any of the candidates who already held other government positions. We the People trusted Trump and he didn't let us down. He was seen as mean when he refused to respect a gold star father who dishonored the memory of his own son who had been killed in combat by using that son's death as a political tool to help Bloody Hilary in her bid for the presidency. He was also criticized for making fun of a 'reporter' with some sort of handicap when the 'reporter' was accusing him of who knows what. President Trump never fired the first shot, but when people lied about him or made reckless accusations against him he didn't let them hide behind their emotions or their visible, but not debilitating handicaps. 

People who ran afoul of the Clintons ended up dead. Luckily Hilary lost the election. Unfortunately Americans lost their collective minds when four years later they elected a democrat who hid in the basement of his residence for most of the campaign season because his handlers were certain he would say stupid things if they let him out of the house. Now we are approaching another presidential campaign season and President Joe Biden is looking worse than ever. There are very few people who think he should seek a second term as president. He will be eighty one years old in November 2024. If elected there is a real possibility that he will not survive his second term. He only works about twenty hours a week now. Maybe less. He is not energetic and he certainly doesn't show any sign of being an intelligent man. 

Another thing about Uncle Joe that is being pretty much overlooked is he is possibly the most corrupt president we've ever had. He brags about being corrupt and Americans laugh. He withheld a billion dollars from the government of Ukraine until they fired a prosecutor who was about to criminally indict the head of a company that employed Hunter Biden, Uncle Joe's son. Now there is evidence that President Biden has taken bribes from people all over Europe and Asia. And his son has been given positions on the board of directors of companies all over the world. He has no experience that would qualify him for those positions except for is connections to people in high office in the United States, including his father who was vice president then finally president of the United States. Bank accounts have been set up at various banks for other members of the Biden family into which millions of dollars has been deposited from people all over the world. 

The FBI doesn't see anything unusual about that. They seem to think it happens all the time and there is no chance that any special consideration might be given to individuals who make those deposits. Somebody gives a gift to a Supreme Court Justice and people cover their heads with their hands and scream, "The country is under attack, so and so gave Justice Thomas a gift! He has to go!" The democrat cheer leaders masquerading as reporters are focusing on Clarence Thomas while the FBI has focused all of it's attention on Donald Trump, a man who has kept all of his campaign promises and stood up to just about every tyrant in the world. The FBI went so far as to spend money for a document they knew to be fake that they wanted to prove contained evidence of criminal activity by Donald Trump. They lied to FISA judges to obtain illegal warrants allowing them to spy on a presidential campaign. Even lying their spies couldn't produce any credible testimony against Trump. President Trump was investigated by the FBI all during his presidency even though they knew there was nothing to investigate and what they were doing was illegal. It it didn't matter to them; they had orders to get an indictment against him no matter what and they failed. 

After he was defeated by a democrat clearly in the early stages of dementia the FBI continued to look for ways to indict Trunp for a crime then convict him at trial on manufactured evidence. That is a violation of the law to say the least and treason to tell the truth. He was recently indicted for committing a crime that never occurred in New York and he is about to be indicted by another court for another crime that never occurred. He is being treated this way because he refuses to be intimidated into not seeking another term as president. The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation hates him and so does the United States Attorney General. They hate him so much that they are stomping all over the Constitution and the rule of law in an effort to ensure that he never becomes president of the United States again. Ironically they may be ensuring that he is re-elected because a lot of Americans are paying attention and can tell that the only reason for these charges being filed is to try and ensure Donald Trump cannot be elected. I actually don't trust the American public to make intelligent decisions any more. I love it when they do, but it always surprises me. Hopefully during this election cycle they will surprise me some more.

Donald Trump was just arrested and fingerprinted in New York city a couple of months ago. There are no competent attorneys who believe he is guilty of committing any crime. One of the most liberal lawyers in the world, Alan Dershowitz, a man I used to despise for the lies he told during the trial of the murdering scumbag Orenthal James Simpson, but I've backed off somewhat recently due to Dershowitz' vehement defense of the United States Constitution. He is not a Trump supporter, but he is adamant that what the FBI and the DOJ are doing is a flagrant violation of the Constitution. I respect that. 

