Monday, April 29, 2024


On October 7, 2023 a group of Palestinian terrorists invaded Israel killing over a thousand and kidnapping over 200. They raped and murdered  Israeli women some of them in their homes in front of their families. They entered a nursery and cut the heads off about three dozen babies, and they took the naked body of at least one Israeli women they had raped and murdered and dragged her naked body through one of their cities. That was almost seven months ago. It took the Israeli's about two weeks to come up with a plan of attack to kill the people responsible and when they launched their attack it was devastating. So far about 32,000 Palestinians have been killed in the fighting and about 1,200 members of the Israeli Defense Force have been killed. 

The Israeli forces have discovered a vast network of tunnels where the leadership of Palestine can hide. The Palestinians also place weapons systems like anti aircraft batteries and surface to surface missile batteries in residential areas, hospitals, and schools so when they are destroyed there will be a maximum of collateral damage. The Palestinians knew from the beginning that they were not equipped to repel a full scale invasion from Israel and were probably counting on other Arab nations joining the fight and bailing them out. Historically that has never gone well for the Arabs. What has happened is that world opinion quickly turned against the government of Israel. Anti semitism is alive and well all over the world. Now even the United States who initially promised undying support is now telling the Israelis to stop their offensive. 

To be clear the Israelis have stated from the beginning that they were going to destroy Palestine and ensure they don't pull another stunt like that for decades if not longer. Everyone knows that the Arabs are never going to give up their plan to kill all Jews. The Israelis are not slowing down their attack and their search for the Palestinian leaders. They are very serious. There is a joke of a court somewhere in Europe, known as the International Criminal Court, who has just indicted Prime Minister Netanyahu for war crimes. Democrats in America are all saying that Israel is engaged in a genocide against the Palestinians since the Palestinians are not equipped with the weapons necessary to repel the IDF. 

This is not our war. The United States has provided weapons and money to Israel and money and food to Palestine. I'm not sure what the Palestinians need money for but we have a democrat president so we are going to be throwing money in all directions. Nobody should be telling the Israelis what to do. It is their war and they should do what they think is necessary to stop future aggressive acts from the Palestinians. The Israeli army is not going door to door kidnapping, raping and murdering women. They are not murdering babies. They are carefully targeting specific locations. Some innocent people are getting killed. That is war and the Palestinians themselves are ensuring that lots of innocent people are killed by putting their artillery pieces in schools, hospitals and residential areas. I'm sympathetic to them, but I also recognize that if the Palestinians weren't terrorist thugs they wouldn't be in this mess. I thought it would be over by now and I'm pretty sure the Israelis did too.

The Palestinians need to turn their leaders over to the Israelis and free all hostages so the carnage will stop. The Palestinians started it and they could stop it now or they can wait until the IDF finds the people they are looking for and puts them to sleep. The Palestinians have been saying for decades they wanted their own country so Israel gave them one. Since that day the Palestinians have been expressing their gratitude by firing rockets into neighboring Israel and occasionally killing Israelis in the streets. Until the latest atrocity the Jews were very patient. They aren't being patient now. There won't be another Palestine for a very long time. The Israelis will take back the territory they gave the Palestinians and govern it themselves. 

The Palestinians asked for it and now that they have achieved their goal they are crying foul. Unfortunately the entire world is listening. I feel sorry for the Israelis because the truth is if the Palestinians had he weapons there would not be an Israel. Israel has the weapons and there is still a Palestine. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Democrats are in another panic mode. Some criminal killed a bunch of frozen embryos and was charged under a statute that provides stiffer penalties when children are murdered. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are children and need to be protected. Democrats are appalled. They don't think babies should be protected on the day they are born, how can we expect them to be anything but disgusted by anyone who would suggest that an embryo should be protected? The only thing democrats care about anymore, at least for now, is abortion. They put abortion in the context of 'women's rights', that a woman has no rights if she can't have an abortion during the third trimester of a pregnancy. No one has a right to force a woman to have a baby they say. 

No one has a right to force a woman to get pregnant either, but women are far more worried about their right to kill a baby than they are about their responsibility to avoid an unwanted pregnancy if possible. For most of us I believe there is a strong moral component. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, there is a God and He has rules. People who wish He didn't try to find loopholes in His laws. When we tell people that God expects  obedience to His laws say, "Wait a minute! God is love!" 

Lots of Christians fall into this trap. It is true that God loves us all and wants us to find our way back to him, but God is not love. He is our creator and He loves us. He has given us instructions on how to live a happy life here in mortality and in our post mortal afterlife. There are two forces operating on us; the forces of evil led by Satan, and the force of good, led by Jesus Christ. Following the teachings of our Savior will bring us happiness and help us avoid the sadness of aborting a child. Killing an unborn child is a serious consequence of sin. There are times when a woman is raped and a pregnancy occurs or incest where the pregnancy was not sought by the young woman. Many rape victims still choose to give birth rather than kill the unborn baby they are carrying. The evil of rape is a serious crime perpetrated by evil people. The act of giving birth even in that difficult situation is an act of Christlike love. 

