Thursday, August 8, 2024

Left Wing; Right Wing

Okay, I don't belong to either major political party. I don't believe that either of them represents the interests of most Americans. If I had to choose one or the other it would be the Republican Party because at least their history has been one of putting America and Americans first. They believe in strength and individual rights. Almost without exception the Republican Party supports the entire Bill of Rights so I guess that's where I'll start. Most Republicans believe that we all have the right to not only have an opinion, but to share it with others, and they have the right to disagree. Whether or not that's a friendly disagreement is also up to the individual. They believe in the right to self defense and that the Second Amendment is a vital part of our constitution. For the most part Republicans don't believe that pornography has any place in our public schools. They recognize the inherent danger in teaching children that certain lifestyles are better than others, or lying to children about who they are. Gender identity is a sensitive subject and should not be pushed in our public schools, or even the work place. 

Over the years people who worked with me have changed their name. David decided that his dad was a total loser so he no longer wants to use his name so now he's George, or something. It can be hard to get used to, but it's just a learning curve. When George becomes 'Georgiana' and comes to work in high heels and a skirt that's a problem. Why is it a problem? Because George is a man and men don't wear high heels and skirts. It looks ridiculous and it's a real distraction. Can't I control myself you ask? Of course I can, but doing my job is tough enough without having to watch George walk around checking his lipstick. Did I mention that along with the skirt and high heels there is a wig and make up? Women worry about their facial hair. Compared to George their facial hair is nothing. Do I have to tell George how nice he looks in his new skirt? Remember that men tend to be rather brutal with each other when it comes to fashion. Like "Dude who are you trying to impress!" Or worse, "Hey Mark what the hell did you do? You smell like a French whore house." on the day that Mark, who usually wears Levi's 501's and a t shirt, but had to wear the slacks his wife gave him for his birthday along with the new cologne she's been nagging him to try. The only time I ever heard women criticize another woman's wardrobe was when the drop dead gorgeous twenty-five year old new girl showed up wearing a pleated miniskirt and a blouse that was in their opinion a little too flattering. 

It was the same outfit they wore to work when they were twenty-five, but that was different somehow I suppose. They were young professionals, she's a floozy. Republicans tend to view success as a result of hard work and discipline, and not being afraid to take chances once in awhile. And of course learning what the boss drinks and would he prefer a Virginia ham or an Omaha steak. No one should get preferential treatment because they were born a certain race or they're confused about their gender. Most Republicans don't just say they believe in science, they live it. People cannot change their gender and most Republicans recognize that fact. How about national security? Republicans try to keep illegal immigration to a minimum mostly because when you just let people cross the border illegally you run the risk of being infiltrated by some mean people who want to kill Americans like they did on 11 Sept., 2001. Democrats want us to think that could never happen again, but they know it can and probably will. 

The more I think about it the more obvious it becomes. Democrats don't think crime is a big deal, even violent crime. They don't think we should have the right to self defense. If we are being robbed we should be cooperative with the robber and hope the police can get our stuff back. That is if the robber is kind enough not to kill us. Democrats don't see any problem with children in elementary school looking a pornographic materials. It's ok with them if George changes into a skirt, a blouse, heels and make up, and comes to work looking like a bad joke. National security is a joke to them. They'd rather give money away to illegal aliens, and people who don't work than pay for better defense and more military personnel. They know there could be another terrorist attack, but so what? Only a couple thousand people will be killed or injured and any buildings that are damaged can be rebuilt. It's no big deal. For some reason they are willing to send the few resources that are available to foreign lands to fight a war that isn't ours. 

Democrats like to fund both sides in a war, probably even if we are involved. They are sending billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine, mostly in the form of vehicles and munitions, and they are purchasing oil products from Russia, thus ensuring that this war can never end. They are doing the same in the Middle East. Democrats don't believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world either. We are just one more in a vast number of countries. Democrats only believe in science when they are quoting a 'scientist' who is helping them sound the man made global alarm. They call it climate change now, but what they mean is man made global warming and they blame the United States for creating a problem that there is no scientific proof of it's existence. during the seven decades I've lived on this planet, and people I trust say it's been going on even longer than that, it's hotter in the summer than it is in the winter. It's one of the things you can count on. Some years it rains more than others, and some years it barely rains at all. 