And now Donald Trump has been ordered to appear in Federal court in Miami on June 13th. When he makes that appearance there is a very real possibility that there will be a violent protest since a lot of people are once again becoming emotional and frustrated by the flagrant violations of the law by supposed law enforcement personnel. My hope is that they will not let their emotions get them in trouble. The riot at the Capitol Building on Jan 6th was an act of stupidity by a bunch of misguided souls. I'm actually pretty sure they still had in their minds the images of democrats burning and looting entire city blocks and very little was done about it. In fact, the Vice President of the United States helped arrange bail for anyone who was arrested by what she considered over zealous law enforcement officials. The protesters at the Capitol building had every reason to believe that what they were doing, breaking a few windows and doors was not any worse. They should have known better. There is another fact that is being largely ignored about that protest; there was an unknown number of FBI agents in the crowd and their job was to work the crowd up and incite the violence that took place that day. Whatever happens in Florida on June 12, it will be an honest protest against an obviously corrupt system and if they have any sense there won't be any violence of any kind. Any law enforcement officer who attempts to make an arrest will be in violation of her or his oath of office since they all know a peaceful, even loud protest is legal. Many of the people who are going to be responsible for processing his arrest forms and fingerprints will be mortified at what they are forced to do. 

We have never been a country that imprisoned people simply for running against an incumbent president, but now that is clearly what we are trying to do. Ever since King Barry (Barak Obama) ruled in the Oval Office the FBI and the DOJ have been instruments of terror against the Republican party and anyone who didn't vote democrat. Actually King Barry was even more efficient than Uncle Joe because he even used the IRS to actively go after people who dared to participate in the election process. That is probably why now democrats want 87,000 new IRS agents added to their army. This army will not be used to go after corporate America, they will be deployed against working people. You and me. The tax code is so complex that no one really understands it. I've personally been in a position where I had to call the IRS several times while trying to figure out how to file a tax return and talking to different people at the IRS I got conflicting information on the same question. Corporate America doesn't have to worry about the IRS because they have ways of making their financial records so complicated and they are spread out all over the world and in so many different names that it would take all 87,000 of those new agents to gather the information they would need to ensure the corporation has followed all the rules. You and me are much easier to reach and our forms are not that hard to follow and read so if we make a mistake it is much easier to find. 

Way back in the beginning, when the brave men and women who had the courage to fight the most powerful military in the world, and win, were deciding how their new country should be governed they wrote a constitution that described exactly how to maintain a free society. They didn't want a monarchy or a dictator. They wanted the individual people to be free to follow their dreams and build their own future. They knew very well how monarchs could suppress a population and make them subservient to the whims of the individual instead of encouraging freedom of thought and allowing people to thrive, monarchs are jealous of their serfs and will do whatever they have to in order to prove they are in power. One of the things monarchs do to ensure they can maintain power over a population is to hire an army, train and arm them well, and send them into a village occasionally to murder a few people, beat and rape a few more then move on after stealing a couple of hundred of pounds of food if there is any. 

The colonists themselves found themselves subjected to abuses from King George that they found intolerable so they devised a strategy to gain their independence from the king of England. As the colonies were littered with spies they had to be careful who they included in the strategy, but the king still learned enough to know that the colonists were arming themselves for protection against the British army and he sent part of his army to Concord Massachusetts, to disarm a militia there and that's where the trouble began. The shot heard 'round the world was fired and war was declared. Eight years later the entire world watched in disbelief as the colonists defeated the mightiest military power in the world and gained their independence. That was the main reason for including the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. And it isn't the the last amendment in the Bill of Rights; it's second so it could be used to enforce the First Amendment if necessary. 

The time is approaching when that might be necessary and just as the colonists had to have the courage to stand up for their rights, valiant citizens today may have to band together into militias to defend their neighborhoods against government abuse. The fact that the governor of California wants to begin a movement to remove the right to self defense from the Bill of Rights and take away our right to 'Keep and Bear Arms". If I were a tyrant bent on beating a population into submission that is what I would do. 