In Alabama the state supreme court justices sought to allow for the maximum penalty for killing frozen embryos. I guess democrats think vandalism would be more appropriate since there was no injury, property damage only in their view. It isn't that they care about the humanity of the embryos, or that they even want to preserve the practice of IVF. Their ultimate goal is to protect the evil practice of abortion even on the birth date of the baby. If they can turn this into an emotional issue by claiming that somehow if some of the embryos die during the IVF process then a crime has been committed they can attach the same logic that they've used to legalize abortion. No one in Alabama want to stop the practice of IVF they just want to make sure the facilities are secure and properly run. 

Unlike democrats Republicans support the practice of IVF. The fact is that even in a natural childbirth sometimes a baby dies, or is stillborn. No one wants to charge a medical professional or the baby's mother with a crime when that happens anymore than they do if a frozen embryo dies during the process. politicians need to beware of this potential trap before running to play in Bloody Hilary's bounce house. She will lead them astray every time. We can protect IVF in Alabama and every other state in the union without forcing all states to accept the abomination of abortion by federal law. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

The American Party

The Democratic Party has changed from a party of the people to the party of special interest. The Republican Party has changed from the party of limited government to the party of 'bipartisan bills'. Neither party closely resembles the views they used to at least pretend to espouse. Democrats have been cheating in elections so long that people view it as a tradition that we all understand exists and we just put up with it. The classic was registering people using names gleaned from head stones in public cemeteries. They used to go through the phone book and get names as well and there were even times when a person found out that their pet had been registered to vote. 

Technology has changed and we no longer use phone books, but there are multiple sources that collect a person's personal data and then sell lists to anyone who wants to buy them and they later become registered democrats and vote at least one time. Mail in ballots are another source of multiple votes from democrats. Democrats have come up with more ways to cheat in an election than I could ever imagine. They need mass illegal immigration to help them register more democrat voters. Never friendly to any religious organization a few years ago democrats at least agreed that marriage was only valid between a man and a woman, and homosexuality was an aberration. Not that long ago President Joseph R. Biden was opposed to same sex marriage. In 2006 he said marriage was between a man and a woman and states need to respect that. In 1977 he was opposed to racially integrated schools. Today he not only supports same gender marriage but embraces the idea that a person can change their gender. 

Democrats are pushing sex change procedures in our public schools without notifying a child's parents because some parents might object to that type of reckless stupidity. Democrats have just about succeeded in turning America into a country of quivering cowards willing to give up all of their rights in return for government handouts. No one stops to think what will happen when everyone stops working and "The Government" can no longer take care of them. More than any other country that I know of the American people are the government and if they continue to vote for a group of people who promise to force a handful of billionaires to support everyone else the system will collapse and there will be mass starvation in America. The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is about to become the Land of the Idiots and the Home of the Insane. 

As Americans become more and more lazy, Gen Z is moaning about not being able to find a job and crying that they can't afford to leave home and their Millennial parents who raised them are blaming 'the government'. All of us had to rough it for a few years as we struggled to become responsible adults. The Gen Z crowd is no different. They were raised in the greatest country in the history of the world. Their main problem is their parents who raised them to believe that everyone wins a trophy and excellence is not the goal. Democrats claim it is cruel to expect kids to become responsible adults. Parents are supposed to coddle their kids until they are dead and then supposedly their kids can keep living in the same house, but what are they going to eat? The parents of the Boomer generation told their kids they had until their eighteenth birthday to decide to further their education or join the army, but they couldn't continue to mooch off them much past their eighteenth birthday. Continuing education was fine, but there had to be a limit to the time we could continue to live off mom and pop. 

Democrats love crybaby Americans because they are so vulnerable. Instead of encouraging them to become more educated and try harder they offer them money and other assistance, assuring them that it's not their fault, it's the nasty Republicans and their wealth that they refuse to share with you. The government owes you more services and the Democratic Party will ensure that all this needless suffering, caused by greedy Republicans, will soon come to an end. Democrats promise everyone everything. They promise to eliminate poverty, Protect jobs, clean the environment, make sure housing is affordable, give everyone free medial care, the list is very long and they can't deliver even a fraction of it because they plan to pay for it by raising taxes on everyone with a job and they probably want to tax welfare benefits as well. One of my grandmothers was born in 1890 and she never could hear the initials 'FDR' without exclaiming, "Him and his big deal! Look at all the programs he's saddled everyone with!" Many people give him credit for ending the Great Depression, but others claim we would have been victorious in WW2 without the invention of the welfare state. 

Republicans have turned their back on their roots as well. Democrats have done such a job at creating a welfare state even among the general population of the country that Republicans are afraid to even raise the possibility of cutting taxes for anyone. And that has become part of what used to be called bipartisanship. Republicans would propose a tax cut and democrats would claim that was way too low and propose their counter offer which was simply too high and they would finally reach an agreement that pretty much left the tax rate the same as before and both sides would declare victory. Those days are long gone. Today bipartisanship has become a standoff between the two parties that lasts until the Republicans cave in to the democrat demands. Republicans are afraid to stop a piece of legislation even if it is a lie The illegal border crossings have always been a controversy, but over the past twenty years give or take many cities and states have declared that they are 'Sanctuary cities and states' and anyone who crosses the border and makes it to their area cannot be deported by federal authorities. Even if they've been convicted of a crime. They've also launched a well funded campaign first to allow same sex marriage and once they got that passed nationwide, giving homosexuals additional rights against discrimination. 