Democrats claim that if we don't immediately start driving electric cars and putting solar panels on our houses we will soon be burned to death from catastrophic global warming. They are even warning farmers that if their cows keep farting we will all be doomed in ten years. For the last fifty years they've been saying we have ten more years before it's too late. The oceans will rise and everyone within fifty miles of the coast will drown. I live a few blocks from the ocean and for the last sixty years it has remained in the same place. I'm about ten feet above sea level and have been for the last thirty years. That's science enough for most people, but not democrats. They are trying to force me to buy an electric car and install solar panels on my roof. They are trying to get my relatives in Wyoming to get out of the cattle business before their cows fart us all to death. What I suspect they are really trying to do is help billionaires like Bill Gates, who is heavily invested in synthetic meat, make billions more. 

Democrats want to take away my right to free speech. If my ex-friend George wants to be called Georgiana and be referred to as she, I have to do it. In public schools they are forcing my kids to do the same thing. Democrats don't believe in education. If the world is in imminent danger of being destroyed by man made global warming they should show us how it is happening. What evidence is there that it is actually a danger to us. So far they haven't done that. A guy named Al Gore, who was a Democrat Senator from Tennessee and a failed presidential candidate made what he termed a documentary that supposedly showed all of the proof that our planed earth was about to overheat and kill us all. That was in 2006. One of the claims he made was that if we didn't reverse the trend in ten years it would be too late and he proposed some unrealistic goals. He said we all had to start driving electric cars within the next ten years. We had to stop using our air conditioners in our homes and we had to all stop driving our personal cars and take public transportation; buses, subways, or trains if we had any chance of surviving. And we had to live in smaller houses so we could lower the amount of electricity we were using. He said all this as he lived alone in a 25,000 square foot mansion over looking the ocean in Santa Barbara. He traveled alone in his private jet. 

Hypocrisy is what defines democrats, and as I've pointed out earlier they don't mind. They pass it off as a trait that everyone already has, but most people are too hypocritical to admit it. He's a real Bozo. He said the oceans were going to rise and wipe out Manhattan and most of Florida and take out a good portion of California as well. That was eighteen years ago and we are all still here. I was at the beach today and it hasn't changed a bit. It's the same as it was sixty years ago when I first came here with my mom and dad. Gore had photographs that supposedly depicted the glaciers in Glacier Park Montana were all gone, ditto Patagonia. Antarctica was practically ice free, as was the Arctic Circle and the North Pole. They showed it to kids in elementary school, and that's when I discovered that there are way too many illiterate educators. Everyone believed it. We live in Orange County California and most people go to the beach at least once a year, and many of us live on the beach. It's still right where it's always been. The same houses are on the foundations that were laid sixty to seventy years ago. There has been no need to modify the marinas to keep all those yachts from being swamped by the rising oceans yet I've been told that some teachers were crying after seeing Al Gore's fake documentary and a good portion of the kids were scared to death. 

One of my friends told me one of her kids came home and told her they had to start recycling immediately, "Okay", she said, "That will be your job." Just like that, at least in their home man made global warming was no longer a problem. Too many parents aren't as smart as my friends so they contribute to their child's unnecessary fears. I agree with recycling to a point, but when the plastic becomes so fragile that you can't stack water bottles without them collapsing it's gone too far. hundreds of 'scientists' all over the world signed a worthless paper stating that we were all doomed and democrats sat back, folded their arms over their fat stomachs and said, "See there it is! The top scientists in the world are telling us if we don't do what Mr. Gore says immediately we will all be dead very soon." That was about fifteen years ago. We're still not driving electric cars, we are still air conditioning our homes in the summer and heating them in the winter. We still don't use public transportation and the ocean is still where it's supposed to be. To me the most interesting thing about Mr. Gore's fairy tale is that he came up with a scheme to trade carbon credits. Apparently carbon dioxide is what we are belching that is killing the planet, causing the oceans to rise and basically threatening life as we know it with complete extinction. 

So he came up with a 'brilliant' plan. Everyone, according to him, has a carbon footprint. That is we all pollute at least a little. He says he has to pollute more than most because he is a very important man and if he didn't travel the world in his private jet he wouldn't be able to get his message out. I guess he hasn't heard of television or radio, or any other way of communicating with people. You have to fly to European resorts in your private jet and stay in huge resort hotels with other people who are very important and meet you there in their private jets and the most important have jumbo jets and the less important people fly in Gulfstream 650's and the poor people fly in jets that only have seating for eight to ten people, so the three or four people traveling in them can actually see each other (how embarrassing!). I suppose they park their jets in hangers at the far end of the airport to avoid the embarrassment of being seen with an aircraft that's worth less than eighty million dollars. While they attend these conferences they play all night on hundred foot yachts. They can do that because they care so much about Mother Earth that they are willing to sacrifice their time and attend these conferences where professors come from all over the world, flying coach at their own expense and staying in a Super 8 that is only about a 45 minute drive away, at the expense of their sponsor of course, where they read the latest paper they've had published in some scholarly journal. The day after they have read their paper and had all of the important people in the world clap their hands and  tell them how brilliant they are they are fed a steak dinner in a side room and checked out of their cheap hotel the next day after which they take an hour long bus ride back to the airport where they fly back home. On coach, at their own expense and nobody ever hears from them again, but they get to tell their giddy students, "Hey kids! I got to read my paper to a group of very important people in Switzerland, and Leonard DiCaprio was there. They put me up in a Swiss hotel and fed me a steak dinner. It was great!" 