Another thing I would do is use whatever power I had at my disposal to ensure that anyone who opposed me was taken out of the competition. There are two very effective ways to sto the opposition. One is assassination, but that is risky and difficult to carry out without getting caught. The other is sending your opponent to prison so he or she is out of the running as was recently done in Mother Russia as was done to Alexei Nalvany. Against everything America has always stood for we now have our own Alexei Nalvany's. During the sham investigations into the illegal investigation of Donald trump multiple were falsely arrested. Some of them are still in prison, a couple of them are out and at least one of them, Roger Stone, still has the courage to fight back after he was falsely accused, falsely prosecuted, and ultimately found guilty of a crime that never even occurred by a rogue prosecutor and sentenced by a rogue judge, he still defends himself and Donald Trump against a system that is being corrupted in an attempt to overthrow our Constitutional form of government. 

Roger Stone was asleep in his home with his wife and children when a bunch of well armed agents of the FBI burst into his home to conduct a search of his home and arrest him. It was all very dramatic and totally unnecessary. One thing our New and Improved FBI, the one who works for the democrat party, loves is a dramatic entrance so they brought a film crew from CNN with them to record the event then carefully edit it so it would look right to anyone viewing it later. After they terrorized Stone's family for a sufficient amount of time to ensure future compliance by other people who may be considering joining the 'opposition', they took him away in his bathrobe and handcuffs. Stone was arrested on January 25, 2019 and sentenced on February 20, 2020, after enduring a sham trial based on the testimony of other witnesses who had been similarly intimidated by Special Agents of the FBI. Stone was sentenced to three and a half years in a Federal prison. Against the advice of many of his advisors President Donald Trump pardoned Mr. Stone because he was tired of the abuses from the Obama DOJ and his thugs. He may have considered more pardons, but didn't want to have to deal with the inevitable fallout that would take up to much of his time, energy and resources. He was witnessing first hand the power of the Washington D.C. Swamp that wasn't only made up of Obama voters, but many subversives from the Republican Party as well. Many Republican Party leaders were very upset about We The People not showing the proper respect by voting for an outsider and essentially a rebel instead of one of them. 

I know that is the reason I voted for Donald Trump and still support him. Just about everyone in the leadership of the GOP is part of the Deep State and they need to be carefully controlled. The war over the soul of America as Uncle Joe describes it is heating up. A rogue district attorney in New York City has managed to manufacture enough evidence to get an indictment of Donald Trump in Manhattan county, and now a rogue federal court in Miami, Florida has managed to accomplish the same task. Our system of justice has been subverted and may soon look exactly like that of the Kremlin in Russia. Democrats have always admired the Russian way of government and would love to implement it here in the States. 

We simply cannot allow that to happen. Our freedom is too precious and once it's gone that's it. I don't think most democrats realize that their policies inevitably lead to a socialist or even communist state because they lack the ability to plan long range, preferring to take things one step at a time, hoping that somehow something will intervene and save them from from themselves. If they ever get what they think they want, democrats will lament the decision they're making to forfeit what we have for a mirage that sounds good but can never happen. Of course they will blame Conservatives for their plight. Next week Donald Trump will be reporting as ordered to the federal court in Miami, Florida to be formally charged for crimes that haven't even been committed, but they are desperate to hold on to their power no matter what. If I could I'd be there to protest this gross government misconduct. If this mushrooms into a general civil war like the one democrats started in 1860 life will be terrible for a few years, but in the end those who support the Constitution will win and we can clean up and resume the good life of freedom loving people. I really hope we hang the next Jefferson Davis then reconstitute the Republic using the original Constitution as the basis for the next couple hundred years at least. When that happens democrats will immediately begin their next offensive against freedom and hopefully a new party will emerge to replace the badly damaged and unreliable Republican Party. 