Americans were persuaded by the argument that a person can't help who they fall in love with then there really isn't a moral argument against it and even if you think there is not all Americans share the same belief in God. Some churches began to embrace homosexuality, some of them even ordaining homosexuals into the priesthood. Some congregations have lost a few members while others have gained new members. Today there are ministers of religion who claim there is nothing in the Holy Bible that prohibits the practice of homosexuality. Many states, if not all, have passed laws forcing religious leaders to perform same sex marriages even if it goes against their religious beliefs. And no business can refuse to help with a same sex marriage because it is against their religious beliefs. If you own a bakery and a same sex couple asks you to bake them a cake you have to bake a cake for them. The same with florists, photographers and anyone else who objects to homosexual unions on moral grounds. Just like that the First Amendment was watered down. Democrats have ramped up their battle against the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. 

This onslaught of attacks against the Constitution has gained a lot of momentum as more and more Americans are accepting these exceptions to our freedoms. A person cannot be discriminated against for being a homosexual or being in a same gender marriage, but if a person tells another person that the practice is wrong that person can be fired for creating a hostile work environment. They've continued their relentless assault on our basic human rights by convincing too many Americans that kids have the absolute right to change their gender if they feel like medical professionals made a mistake and mislabeled them at the time they were born. This is contrary to every scientific study ever conducted, and to basic common sense. Girls and boys have different body parts. In some states if a child feels like they are not the gender everyone knows them to be and their parents refuse to allow them to complete gender reassignment 'therapies' the state can place their children in a foster home and take away their parental rights. 

Republicans haven't given in to this insanity, but they are very quiet about it. Republicans lack the courage to risk losing a few votes while they continue the fight for our rights. Democrats think we already have too many rights. There are millions of us caught in the middle. Millions of us think someone has to stand up and fight back. Democrats have claimed the Constitution is a flawed document and it's time has come. It was written in a time when societies were much less complex than modern societies and it's time to re-write it and modernize it. Yes, our society has become much too complicated and it's time to simplify it. There are only two genders and men can't get pregnant and no one can really change their gender. It is a lie to say that a baby is assigned the wrong gender at birth. The fact is that gender is assigned months before a baby is born. 

Democrats are tearing down the Constitution and Republicans are being too timid in their efforts to strengthen it. Donald Trump did a great thing when he had the chance to appoint  new Supreme Court justices. He appointed three justices who believe in the Constitution of the United States and are going to make their decisions based on the laws of the land and not what  they wish the laws were. Donald Trump ran as a Republican mostly because the current democrat party is run by a bunch of people who are insane. Democrat controlled California basically legalized theft and the people in that state are suffering the consequences of their insanity. 

It's time for someone to start a new party; the American Party. Someone who can reach people from differing points of view and get them talking to each other. That was how Donald Trump won in 2016. Several democrats crossed the line and voted Trump. Donald isn't exactly a Republican, but he certainly isn't a democrat. He ran pretty much on an America First platform. A candidate with Trump's vision and courage, and twenty years younger could blow both of the other parties away. We can work out an understanding on abortion and illegal immigration. An effective American president could have prevented the wars between Russia and Ukraine, and prevented what happened in the Middle East. If a president had the courage to talk about bringing all of our troops home from the unstable parts of the world he would pick up a lot of votes. 

Why do we have military personnel in Syria and Lebanon or any other unstable region in the world? We can keep an eye on the world without sending military personnel into harms way until a problem that can be solved has been identified, and it's only a matter of time before we lose a pilot fighting for a foreign country or we lose a navy ship and its crew doing the same thing in the Red Sea. 

Another burning question is why do we foolishly fund both sides of these foreign conflicts? Billions of dollars to Iran, a country whose mission is to kill all Jews, Billions to Israel so they can continue their efforts to stop people from murdering them, more billions to Russia by continuing to purchase Russian oil, Russia needs money to continue to murder Ukrainians, Billions to Ukraine so they can defend themselves against the Russian atrocities, Billions to China so they can continue to build up their air force and naval capabilities which they need to have in order to take over their Asian neighbors without American interference, and I'm sure there are others. Seriously we need someone with the energy and know-how to start the American Party before it's too late. Dems and Repubs are just making life more difficult for everyone. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


It's an undeclared war, but it is a war. It seems to me that he's declared war on about half of the citizens of the United States. Twenty five states have agreed that Texas has a right to protect itself from foreign intruders. The President of the United States disagrees. Governor Abbott has deployed the Texas National Guard along his border with Mexico and they've set up barriers to intruders who are damaging his state and the rest of the nation. He has sent hundreds of them by bus and air to 'sanctuary' states and cities and now they are complaining about him, of course, but also to the federal government for not helping them with the problem. 