And all those swooning skulls full of mush text their upper middle class parents and tell them how much their professor cares about the planet and he got to see Leonard DiCaprio. So Gore's idea was to make everyone "equal" be allotting everyone a certain number of carbon credits. People like me get about five. People like him get like fifty thousand, and corporations get a little more than that. Since I live in a very small house and don't travel in a privately owned aircraft I only use about three of my credits, but the very important people, people like Hollywood actors who care about the planet and Al Gore of course can purchase the credits that us peasants don't use. He wanted to start sort of an exchange that could facility this carbon trading thing. For a modest cost of course, but it wasn't about the money it was about saving the planet and making sure we were all equal, and we all understood that very important people have to live alone in mansions while those of us little people could get by in a three room apartment. One thing you can say about Al Gore is that he is very compassionate. The whole farce was put together so Gore could stop crying about having a bank account that was only in the nine digit range and break into the real big league of billionaires. Alas it failed and he will have to hang his head in shame for the rest of his days knowing that he will never have more than about five hundred million dollars in the bank. 

The reason democrats can't afford to take a chance on education is because their numbers don't add up. To make up for that they pass punitive tax measures that drive up the cost of fuel in an effort to force us all to ride overcrowded, diesel fueled busses and trains. They also pass punitive regulations that drive small businesses out so corporate chains can take over and make billions of dollars off the backs of small business owners. They pass onerous laws regulating farmers so they have a hard time making ends meet and are forced to sell to corporations who then, if they are lucky, hire them to stay on their farm to manage it and they get paid for their service. They penalize everyone they can. The fishing industry has to use a certain type of material in their nets. Something that is somehow friendlier to the environment and to the fish. Nobody goes untouched, including the large corporations who make up their losses by charging us peasants more. 

Democrats are good at supporting wars in foreign lands. Our corporations make billions of dollars selling weapons and ammunition to countries all over the world. Some of those countries can't afford those weapons so Congress uses third parties all over the world to make back room deals allowing third world countries to receive machine guns, tanks, missiles, and other implements of war as 'loans' from the USA. We pay for those loans that are never repaid via higher taxes. Democrats keep corporate welfare alive because those corporations return some of the money they 'earn' from the government in the form of campaign contributions. Since there are laws governing how much an individual or corporation can donate to a candidate, Congress passed a law allowing a thing called a 'Super PAC'. Corporations can donate as much as they want to a Super PAC. Instead of encouraging people to constantly educate themselves and look for ways to improve their standard of living democrats pass minimum wage laws which ensure them a so-called living wage, which companies pass on to us peasants, which includes the recipients of this generosity, making sure that no one can improve their lot in life and all of us experience the hardship of inflation. 

Abortion is another democrat brainchild. Instead of encouraging responsible behavior they tell people to go out and have a good time. If your girlfriend gets pregnant and you don't want a kid just go ahead and get her to have an abortion and the problem will be solved. At first they made it legal to have an abortion, then realizing that some people can't afford the procedure they decided to force all of us to pay for their good time. Worse, today we are faced with the idea that gender is something we can change. If a person decides, at the ripe old age of six, that they are the wrong gender they can change from a girl to a boy or a boy to a girl. In some states if a child's parent doesn't think that is a good idea the state can take the child away from the parents and charge them with child abuse. Unless they make some serious changes in their thinking I could never vote democrat. 

I'll remain Undeclared for the rest of my days. Republicans are too willing to cave in to such policies as Big Government, and abusive regulations, and democrats are too willing to push us to find out how far they can go toward stripping us of all of our freedoms. Currently democrats are winning and that's a bad thing for the entire world. Global inflation and world war is not going to help very many people. I will continue to support the candidates who are supporting the goals of preserving our liberty and our way of life. Those who are willing to take the risk of lowering tax rates and providing less services to other countries, and even some of the people living in this country. They need to provide incentives for corporations to limit their overseas operations and provide more opportunities for Americans. I'm also hoping that soon our representatives will have the courage to stop building up China's military power. The communist Chinese government is trying to take control of the world's economy and we seem content to allow that to happen. That will result in a worldwide depression, mass starvation and poverty that we haven't seen in almost a hundred years. 