During the Revolutionary War democrats were called Tories. During the Civil War they were called Confederates. During the next civil war which they are moving toward they will be called traitors. Democrat 'leaders' can never run a clean campaign because they love wielding power too much and if they stick to the issues and facts they might lose. So they have to resort to deflection and name calling. In the past they've been content to rely on the dead people and illegal alien vote, but that has resulted in elections being way too close and they've even lost a couple, most notably to Donald Trump who had never run any type of political campaign before. The first president in my lifetime to actually stoop low enough to use law enforcement and the IRS as political weapons was king Barry. He appointed cabinet members he knew would be loyal only to him. Following the Constitution was going to stop just about everything he wanted to accomplish. His IRS director, Lois Lerner, refused to allow tax status to any political action committees that supported Republican candidates. His Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, refused to conduct a criminal investigation into the actions of Hilary Clinton when she improperly stored sensitive communications in an unsecured server at her home so government agencies all over the world could gain access. The director of the FBI conducted an investigation, determined that crimes occurred, but said no assistant US attorney would prosecute so no criminal case would be filed. Obama's DOJ and FBI committed perjury by lying to FISA judges in order to obtain permission to spy on the political campaign of Donald Trump. Even with the assistance of the IRS, DOJ, and the FBI Hilary Clinton lost the election. Democrats have not been deterred; now they are actually making illegal arrests of their main political rival, former president Donald Trump. They are picking up speed in their quest for another civil war and I hope enough Americans see through their tricks and stop them before it is too late. Let the trial unfold and see if they can drag it out till the election takes place. Those who oppose the election process are our greatest allies because every time they make an illegal move these days Donald Trump gains more momentum. It may be a Conservative America who actually fires the first shot of the next civil war, but it will be in self defense. 

Democrats will think of a way to start a war so we should let them own it. They seem to think that bringing false criminal charges against Donald Trump will stop him from running for election for president. One of the most defining characteristics of the democrat party is their inability to see beyond their own noses. In their quest to win and maintain positions of power they are so focused on grabbing all the power they can that they cannot see the harm they are causing to themselves and everyone else. Americans can be slow learners, but they are not actually stupid in most cases. They will probably see all these fake charges against Donald Trump for what they really are; another attempt to subvert the election process by keeping the opposition occupied with criminal court appearances. They won't succeed in getting him convicted which really isn't their goal anyway. All they are really trying to do is bury Donald Trump in paper so deep he won't be able to see straight. Trump is great at focusing and multi tasking. He's a dedicated and hard working man and can run circles around any hundred democrats, democrats aren't necessarily stupid, they are narcissistic and short sighted. They tend to create problems that even they can't solve and hopefully that is what they are doing now. If for some reason everything goes terribly wrong and they succeed in getting him convicted there is a very good chance that there will be a civil war, not because Donald Trump is that special, but our system of justice is and if democrats succeed in subverting the system they will reap the whirlwind. And gun owners outnumber the military by about five to one and we are well armed and many of us are well trained. Uncle Joe has threatened to use F16's against us if he succeeds in starting a civil war. In an urban setting they won't do much good and there will be a lot of active duty personnel who will refuse to fight against American citizens. About the last thing I want is a civil war. I have children and grandchildren who deserve a peaceful existence like the one I've always enjoyed, but I don't control the democrat party so I don't get to decide if there will be another civil war. All I can do is teach my family how to survive the coming madness.

What I tell my own children is the same I tell everyone around me. Prepare yourselves for war. Start buying food in bulk, and store lots of water. Dust off your guns and start spending time at the local shooting range. Take some classes in firearms combat and survival. Don't look for trouble but be ready when it arrives. Clean your weapons and buy ammunition and store it in a safe place. The Second Amendment is a guaranteed right not a privilege. Just like freedom of speech, only without the Second Amendment we cannot ensure freedom of speech. No one knows when it will start, but we know there will be another rebellion in the form of an actual armed assault. Look at Seattle and Portland where armed democrat militants took over several city blocks and refused entry to anyone. Police officers were ordered to stay out of those areas even when there was a murder committed there. It was a total social breakdown in those cities. Those insurrectionists were hailed as heroes by democrat leaders. A few Trump supporters broke some windows at the U.S. Capitol building and a police officer murdered a woman who was unarmed and a threat to no one and he is credited by the democrats with saving 'countless lives'. I guess democrats have a hard time counting all the way to one hundred. I have a granddaughter in kindergarten who can do it.  