Unfortunately democrats don't understand the problem that they created. Democrats always think problems create themselves, or they were created by Republicans. Democrat leadership advertised that they were willing to take care of anyone who made it to their states/cities from anywhere in the world, and astonishingly people from all over the world have responded to the invitation, some of them terrorists or other criminals fleeing justice in their home countries. Now democrats have to feed and house them by the thousand and they are screaming for help. Some cities are paying luxury hotels to house these invaders indefinitely. Instead of being grateful the invaders are complaining about the lack of availability of food from their home countries and the deplorable condition of their rooms. Apparently rooms in luxury hotels dirty themselves and invaders don't know how to keep them clean. And since they have nothing to do the foreign invaders are getting bored and bored mobs are dangerous. At first they went door to door begging for money since everyone knows that all Americans are wealthy. When that didn't provide what they wanted they resorted to stealing from the 'greedy' Americans. And now they've taken to beating up police officers on the city streets in an effort to wrestle control from them like they did in their home countries.

Obviously this democrat led invasion is taking a horrible toll on the country and Texans being on the front line is doing something to bring relief to everyone. They aren't allowing the Border Patrol or any federal troops to enter the border region. All the Border Patrol was doing was ferrying the intruders across the river if they were too short to handle the depth of the water or they couldn't swim, then providing them with food and blankets on the American side. I don't know about democrats, but I don't work my ass off to pay taxes so the federal government can house illegal aliens in luxury hotels and feed them just because they want more votes. All Abbott is doing is stopping the madness before the Border Patrol starts building houses these invaders. Of course all the democrats see is a huge army of people who will be voting democrat in the next election. 

How great would it be to have twelve thousand voters a day coming to your aid? That is what the democrats are counting on. Democrats like to say that inflation is down. It is down to 3.4 percent in 2023 compared to 7.0 in 2022, but it is still double the 1.4 inflation rate of 2020. What changed? Oh yeah that was an election year and as soon as Joe Biden assumed office inflation soared from 1.4 percent to 7.0 percent. Now it has dipped to 3.4 which is still double the 1.4 percent when Donald Trump was president. You'll have to look for a democrat to help you understand how a three and a half percent drop in the inflation rate which is double the inflation rate Trump achieved, is a success story. 

No one with any sense agrees that Biden has accomplished anything worthwhile. The only entity I know of that has benefitted is Elon Musk. Tesla is taking advantage of the so called Inflation Reduction Act to provide an incentive to buy a Tesla. The IRA does allow for a generous tax credit for Americans in the top one percent tax bracket to purchase a tesla with no down payment. It is actually available to all Americans as long as you have a FICO score at 750. How many Americans fit that category? I didn't look it up because I think it is obvious that it isn't going to cost much to help the wealthiest Americans to qualify for this credit and many wealthy Americans are, I know because the student parking lot at our local high school is filling up with them. I got mine. Thanks Uncle Joe! I live in one of the wealthiest cities in the country and you are allowing me to buy a great luxury car without forking over anything in the form of a down payment. And guess what, the monthly payment is too low for me to even mention it. 

I won't be voting for Jackass Joe. He may have given me a luxury car, but I'm in the real estate business and not as many people are able to qualify for a home mortgage at seven percent interest. Rents are way up too. So thanks for the car Uncle Joe, but I'd rather be making more money selling houses. Keep an eye on democrats because what they 'give' they take back in spades. I attempted to compare welfare statistics year by year, but the feds camouflage those numbers by wearing you down with statistics by age group and race and immigration status. I was hoping to find out how much the Inflation Reduction Act was helping people at the lower end of the pay scale. Since inflation is still way too high, and mortgage rates keep housing out of reach for just about everyone and a gallon of gasoline costs over two times what it did in 2020, I don't think soaking the people who provide jobs for everybody has accomplished the desired goal. If any of you democrats think I'm wrong ask any one of the tens of thousands of people who are losing their jobs to layoffs this year. 

That brings us back to the democrat inspired invasion of our border by illegal aliens. A lot of us don't see any problem at all with requiring people wishing to enjoy our standard of living to apply for permission to live here. The truth is we welcome anyone willing to work and contribute to apply for permission to come here to work, study, or stay for a vacation for awhile. There is a well established protocol for that, but it does take some time to go through the process. Democrats don't like that because they see illegal aliens as a great source of votes; "Hey come on it! Those nasty Americans want you to go through a lengthy immigration process because they are racists and think only white Christian males should live in the United States, but we know that everyone belongs here. So come on in and remember to vote for us. And yeah, when you apply for a driver's license and they offer to register you to vote go ahead and check the box certifying that you are here legally since you really are here legally. Borders are arbitrary and not that important. That way you can vote democrat and ensure that we are compassionate enough to not care where you came from, what your nationality is, or how you will support yourself when you arrive. America is a filthy rich country so democrats will take care of you. That's D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T don't forget now! Remember to vote early and vote often!" 

