Monday, April 29, 2024


On October 7, 2023 a group of Palestinian terrorists invaded Israel killing over a thousand and kidnapping over 200. They raped and murdered  Israeli women some of them in their homes in front of their families. They entered a nursery and cut the heads off about three dozen babies, and they took the naked body of at least one Israeli women they had raped and murdered and dragged her naked body through one of their cities. That was almost seven months ago. It took the Israeli's about two weeks to come up with a plan of attack to kill the people responsible and when they launched their attack it was devastating. So far about 32,000 Palestinians have been killed in the fighting and about 1,200 members of the Israeli Defense Force have been killed. 

The Israeli forces have discovered a vast network of tunnels where the leadership of Palestine can hide. The Palestinians also place weapons systems like anti aircraft batteries and surface to surface missile batteries in residential areas, hospitals, and schools so when they are destroyed there will be a maximum of collateral damage. The Palestinians knew from the beginning that they were not equipped to repel a full scale invasion from Israel and were probably counting on other Arab nations joining the fight and bailing them out. Historically that has never gone well for the Arabs. What has happened is that world opinion quickly turned against the government of Israel. Anti semitism is alive and well all over the world. Now even the United States who initially promised undying support is now telling the Israelis to stop their offensive. 

To be clear the Israelis have stated from the beginning that they were going to destroy Palestine and ensure they don't pull another stunt like that for decades if not longer. Everyone knows that the Arabs are never going to give up their plan to kill all Jews. The Israelis are not slowing down their attack and their search for the Palestinian leaders. They are very serious. There is a joke of a court somewhere in Europe, known as the International Criminal Court, who has just indicted Prime Minister Netanyahu for war crimes. Democrats in America are all saying that Israel is engaged in a genocide against the Palestinians since the Palestinians are not equipped with the weapons necessary to repel the IDF. 

This is not our war. The United States has provided weapons and money to Israel and money and food to Palestine. I'm not sure what the Palestinians need money for but we have a democrat president so we are going to be throwing money in all directions. Nobody should be telling the Israelis what to do. It is their war and they should do what they think is necessary to stop future aggressive acts from the Palestinians. The Israeli army is not going door to door kidnapping, raping and murdering women. They are not murdering babies. They are carefully targeting specific locations. Some innocent people are getting killed. That is war and the Palestinians themselves are ensuring that lots of innocent people are killed by putting their artillery pieces in schools, hospitals and residential areas. I'm sympathetic to them, but I also recognize that if the Palestinians weren't terrorist thugs they wouldn't be in this mess. I thought it would be over by now and I'm pretty sure the Israelis did too.

The Palestinians need to turn their leaders over to the Israelis and free all hostages so the carnage will stop. The Palestinians started it and they could stop it now or they can wait until the IDF finds the people they are looking for and puts them to sleep. The Palestinians have been saying for decades they wanted their own country so Israel gave them one. Since that day the Palestinians have been expressing their gratitude by firing rockets into neighboring Israel and occasionally killing Israelis in the streets. Until the latest atrocity the Jews were very patient. They aren't being patient now. There won't be another Palestine for a very long time. The Israelis will take back the territory they gave the Palestinians and govern it themselves. 

The Palestinians asked for it and now that they have achieved their goal they are crying foul. Unfortunately the entire world is listening. I feel sorry for the Israelis because the truth is if the Palestinians had he weapons there would not be an Israel. Israel has the weapons and there is still a Palestine.