The police officer who murdered her has been lifted on a pedestal and called a hero by democrats across the country. He is no hero; he is a useless coward. The only thing keeping democrats from violently seizing power in America is their fear of Mr. and Mrs. gun owners. I don't believe that most democrats want a civil war, but they just can't see how dangerous it is to try to change the American culture. Americans are not violent people they are independent people. This nation was founded on principles of rugged individualism, not of someone being better than everyone else by virtue of being born into a certain family. Unique in the world, Americans believe that anyone can succeed based on their own abilities no matter who their parents are. That is why the United States is the strongest nation in the history of the world. They believe in principles of gun ownership because they believe everyone has the God given right to defend themselves against anyone who wants to take away their precious freedom. And governments have a tendency to abuse the power given them by their fellow citizens and after awhile the People will defend themselves against a tyrannical government. 

Central governments tend to arm and train soldiers for the national defense and eventually they almost always end up using those same soldiers to use their weapons and training to violently disperse people with grievances against the government. The central government does that by convincing otherwise well meaning soldiers that the protesters are in reality violent insurrectionists intent on overthrowing the government. Soldiers are taught to obey orders and will attempt to violently put down any attempt at insurrection against the country. Their handlers are very good at convincing armies that any protest is a threat to democracy so using violent force against them is acceptable. That is why we have a Second Amendment; to keep the central government honest. The minute we allow them to disarm us they will take advantage of our vulnerability and Constitutional law will die on the floor of Congress. 

What democrats need to understand is we won't let that happen. We are not violent people, nor are we push overs for violent bullies to take advantage of. We will fight to maintain our freedom and we will win. When the smoke clears we will hang those who turned our soldiers against us. We will rebuild our country on the solid Constitutional foundation just like it was almost 250 years ago. Hopefully democrats don't really believe they own the American armed forces and they will begin to have a desire to preserve our form of government and strengthen it and work together. That is what made America great and strong. I'm asking democrats to stop the madness. Talk to those on the Republican side who will listen. Build a consensus and help ensure this country endures for at least another two hundred years. 

Thursday, June 8, 2023


They're  at it again. Suddenly there's no such thing as pornography. Public schools have a right to expose our children from kindergarten to twelfth grade to material that is so offensive that school board officials refuse to listen to it when parents read it to them in protest at board meetings. In the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave parents are being arrested for protesting against pornography in public schools. Democrats are appalled. Not about parents who oppose pornography in public schools being arrested, but that anyone would want to stop children from reading pornographic literature. It's like some parents think they should be able to tell educators what to teach in our schools! To democrats that's an outrage. 

The largest fascist organization in America is accusing people who oppose having pornographic materials in public schools fascists. If you oppose having books in the library of your public schools that contain scenes of boys anally gang raping a fellow female student you are guilty of 'banning books'.  If you oppose allowing boys to use the girl's bathroom you are a transphobe and a bigot. And if you think girls shouldn't be forced to undress and shower with boys you are just a horrible, close minded, and intolerant human being. As a bigot you really shouldn't even be allowed to attend school board meetings and you certainly shouldn't be making any statements about the education of your children. 

Democrats really want to know why conservatives are so full of hate and intolerance. They want to change everyone's attitude toward pornography and transgender children. They're doing that by saying in America we don't exclude anyone from enjoying all of the privileges that everyone else enjoys. If girls can use the girls bathroom then the boys should be allowed in there too. If girls change their clothes and shower in the girls locker room then boys should be allowed the same privilege since good people never discriminate against anyone else for any reason. If anyone objects and tries to pull that religion stuff they need to stop forcing their judgmental nonsense onto everyone else. There is no room for morality in public schools. People who claim to be transgender are sacred cows in America and transgender students have the right to do whatever they want. They are a special, even superior form of American. They are free thinkers who aren't weighed down by judgmental and out dated codes of morality. A devout democrat influencer living in Eastern Europe in the mid 19th century named Karl Marx claimed among other things that capitalism exploits people in a capitalist society who then lean on religion as a cushion against the misery caused by capitalists; he famously stated that "Religion is the opiate of the people." Obviously we don't approve of opium use so religion must be a bad thing and there is no room for religious attitudes in public schools. 