It turns out that Texas has discovered it can't support 12,000 foreign invaders a day and they shouldn't even be dealing with this problem. Even if it were possible for them to be processed that fast at the ports of entry that is an overwhelming number. The main reason for the ports of entry is to ensure that the system only takes in the number of migrants that the economy can handle and 12,000 a day ain't that number. The governor of Texas took a look at what was happening and looked at a few cities and states that identify as Sanctuary cities and states and decided those illegal aliens belonged to those Sanctuary states so he transported them there at no cost to them or the sanctuary region. You know, just trying to help them with their mission to take care of whatever deadbeat makes it across the river. It turns out that it may be cool to call yourself a Sanctuary city/state as long as the border states have to pay for your lunacy, but faced with the reality, Sanctuary cities/states don't like it. They can't afford it. Nobody can. 

"Damn Texans! Who do they think they are!"

So Texas decided to do something about it. The governor put up a barrier at the Texas border and deployed the Texas national guard to force people who want to come here to live to report at a port of entry and begin the application process. No more Border Patrol ferry across the river and no more Border Patrol officers passing out blankets and serving meals to illegal aliens. Biden doesn't like that. He's already taken his case to the Supreme Court and they ruled that the Border Patrol can remove the Texas fence because border protection is the responsibility of the federal, not the state government. Governor Abbott disagrees; what can the states do when the feds refuse to do their duty? So far the fence is still there and the Texas National Guard is still guarding the border and the Border Patrol chief hasn't made an attempt to remove it yet. The Texas National Guard has denied the Border Patrol access to Shelby Park, the location where the Texans have fenced off the border along the Rio Grande and the Border Patrol agents used to cook meals and hand out blankets to people as the invasion force was ferried across the river complements of the United States government. No one knows what the President has planned next. We'll have to see how Biden's little war shapes up. 

The issue now is similar to the issue in 1861 when Texas was part of the CSA and attempted to leave the United States and form it's own country. Since too many Americans no longer read or care about American history they don't know that from 1836 to 1846 Texas was an independent nation doing pretty well on its own. The 'Texicans' were part of Mexico until they declared their independence in 1835. Their war with Mexico lasted a little over a year ending with two major battles. The most famous battle was at the Alamo where a group of mostly civilians mixed with soldiers, many of whom were volunteers from the United States including a former Congressman from Tennessee, took a stand at a partially built Catholic church in San Antonio Texas, the church was known as the 'Alamo'. The men defending the Alamo against the Mexican army were all killed and the Mexican army moved on to their final defeat the following month to General Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto. 

The new government of Texas immediately applied to be annexed by the United States, but it took about ten years for them to overcome several political objections to their becoming the 28th state. It appears that the objection was to their being a slave state. Fifteen years later Texas joined the Confederate States of America because they felt the United States was treating them unfairly. Looks like history continues to repeat itself and people continue to ignore it. Twenty five states have signed petitions agreeing with Governor Abbott's right to defend his state against a foreign invasion. Not content with fanning the flames of war in Eastern Europe and the Middle East Jackass Joe wants to flirt with the possibility of a civil war at home. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

White kids Don' wanna be Soldiers

I just read a story in some publication that said military recruitment among white people in the United States has decreased. The truth is that recruiting is down in all demographics, it's just that there is a sharper decline among young white people. Thirty years ago democrats increased the intensity of their assault on the military. At the time homosexuality was not allowed. It was considered contrary to the good order and discipline of the service. Bill Clinton has changed his opinion on just about every major issue the country has ever faced and he did a about face on homosexuality. Most people in the country still considered homosexuality a form of mental disconnect and men didn't like the idea of getting dressed and showering with other men who would look at them as potential dating partners. A lot of us still see it that way. 

Bill Clinton came up with a brilliant strategy. People who were homosexuals could join the military as long as they kept their mental illness to themselves, they called it, "Don't ask, Don't tell." Recruiters were no longer required to ask potential recruits their sexual preference. That policy lasted over twenty years. Gradually over the next couple of decades the Pentagon introduced a lot of other social experiments. An expectant couple used to have to wait until their baby was born to find out the answer; is it a girl or a boy? Nobody knew so we waited patiently and a little expectantly. The newborn baby looks like either a girl or a boy, but it's too early to tell? Even if all the equipment is perfectly formed democrats decided that we should't jump to conclusions because since newborn babies can't talk there is no way to verify it with them. The baby has male equipment, but maybe he wants to be a girl. What then? 

Then there is the risk of being sent to some lousy third world foreign country to fight a war that has little to nothing to do with the United States. We took an oath to defend the United States not some sandhill in the Middle East or Eastern Europe for that matter. It is well known what happened to Vietnam vets when they returned from a nightmare in Southeast Asia only to confront another one here. We spent twenty years in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and who knows where else to fight terrorism. The attack was in 2001. Terrorists should have been killed a long time ago. There was no need to try to reorganize the governments in countries where the people cannot be governed. We needed to kill the bad guys and come home victorious, not spend twenty years trying the change the lifestyles of people who didn't even know who we were. 

America has not won a war since 1945. The attack in 2001 briefly revived a patriotism that needed to be resuscitated. The next twenty years saw soldiers sent into harms way with little in the way of a clear military objective. Almost 5,000 were KIA. Five times that number suffered horrible wounds which, by the way the Pentagon refused to provide adequate medical care for. Civilians had to step in and raise money for the rehab of thousands of soldiers the Pentagon washed their hands of. Then the social experimentation became bizarre; not only were homosexuals now allowed to serve in the military soldiers were bombarded with educational classes designed to emphasize what to say around and to female members in the ranks. Then the government started paying for sex change operations for soldiers who didn't like who they were. And now they are forced to accept the fact that white males are seriously dangerous and bad people. 

