Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Democrats are anti Self Defense

Answer this question if you don't mind:

If you are home in your living room reading a good book, or any book, and some stranger barges through your unlocked front door swinging a baseball bat screaming that he's going to kill you, are you going to reach for your cell phone or the magnum under your chair? If you're like most people you selected the magnum and that's a good choice because the cell phone isn't going to do you any good at all. After you've deployed the magnum and the stranger with the bat has either left your house or is now bleeding all over your floor then is when you want to reach for the cell phone. And honestly, if you're smart you're going to call a defense lawyer who specializes in defending slobs like us who believe in the right to self defense before calling 911. After you've been debriefed by the lawyer then you're going to call the police. 

If the bad guy opted to leave you alone when he caught a glimpse of the shiny magnum in your hand and booked a quick escape you are lucky. You are lucky because first of all you don't have to deal with the mess on your living room floor, but almost as important you don't have to face some democrat district attorney who hates guns and anyone who owns one, who is going to pick an anti self defense grand jury and carefully explain to them why you are guilty of voluntary manslaughter because you deliberately used deadly force against a man who was only armed with a baseball bat. This may sound absurd and it is, but that is the reality of the democrat party. You should have run from the man until he caught you, then you should let him beat you and anyone else in your house. After that if you are able you should call the 911 operator and after waiting on hold for 90 seconds explain to that person what just happened to you.

And since the perp is now long gone you'll wait a half hour for the police and EMT's to arrive. The EMT's will want to put you in a neck brace, a leg splint, and wrap several bandages around your wounds because that's how they make money by billing the city. The police will ask you to tell them all about yourself and the encounter you had with the guy who accidentally walked into your house through a door you carelessly left unlocked. You practically begged the guy to enter your house. Then they will offer to conduct a safety inspection of your residence for you. Whatever you do do not allow them to conduct any safety inspection. They are looking for any violation they can find. Empty beer or liquor bottles on table tops may show that you were intoxicated when the bad guy burst into your house menacing you with a bat and in your intoxicated state you started shooting at him even though he meant you no harm. 

I can't even tell you what all they might find, but they will be looking for something. If you have a shotgun in the corner of your bedroom that is not locked up that will go in their report. If you don't have trigger locks for your firearms that will go in their report. Any unlocked doors or windows they find will also be noted. You haven't violated any laws, but they will make you look reckless and unorganized. Once you've consented to a search they own your house. They will check closets, showers, kitchen drawers, anything they want to search they will. You can revoke your consent at any time, but most people don't know that and they let the search continue. 

You should use your cell phone or other video recorder to document everything they are doing. They will object, but remember they are in your house. You can order them to leave at any time. They will get indignant and ask you what you have to hide. Don't let them intimidate you. Stand up for your rights the minute it becomes obvious they are not conducting a safety check stop the search. For one thing you have just been through a terrible ordeal, especially if you have shot the intruder. Actually if you are standing over a person you just shot whether he is dead or alive use your video recorder to document the fact that you do not consent to any search of your property. 

And don't be surprised when they handcuff you "For our safety." What? They have your gun and you are the victim, but that doesn't matter. To a democrat your civil rights don't mean a thing. There is no reason why they can't ask you to get in your own car and follow them to the station. And be prepared to be there for the next ten hours. It's gonna cost a small fortune, but try to have a competent defense lawyer meet you there. They can shorten the police station visit considerably since they will not allow the police to abuse you in any way. 

I'm pro police, but they have their orders and especially in the big cities they are getting their orders from democrats who couldn't care less about your rights. You may have just killed one of their constituents; a fellow democrat since most criminals tend to vote democrat. That's why democrats are constantly complaining that in some states convicted felons can't vote. In small towns you will do better since people who are more conservative will be sympathetic to the plight of a man who was minding his own business in his own home after working all day then was forced to defend himself against an armed intruder threatening to beat him to death with a baseball bat. They won't care that you didn't lock all of your doors and windows or that you have a shotgun leaning against the wall in your bedroom. The police there won't even take your gun from you or handcuff you and drag you to the police station for ten to twelve hours. 

Americans believe in your right to self defense. They think all of us have the right to protect ourselves when someone with a bat threatens to kill us. To Americans our basic civil rights shall not be infringed. It is a mystery why any American would vote democrat as long as democrats oppose the Bill of Rights. Actually it doesn't matter to me if a man or woman in their own home shoot and kill anyone breaking the law on their property. If a person doesn't belong on your property and they are stealing or threatening you in any way and you blow them out of their shoes word will get out that your home is a good place to stay away from if you are looking for something to steal or someone to attack. 

I wouldn't kill a person breaking into my car, but my neighbor might. As far as I'm concerned he or she has that right. Word will get out that if you want to steal something or threaten someone you should pass on that house because they are mean enough to kill you if they catch you. 

It doesn't make any sense to me to allow politicians to disarm a whole society just because there are a few bad people who will misuse a firearm. That is precisely why we should always be an armed society; an armed society is a polite society. Democrats will tell you that you don't need to own certain firearms because they can be used to commit violent crimes. They will tell you that firearms only are useful for hunting and in their opinion some rifles shouldn't be used for hunting and therefore you shouldn't be allowed to own them. That is nonsense. Some people like to hunt. Others like to shoot recreationally at targets at a shooting range or out in a safe area where you can practice shooting targets a thousand yards away or more. 

People who own guns aren't criminals. They are people who want to target practice, experience the recoil of firing a large caliber rifle or pistol, use a shotgun to shoot skeet, or just practice safely firing their favorite self defense firearm. We don't need to mess with them, we need to respect what they do. There are multiple times when people who carry guns have used them to defend others in public places and that is a good thing. Know your rights and defend your rights. If late term abortion has always been your reason for voting democrat consider the importance of your right to self defense. Your right to defend your family against an armed madman. 

Some states want to outlaw firearms and some states believe in your right of self defense. That is what the Constitution says. If you value your rights you will never vote democrat until they begin to respect your most basic civil rights. The right to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed; that's what it says. Let's keep it that way.