The hypocrisy in the democrat party is painfully visible in everything they do but somehow so many good people can't see it. Claiming you care about poor people isn't the same thing as actually doing something to help poor people. The people who follow the democrat dogma love the message. Equality is something we all strive for, but it can never be achieved. Someone will always have more that someone else. And the leaders of the democrat party, most of them, have amassed fortunes ranging from hundreds of millions of dollars to hundreds of billions all under a capitalist system. In a socialist or communist state it is the same; only party leaders can build such personal empires. I still haven't found anyone who can explain to me why democrats think it would be different in this country. The point is that hypocrisy is the defining characteristic of the democrat philosophy. And the bait they use is the promise of equality. Equal access sounds fine until my daughter is standing face to face with a naked male in the girl's locker room and shower. It takes a very twisted mind to even attempt to make sense of that picture, yet that is what they are trying to do with transgenderism and pornography. Transgenderism is supposedly about equality and pornography is about education. Same people quickly become dizzy just trying to absorb all of the absurdities. 

Just about every democrat I know, and yes I associate with too many democrats, believes that religion is ok as long as it doesn't cause people to lose sight of the realities of the world in which we live. Obviously for them it is important that we don't force any religious views on children because children lack the maturity to separate fantasy from reality. I guess that's why they teach children beginning in kindergarten that there is no such thing as 'boys' and 'girls'. They don't want to cram those beautiful little minds with scientific and medically proven facts. They also have to drive a wedge between children and their parents since a child's parents might try to convince them that they are in fact either female or male. It takes guts for a child to claim that medical professionals and parents don't know what they are talking about so educators (propagandists) convince them that it is not necessary for them to share the things they learn at school with their parents when they go home. They can and should share all of their thoughts with their teacher. So how is a teacher supposed to respond when approached by an attractive sixteen year old girl wearing a crop top and a mini skirt and asks him what cornholling is. I'd never heard the term until another parent pointed it out from a book she found in the elementary school library so I looked it up. The same question can be posed to the female teacher who is asked the same question by a muscular sixteen year old boy. And as we are seeing, too many of them are saying, "Meet me at the motel at the edge of town and I'll show you!" We actually, and insanely in my judgmental opinion, allow teachers and students to use internet portals to communicate with each other using private passwords that parents don't have access to. Do we really wonder why there are more frequent inappropriate teacher-student relationships? Aren't we actually encouraging it? 

Admittedly parents can be pretty possessive of their children and want to know what is being taught in the classroom. Speaking of parents too many educators are telling children how dare they assign a gender to you when you have just barely been brought into the world? They don't know you, they have no idea what gender you are because there is no way to tell. Right? And somehow we're supposed to take these complete nincompoops seriously and just trust them with our children's mental well being? There are only two genders baby! That's not just my closed minded, bigoted opinion, it's a proven scientific, medical, and whatever else you want to describe it, truth. And by using that vile five letter word I've exposed the soft vulnerable underbelly of the democrat party; the truth is not their friend. They are actually scared of the truth. I was recently involved in a critical debate with a couple of 'educators' in another state over the philosophy of teaching children. The issue was pornography in public schools and tolerance for transgender kids. I admit to being surprised to witness the arrogance of public school teachers in that area. I hope it is confined to that particular region of the country. I would actually love to see someone conduct a deep study into the social fabric of that area because the people defending pornography in their public schools also claim to be very religious. 

