Thursday, May 30, 2024

Terrorists in American universities

The movement began small. At first no one dared protest in favor of terrorists. We do have two members of Congress who are Palestinian terrorist supporters and anti America. Congressperson Rashida Tlaib recently made a speech during which she had her admirers chanting "Free Palestine!" She refuses to admit that what the Palestinians did to the Israelis was barbaric and completely unjustified. She criticizes Israel and her own, supposedly, country, the United States of America, accusing Israel of committing war crimes against the civilian population of Palestine. 

 I'm sick of hearing about the 'poor' Palestinian people. They've been terrorizing Israel for about seventy years. They claim that they are being oppressed by a Nazi style regime in Israel which is a reckless and stupid claim. The only Nazi regime I'm aware of is Nazi Germany and in only four years they murdered about six million Jews. For you democrats who don't understand the English language that was genocide. Hitler actually published a plan among his top generals stating he was going to exterminate (that means kill) all Jews. If there's any doubt that such an order constitutes genocide keep it to yourself because I don't want to hear it. My command of the English language is near perfect. If the Jews had been blowing up government buildings and murdering Germans in the streets of Munich it would not have taken Hitler four years to get rid of them. 

No one can offer a reasonable explanation of how Netanyahu's response to the terrorist attack last October constitutes a genocide. Are the Israelis going block by block murdering all Palestinians? Have they started herding Palestinians into different districts and holding them until they can be murdered en masse? No, they are not. The truth is they are carefully selecting targets, often warning people living in the targeted areas that there is an attack coming. After the incomprehensible attack against them, the Israelis are exhibiting a lot of restraint. If the Palestinians want to be free from the supposed oppression of Hamas, they need to help the IDF find the hiding place of the leadership of Hamas. The IDF would be more than happy to take out the leadership of that organization. Instead of chanting "Death to America!" Palestinians should be passing notes to the leaders of the IDF letting them know where Hamas is hiding. 

Most likely, the Palestinians are harboring the Hamas leaders and doing their best to make sure the IDF is unsuccessful in their hunt. Meanwhile here in the United States there are American students joining the terrorists as they chant "Free Palestine" and wave the flag of the Palestinian terrorists. They are also setting up barriers on campuses restricting the movement on legitimate students and intimidating Jewish students on campus. They are setting up tents and taking over large portions of campus grounds. While doing all this they are making a mess. Litter is everywhere and sanitary conditions are unhealthy. In multiple cases protesters moved in and took over some campus buildings. 

No reasonable person is fooled by any of this. Protesters don't break the law, they make a statement. They want to be heard and they want to persuade the rest of us that they have a legitimate complaint. Blocking traffic and disrupting the business of universities is not a protest it is a riot and needs to be stopped. At least three campus administrations, UCLA, Columbia, and UCI, and probably others, delayed action way too long, creating a dangerous and disruptive atmosphere for real students. The administration at USC had to cancel all commencement activities. Yes, we have a right to peacefully assemble and be heard. We do not have the right to destroy property or block traffic, or create an environment that is dangerous in any way to the people around us. 

What we've been watching is not protest. It's Palestinian terrorists trying to scare people and succeeding. And they've managed to get some idiot students, most likely Biden supporters, to provide cover for them. This is the probing force. The first wave and they are being watched by their handlers who are studying the response of the administration of the universities and the tactics of the police. There may be other mild terrorist activities similar to what has just occurred and they will be followed by something far more destructive. Apparently 'We The People' have not learned our lesson yet.