Nobody of any race believes that nonsense, but who even wants to hear it? Especially in the military where trust is what motivates them and keeps them alive. Why does the Pentagon want to create dissension in the ranks? Who benefits from that? They are actively pushing DEI training. Diversity Equity and Inclusion is all about creating dissension. When we are taught to respect each other regardless of our race or gender or anything else, we become united. This DEI insanity was created to help adults who want to mutilate their children feel good about their decision to change a child's gender. If a kid asks them about why Davey wants to be Sally they assume that child is confused about his or her own gender and immediately take them somewhere with people licensed to legally mutilate a child by giving them hormone treatments and eventually castrating the boys and removing a girl's breasts. This is very sick stuff and the military is encouraging it. 

We've all seen the news shots of men in skirts and eagles on their collars. Supposedly these people who don't even know what gender they are can be trusted to lead military personnel involved in a war. American kids aren't as stupid as the democrats hoped they'd be. They don't want to be part of a military force that is willing to send them into harms way, but have no idea what the goal is. They want to win wars not be used as guinea pigs for social experiments. If the military isn't supposed to kill the enemy then why do we need them? The enemy certainly knows that their mission is to kill us. It is frightening that no one wants to serve this country anymore. First democrats ruined our education system and now they're ruining our national defense. 

When I was a kid it was honorable to serve and most of us wanted to until Congress showed us that they had no interest in winning the war. During WW2 America lost almost 500,000 military personnel KIA and probably at least twice that number with horrible wounds. We lost Korea and nobody wants to talk about it. We were attacked in 2001 by a bunch of terrorists financed by Saudi Arabia so we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and stayed there for twenty years trying to change their governments before coming home. There were about 5,000 American men and women killed, thousands more wounded and the only thing we had to show for it was the world saw that we had military might in scary abundance, but no ability to plan and deploy. Today Biden is in danger of losing an election he shouldn't even be seeking. He is too old and too feeble to be president, and he's sending ground troops into the Middle East hoping that his image as a 'war time president' will help him be reelected. Let's hope not. 

We need to reinforce our commit to our military personnel. They will no longer be used for social experimentation. They will be trained in a variety of jobs, most of which will also be valuable when they separate from the service and enter the job market. They will not be used as cannon fodder on a battleground in some remote part of the world nobody can even find on a map. The United States is in a perfect position to conduct a tactical withdrawal and show the world we are not going to remain in places that are no longer a threat to us. That would be the smart play. Diplomacy via embassies not bombs. Get our ships out of the Red Sea and the Persian gulf. Identify any country that fires upon the American flag and injure them so severely that every time they see an American flag as long as they live they will snap to attention and salute. Other than that leave them alone, that is how you build respect and a healthy relationship. 

Let Israel kill their terrorists, and let the Ukrainians handle the Russians. Take care of our own. If there is a terrorist strike against America and the terrorist leader is hiding in a wealthy country and we can identify him, let that country know they can cough him up or suffer the repercussions that will follow an action to capture him and bring him to justice. That is how we can get kids to volunteer, you show them respect. Today from what we're seeing in the 'news' reports is that our officers are too dumb to be able to keep a clean barracks. Too busy getting their dicks cut off so they can qualify for a promotion that's coming up and the Pentagon is only accepting applicants from women; even if they're men. I know a couple of people with kids who would really benefit from military training but they don't want their kids to be led by incompetent officers. I personally volunteered in the post Vietnam navy and received great training from officers who'd seen the horrors of war first hand and wanted to train us to be the finest fighting force possible.

We didn't have to attend any special sensitivity seminars. We had to treat everyone with respect. Officers were to respect their enlisted men and enlisted men were to respect their officers and each other. Our living quarters were always as perfect as they were when we were recruits, but they weren't mildewed disasters without running water. Our officers still held periodic inspections and they had expectations. We didn't always like our officers, some of them were real bad, but we did what they said and we didn't have any problems with collapsing housing units and we always had hot and cold running water. We really do need a Commander-in-Chief who believes in the mission of the military and will stop the social experiments and train everyone in the military that their mission is to kill the enemy. No more billions for Ukraine. And no money at all for the terrorist Palestinians. 

Treat the military with respect. Stop DEI indoctrination everywhere it is being done and Make America Great Again.  

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A note to TSA

 GO BOINK YOURSELVES!!! I didn't mean to be rude but, GO BOINK YOURSELVES!! Seriously, your boss, Alejandro Mayorkas, is in violation of his oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Democrats can claim that allowing a hundred thousand people a month cross the border doesn't constitute an invasion, but they can't make it be true. If Donald Trump is guilty of insurrection for telling his constituents to peacefully and respectfully protest the results of an election that was probably rigged then Joe Biden and Alejandro are certainly advocating an insurrection by inviting people from all over the world, including terrorists, at least by not allowing any screening process at all, to cross our border illegally. In my mind they are openly calling for an insurrection. We don't know how many terrorists are here now, but we know it is likely a sizable army. 