If you like poverty and an endless world war vote democrat, they will accommodate you. If you want to continue a comfortable and safe lifestyle vote conservative, which will usually be Republican. We have to try to strengthen the GOP if we want to save our country. That's the truth. The far Left Wing is relentless and destructive. The far Right Wing, is just a small bunch of wing nuts that virtually no one listens to. Democrats claim that all Republicans are far Right Wing because they want to regulate abortion and stop mutilating children who have become brainwashed into thinking a person can change their gender if they want to. Republicans claim that not all Democrats are far left (but they are), only a few who want to strip us of all our rights and install a monarchy, which they claim is a small minority. Republican leadership is far too willing to appease democrats, who are willing to appease despots all over the world. Anyone who will take a serious look at what's happening today will see right away that if not all Democrats, the leadership of the democrat party is trying to topple America and set aside the Constitution. Their lemmings follow them out of habit. The democrat coup against America is picking up momentum. 



Sunday, August 4, 2024


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion;

Why do democrats always have to make everything so complicated? When I  first heard of DEI my first thought was oh %#$@ what 'feel good' nonsense have they come up with now? When I was in kindergarten we were taught to say things like 'please' and 'thank you'. We were taught that in group activities it was important to 'take your turn'. No pushing, no shoving, respect everyone, treat other people the same way you would want to be treated. Is there anything in that teaching that is exclusionary? Why do democrats always find subtle, and not so subtle, ways to separate us by race, gender, and any other way they can think of? 

What makes one group less deserving of respect than another? Of course we also taught boys to let girls go first, open doors for them, and show them respect in other ways. It didn't occur to me then but democrat teachers must have hated that. We were taught to be courteous and try to build friendly relationships with our fellow students. I have no idea why that wouldn't work today. Except that democrats have finally found a way to permanent divide America; gender identity. There is a large number of Americans who will never accept the idea that a person's gender is a matter of choice. We were not assigned a gender at birth we given a medical examination and that determined if we were a boy or a girl. That's it and a lot of people in this country are understandably offended by the idea that they have to be forced to accept the idea that a person's gender can be changed because it can't. 

Whatever a person thinks they are in reality we are all either female or male. Medical science is very clear about that. A person can think whatever they want, but some things cannot be changed. Some 'scientists' say that science is never 'settled', that there is nothing in science that can be counted on with absolute certainty, but that's really not true. Mountain climbers prove it pretty regularly. If you fall off a cliff and the distance is sufficient you are going to die. Decapitations rarely result in a successful reattachment of the head that results in the decapitated person returning to life. Every search I've conducted has concluded that a person who has had their head separated from their body never can be resuscitated. If you are born a male you will remain a male for the rest of your life. That is what DEI is really about. Actually at least two things are on the DEI agenda; gender can be changed and white people need to be punished for their white privilege. Especially if you are a white male. 

What we need to teach kids in school in addition to being able to read and add and subtract they need to know how to behave in a group setting. Basic manners. Be polite. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. Don't steal (although a lot of democrats probably see this one as a church/state issue), don't hit anyone. It's really not complicated. We can teach kids not to make fun of Danny if he wears a dress to school and has ribbons in his hair, but we cannot teach them to use the pronouns, she or hers, when addressing him because he is not a girl and his parents need to explain that to him. What every traditions they have at home are fine, but they cannot impose those traditions onto other people who don't believe the way they do. If Danny wants to explain why he wants to be called a girl that's ok, but when classmates refuse to go along Danny has to drop it and just accept the idea that he is different. His parents could help with that too, but that is not why we pay teachers. 

Teachers must set the example for kids so they learn how to respect each other and creating conflict will not help accomplish that goal. It would be great if democrats could be honest, but the idea of honesty is lost on them. I've heard way too many of them defend their dishonest positions by claiming that everybody lies about something. That may be true, but it is not something we should be encouraging. We should be holding everyone to the higher standard that says everyone should be honest about their dealings and that lying is something that caused a lack of trust among individuals. A person who lies then tries to defend the lie is not a person to be associated with. Honor is important. 

The core philosophy of DEI teaching is dishonest and teaches kids to be dishonest. There is no way I can ever condone such a philosophy being taught in our schools whether they are public or private. One of the things I've been taught from the day I was born was that honor is to be valued as one of the most important traits a person can cultivate. I was actually raised in a "Death before Dishonor" tradition. For some people that's a little extreme, for democrats it's unthinkable, but honor needs to hold a very high place in our society. Liars should never be celebrated, people of honor should always be respected and sought after. So-called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion teaching should be abolished from all of our elementary school and our public high schools.