One of these 'teachers' contacted me on the internet to let me know that since I didn't have a degree in education I had no business telling her what to do in the classroom. Another informed me that I might live in a loving and peaceful home, but not all children have that opportunity. Somehow that means that some children need to have access to violent pornography? Not in my mind. If parents think their children need to read about raping fellow students after luring them into the woods they have every right and opportunity to purchase those reading materials and reading them as bedtime stories to their little darlings. I do not support banning books. Teachers in that area are quite inconsistent when choosing which Constitutional rights to enforce. The same group of educators was appalled that I objected to allowing transgender girls (boys pretending to be girls) into the girls locker rooms and showers. They accused me of being insensitive and transphobic. Transgender victims are allowed to pretty much say and do whatever they want. In many states transgenders can dictate to the rest of the people in the cities where they live what they can say and do. Yes, they actually can. For example if I refer to a man as 'him' or a woman as 'her' and they tell me to refer to them by their opposite gender I'm expected to comply. It's a lie, but that doesn't matter, if a person wants to keep her or his job they will go along with the fantasy created in a confused mind. According to these 'educators' If some knucklehead first grader says he's a girl or the same age girl says she's a boy I'm just supposed to be sensitive and honor that feeling which is never going to happen. I am never going to allow a kid in the first grade to teach me what I got wrong about basic biology. And the same goes for the person with a wall full of diplomas and certificates and claims that gives them the authority to tell me to either participate in their fantasy or keep my mouth shut. Somehow excluding parents from their children's education doesn't sound very inclusive to me. And I'm not the only one. You can trust me when I predict that things are about to get ugly if these arrogant teachers and administrators don't become a little more tolerant of parents who want to assist in the education of their kids. Democrats love to preach to everyone about tolerance. They love tolerance and to them tolerance means, "You do what I say and everyone will get along just fine..." They can tolerate us just fine as long as we understand our place in their world. 

There have been times when parents have been forced to leave school board meetings for objecting to to such things as pornography in the school library or boys being allowed to change their clothes and take showers in the girls locker rooms. They are very tolerant people, but they won't tolerate it when people become disruptive by objecting to their stupid and destructive ideas. The claim is that people have a First Amendment right to express themselves and that is why we have to allow third graders to undergo gender reassignment procedures and expose the same students to pornography. That is a very stupid interpretation of the Bill of Rights. Even if they do have the right to abuse the First Amendment that way, I have the same right guaranteed to me and I'll use it to tell the truth about whatever subject is being discussed, including the fungibility of a person's gender. We are very close to a situation where the two camps can't agree on what used to be considered by all people as basic humanity. We used to respect privacy, now in open minded San Francisco, the great fortress of equality, you can watch people defecating on the sidewalk in broad daylight. That beautiful gem has become a cesspool of crime and depravity and the people who created it are moving to other states in numbers so large that housing is finally becoming affordable there. They are about to learn what the word affordable means when they are forced to give houses away because thieves, drug addicts and homeless people don't pay for anything. 

It has long been a doctrine of the Supreme Court of the United States that the Constitution is not a suicide pact, which basically means that while our rights cannot be violated we need to be careful about things like pornography and its effects on children, and transgender rights. We do put some constraints on free speech when we stop people from trying to incite a riot, or conspire to overthrow our government. We don't allow people to threaten to kill people either. The phrase was supposedly stated by Abraham Lincoln when he was accused of usurping the Constitution when he suspended habeas corpus by essentially placing all Confederates under arrest during the civil war. And it has been used by multiple Supreme Court justices since then. It is interesting to me to note that democrats opposed the Constitution in the 1860's and nothing has changed. Limits on freedom of speech are sometimes necessary to protect children from the damaging effects of pornography or at so called gay pride events where men wear clothing that exposes their butts so other men can whip them in public. The only major political party that thinks that type of activity should be protected is the democrat party; the party of 'sex, drugs, and rock n' roll.' What about standards regarding basic decency? Why do democrats seem to believe that if something is not specifically covered by a government statute it is automatically acceptable speech or behavior? 

There will be a time in their lives when children will learn about the difference between the sexes. Boys are boys and girls are girls. They will be taught about procreation when the time is appropriate, which has traditionally been just before the age when they begin to experience inevitable changes that come with adolescence. There is no way a first grader can understand certain biological changes the same way a sixth grader does and it won't do any good to try to explain it to them. It will confuse most of them and could very well scare the snot out of some of them. There is wisdom in waiting for the right time. The same group that has no qualms about allowing kids to spew whatever filth that enters their mind hates the word 'wisdom' but wisdom is a good thing. Wisdom comes with education and experience and I don't know any first graders that are brimming with either. 