We also know that terrorists are among the most patient people in the world and very well financed. We also know they are dedicated to their cause. They are charming and easy to get along with until their number comes up then they are vicious murderers who easily torture and kill people who thought they were friends. Because many of us recognize the threat from our porous southern border democrats have labeled anyone with the brains and the guts to question the loyalty of the DHS, and by extension the TSA, racists. We readily welcome anyone who wants to immigrate here to apply and assimilate to the American society. It is a great way of life, but we don't want to share it with terrorists who are only here awaiting the signal to commit mass murder. 

I don't pretend to understand the democrat mind. It is beyond my comprehension why they want to accuse me of being a racist just because I support keeping America safe from terrorism. How can petty partisanship become so blinding? I can understand people disagreeing with each other, that is natural. There are a lot of problems to solve and there are a lot of different ways to solve a problem so disagreements are inevitable. Avoiding another terrorist attack should be a problem we could work on as a common interest. In 2001 when terrorists struck New York City for a couple of hours Republicans and democrats stood together with a common goal. All members of Congress stood on the steps of the Capitol Building and sang 'God Bless America'. Too bad it didn't last. I didn't know anyone in my town who didn't think it was time to rip some heads off overseas as well as inside this country. All Americans became ultra vigilant about looking for potential terrorists which did have the effect of focusing a lot of scrutiny on Muslims in our midst. Instead of helping Americans tamp down those fears, which were understandable and potentially dangerous to American Muslims, Federal legislators and law enforcement officials labelled Americans with legitimate concerns as racists and Islamophobes. They should have undertaken and immediate investigation of all Muslims here on temporary student and work visas and deported anyone here on an expired visa. At least then we would have known that something tangible was being done to ensure our safety. Traveling with my children one of them observed a group of Muslim men on the plane, at least their appearance was Middle Eastern, and I had to help him understand that there was no need to fear since at least for a little while it was going to be harder for terrorists to take control of a passenger jet and crash it. 

Not long after that there were a couple of examples of terrorists bringing explosives onto international flights. Adulmatallab was issued a valid visa issued by the United States by officials who knew he had been in recent contact with terrorists abroad. He boarded a commercial carrier armed with a high explosive which was hidden in his underwear. He was successful in igniting the device about thirty minutes out of Detroit, the planes destination. The device malfunctioned and the only person injured was the terrorist himself when he accidentally set himself on fire. Flight attendants put out the flames and the terrorist was arrested upon arrival in Detroit. Another terrorist, Richard Reid, had explosives hidden in his shoe. He was allowed to board a commercial airliner in Paris and fly to Miami, Florida. While on the flight Reid attempted to deploy the explosives but was stopped by a flight attendant. He claimed to be working alone, but that proved to be untrue. He was later tried, convicted and sentenced to three consecutive life sentences plus 110 years. Both of these incidents occurred after the events of 911 and were not prevented by the TSA.

Far too many TSA agents are badge heavy bullies. I have two close family members who have metal medical devices implanted inside their bodies. Both of them have identification cards that were issued by Medtronics and they have their government issued identification cards. Every time they go to an airport the metal sets off the alarm and they still are subjected to a separate 'pat down' search even though their pockets are empty and their bags have been thoroughly searched. Of course they still set off the metal detector and they are still allowed to board the plane, and they still don't know if those family members have a bomb implanted. Why the search? It wastes time and some of the TSA employees are pretty invasive and even rude? I was traveling with a friend who is a police officer and he had his badge with him. He put the badge and his ID card in the tray and went through the metal detector and x-ray machine without any problems. He was not carrying a firearm, just his badge. The TSA agent tested him for gunshot residue obviously hoping of a 'positive' test so he could prevent him from boarding our flight.

There is a need for security at airports, but for whatever reason the TSA is just not doing the job. Another of GW Bush's many failures. It seems to me they may actually be making air travel less safe by making people nervous the minute they enter an American airport. It's no fun emptying your pockets, taking out computers and cell phones, removing your shoes and being barked at by some sour pus in uniform. It makes people even more nervous before they board the plane. Once on the plane they are herded around by flight attendants who are no longer service oriented, but behave more like law enforcement officers. 

The organization of the TSA was a knee jerk reaction to a horrible attack and as such it was not well thought or well planned. The TSA falls under the umbrella of Department of Homeland Security, another unwieldy bureaucratic mess. Today it is run by an idiot named Alejandro Mayorkas. He is so concerned about Security that he has opened up a corridor all along the southern border with Mexico so anyone in the world who wants to can enter the United States without worrying about anyone knowing they are here. That includes terrorists of course, but democrats want us to believe that terrorists either are not interested in the United States any more or they would never enter illegally across the southern border. The TSA is weak and the lack of intelligent leadership handicaps it even more. The TSA is an eleven billion dollar black hole where money disappears and we see no results from the investment. That's billion; with a 'B'.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Harvard and the KKK

Harvard is arguably the most recognizable university in the country. It is the oldest, opening its doors in 1636. And it was for a few hundred years a highly respected school. I don't know how openly anti semitic Harvard has been over the past three centuries, but today they don't even try to hide it. Possibly for the first time in the history of Harvard Jews are afraid to attend classes. Two months ago Palestinians conducted a well planned attack on Israel killing over a thousand Jews, beheading at least forty babies, and raping women in front of their families then killing them. They also took a couple hundred hostages with them when they fled back to Palestine. 

The Israelis are angry about that. The prime minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu has promised to destroy the ruling party of Palestine, a group calling itself Hamas. While this attack was taking place Palestinians all over the world, including every major American city were celebrating, dancing and cheering in the streets while carrying the Palestinian flag. For added fun they were chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America!" All this was taking place in the country that was offering them protection from tyranny such as that which was being showered on the Jewish people in Israel. Unbelievably some people chanting with them were carrying the symbol of the homosexuals; the so-called Rainbow flag. In Palestine they would be killed just for being homosexual, they wouldn't dare display that flag. There is no way to fathom the depths of the ignorance of the average Democrat. The same demonstrations were taking place on the campuses and universities across the country including Harvard. On the Harvard campus several groups were chanting, "From the river to the Sea Palestine will be free!" which is a well known call for genocide; the extermination of all Jews. Where have we heard that before? It sure sounds familiar. Isn't that what Adolf Hitler was doing in the 1930's and 1940's?

Netanyahu has been carrying out his threat to annihilate Hamas for a little less than two months. It took a couple of weeks to plan the advance into Palestine and mobilize the necessary equipment. Aerial bombing came first then artillery and an infantry advance. Of course civilian casualties have been massive. Palestinians hide all of their rocket launching sites and artillery batteries next to hospitals and schools. they place others next to people's houses in civilian neighborhoods. That is considered a 'war crime' in the civilized world but these aren't civilized people. The Israeli Defense Force is doing its best to keep civilian casualties to a minimum, but Palestinians are doing their best to maximize them. They consider it an honor to die in the war against the Jews. It is an honor even to sacrifice your children for such a noble cause. These people are sick. Of course their leaders are out front facing the foe and leading them into battle right? Nah, that would be stupid, even suicidal. They are safe hundreds of miles away living in multi million dollar condominiums in Dubai. They are eating lavish dinners and enjoying life while their people are happily sacrificing their lives for Allah. 

Allah must be one sick puppy. For at least seventy years Israelis have been begging the Palestinian people to at least love their own children more that they hate Jewish children, but that is too much to ask. To Harvard elites it is okay to advocate genocide against all Jews. It isn't enough to protest the violent Israeli counter attack, which is a discussion that could be had; they have to advocate for the murder of all Jews which is unacceptable. When asked about Harvard's position on genocide the president of the university, Claudine Gay, said that Harvard is proud of its position on freedom of speech "Even if it makes some people uncomfortable." How very open minded of them. 

I wish I lived on the East coast sometimes. I'd love to organize a rally of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan on Harvard campus and find out how they feel about seeing the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy along with people in black face with nooses around their necks, others carrying signs and chanting "Niggers not welcome here!" and "Jim Crow was right! Bring back slavery. Give a nigger a job!" or some other such nonsense. I'd love to see how the Harvard crowd would react to such a gathering. Klansmen don't like Black people, or Jewish people, or  Palestinian people. The truth is they don't like anyone who isn't a member of the Klan. It would be great fun, but it ain't going to happen. Too bad. I'm no Kluxer, not by a long shot. I put the Klan on the same level as the Palestinians; they are a terrorist group not worthy of anyone's respect. I am a fan of people in positions of authority providing protection to people under their control. In this case the Jewish students are under siege every day from an international terrorist group threatening the total annihilation of Jews. That is a serious threat considering the recent barbaric attack against Israel by the Palestinians. 

But no, Harvard thinks it's best to protect the terrorists. Personally I'd expel every student advocating violence against a group of other students on campus. I just must not be very smart I guess, after all the rumor is that you have to be among the smartest people in the world to attend Harvard. In addition to having the opportunity to advocate the murder of people you don't like no one at Harvard gets lower than a-B grade according to administration policy. No wonder they're so smart. According to an article in the school newspaper, the Crimson, the administration had to do something to justify the $250,000 tuition. So how is Harvard any different from the KKK? 

I guess the difference is that the administration of Harvard doesn't necessarily hate Jews; Claudia Gay has said she abhors the language employed by the Palestinian students, but they have a right to their opinion. The administration of the Klan openly hates several groups of people; Catholics, Black people, Muslims to name a few. At least when Jews are beaten into a coma at Harvard they know that the school president wishes it hadn't happened. As a practical matter I don't think it makes a lot of difference. How I wish I could organize a Klan rally at or near Harvard. Claudia Gay is a black woman who plagiarized her way through school, including a PhD program. That goes against just about everything Harvard is supposed to stand for, except it isn't cool to fire a Black woman so they let her stay.

Of course there is a lot of difference between Harvard University and the Knights of the Ku klux Klan but I wish Harvard had the courage to at least stand up for the right of a people to exist instead of protecting the Palestinians' right to advocate the extermination of an entire race of people.