I'm not judging anyone. I am offering a way to allow children to grow up at a rate that is commensurate with their ability. If some idiot parent (alright that's a judgment) wants to read their first grade children bedtime stories about rape and incest, they have that right. They can order those stories on the internet and enjoy quality time with their kids. Once again the party of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll, wants to start indoctrinating our children early. Seriously, only a pedophile wants that kind of material on the shelves of public school libraries. Fools claim that removing pornographic literature from the shelves of public school libraries are guilty of banning books. I haven't had the chance to ask them, but I'd like to know if they feel the same way about books that provide instructions on how to make methamphetamine, a dangerous drug that can be made using common household items. Maybe there should be books in the school library that provide directions on how to make zip guns or explosives. Are there books in public school libraries that extol the virtues of Nazi Germany? Was it really a bad idea to exterminate all Jews? How long would they tolerate a book that glorified the history of the Ku Klux Klan? Is it really wrong to hate people because they were born into an inferior race? I could go on for hours. How come women are allowed to take men's jobs? Why should women get the same pay as a man? How long would books on those topics be allowed to remain in the school library? 

Once again democrats have interjected a ridiculous argument into the public discourse and insecure people, even some so-called conservatives, are too afraid of being labelled a bigot to stand up and protect our children, who are attending public schools, from the harm caused by pornographic literature. If anyone is wondering why there seem to be so many teachers getting sexually involved with their students all they have to do is peruse the library books in the school where the offense is occurring to find the answer. If I were a teacher who turned pedophile predator and found myself in court after being caught with one of my victims I might use the books I found in the school library and then read to my students as justification for my actions. If school administrators think that type of material is appropriate then it is only natural (in a perverts eyes) to act out some of the scenes in the book. 

School plays do it all the time. How many Shakespeare plays have dealt with murder, lust, suicide and betrayal and are then acted out on the stages in public schools? How is this any different? To a normal person the difference is obvious, but to a democrat pervert it is quite confusing. Allowing smut in public schools proves a person is open minded and able to understand that not everyone views the world the same way. They are more secure than the "Uptight" book banner. Democrats point the finger of scorn at parents who want their children to have a quality experience in public schools. They hide behind phrases like, "Not everyone comes from a great home you know!" As if that justifies destroying everyone's home life. That is why parents need to be more involved in the education of their children, not less. And no one who cares about our kids should be worried about being accused by a pervert of banning books. No educator should be concerned about a parent who wants to know everything there is to know about the school curriculum. If an educator is worried that parents might object to parts of the curriculum 

Keeping pornographic books out of the libraries of public schools, and therefore out of the hands of kids who lack the maturity to know how to process what they are seeing and reading does not qualify as banning books. It is simply protecting children. It is perverse and wrong to accuse people who are generally opposed to pornography anywhere of being intolerant and ignorant. And any parent who falls for those types of insults, gives in, and accepts as a matter of public agreement that schools must ensure that kids get their fill of disgusting stories and images before they graduate high school need to re-examine themselves, grow a little courage and boldly stand up for what they believe. Pornography is bad for everybody. It is addictive and destructive and no decent person would become involved in reading or watching pornographic material (that's a judgment too) I guess I am a pretty intolerant person after all. I believe in human decency and protecting kids from predators, especially when those predators are teaching those kids. 

If I ever get arrested for reading a paragraph from a book I find in an elementary or secondary public school library to a bunch of fools on the local school board, I will proudly display my fingerprint card and my mugshot in a beautiful frame in the entrance to my home. You're wrong again democrats, we don't want to ban books. You can get all the smut you want in the local book store and via the internet, it's a stupid thing to do (another judgment) but I won't stop you. I won't stop people from selling it either, but I will do everything I can to legally stop it from being part of the public school student's experience.