Friday, December 9, 2022

Are Republicans for Real?

I don't like or trust either major party. One wants to destroy America and the other keeps checking which way the wind is blowing before taking a stand on anything. Currently the democrat party is so scared of Donald Trump that they are continuing their relentless persecution of him and his Republican colleagues are standing mute, refusing to defend what is an obvious fact; there is enough circumstantial evidence of major fraud during the 2020 election that an investigation was warranted. Democrats insist that there is no evidence that there was any fraud and they should know because they are top experts in the field of evidence destruction. What's worse they have the backing of the Department of Justice and the FBI. 

Joe Biden barely said a word during the presidential campaign and when he did speak everyone saw obvious signs of the possible beginnings of dementia. Instead of taking that condition seriously they have tried to hide it. And Republicans have been completely silent about it. Democrats have inexplicably been allowed to lie to FISA judges to obtain warrants allowing the FBI to 'legally' spy on a political candidate, something which is unprecedented and in this case ignored. 

This FBI official was also licensed to practice law in another state. What did the state bar association do? Suspended his license for two years and fine him $1000.00. We know he has been readmitted to the Washington D.C. bar association and is now listed as a lawyer in good standing with the bar. I don't know what his status is in his home state, probably the same since it has been more than two years since he plead guilty to lying to the court so he could spy on a political candidate who the Bureau was trying to railroad into prison using false reports and planted evidence. And where was the Republican party leadership? Nowhere to be seen. Their candidate was being taken apart illegally by the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Republican leadership never said a word, leaving Donald Trump completely alone to defend himself. There is no honor in the Republican Party leadership. 

And just what has the Republican Establishment had to say about this? Close your eyes and listen. Nothing. Understand this very clearly; the Barak Obama administration attempted to plant evidence on an innocent man running for president because they were afraid of him. 

In their efforts to discredit Donald Trump the Obama DOJ and FBI headquarters employed a course of intimidation and harassment against anyone who ever smiled at him or had a kind word to say about him and the press followed them around like well trained attack dogs. They practically kept a running itinerary of everything Trump's associates did, especially if there was a chance that someone would be investigated for anything whether or not the investigation had anything to do with Donald Trump. In order to lend greater credibility to CNN the FBI  invited them to participate in the search warrant executed at Roger Stone's residence then 'coincidentally' showed up with the FBI when they had secured a warrant to search a former presidents residence, which has never happened before. The strength of the Obama administration was the president's ability to attract heads of various departments that were loyal to him and not the Constitution. The main weakness of Donald Trump was that he kept too many people who have worked their entire adult lives in government. He needed to look at corporations and municipal law enforcement agencies for new talent. 

There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to the democrat master plan to destroy America or that he is a threat to certain leaders of the Republican party who really, really want to be the next president but are too incompetent to qualify for the job. Donald Trump is a real threat to some subversives in this country, but he seems content to leave them alone as long as they don't try to hurt him. And even if he does get angry enough to do something about them he seems at a loss to know just what to do. And forget about any Republican helping him. It seems to me that there is no spine in any Republican leaders except possibly Ron Desantis and Gregg abbott and I'm not sure they have the depth of ability that Trump has. 

In order to do the tough job of being President of the United States you have to be willing to make a couple of enemies, some of whom can become a real problem. Obviously Donald Trump isn't afraid to step on a few toes once in awhile, even mashing them when he thinks it is necessary, but what he wasn't able to do was organize a team who could deal with the aftermath. Donald Trump is a goal driven man who rarely sleeps and is constantly thinking about everything. He has been witnessing the incompetence of politicians his whole life and is in a position to finally do something about it. He could use the support of the GOP but too many of them are jealous of his political abilities, especially that he won the presidency with no political experience. 

They are willing to lend some support, but not enough to get him another tour in the Oval Office so they are content to allow democrats to win enough victories to plunge the country into a mess like we are in now and then persuade an exasperated America to finally elect a Republican who may or may not be able to help fix the democrat mess. It is a vicious cycle and one that never ends. Recent proof of this would be the two terms of President Obama where we watched him apologize to the entire world for America's crimes, lie to us about his health insurance scheme and lose the House of Representatives, then turn Federal agencies into weapons used to protect his administration such as the IRS when Lois Lerner refused to grant any special tax status to any organization that disagreed with the Obama administration, the Department of Justice oversaw an illegal operation selling automatic weapons to Mexican cartels who later used those weapons to terrorize anyone they didn't like and to murder two American Border Patrol agents, he turned the entire country against the police, he was effective in dividing Black and White America more than it had been divided since the 1950's. King Barry had a golden opportunity to heal the country and chose instead to drive a wedge between the races.  

Recent Republican failures have to include GW Bush who involved us in a war that should have lasted a few months but was mismanaged so badly that twenty years later Americans chose a senile old man who orchestrated a panicked retreat from that war resulting in a Vietnam style embarrassment and the death of thirteen United States Marines. Al Gore would have plunged the country into a severe recession, GW plunged the country into a war that lasted about eighteen years longer than it should have. Donald Trump made at least ten campaign promises and he delivered on nine of them in his four years in office. He actually delivered on nine and a half of them since he was instrumental in cutting out the individual mandate included in King Barry's health insurance fraud. In spite of the opinion of John Roberts, who probably was acting mostly out of a political motive than a legal one on this decision, Obamacare was unconstitutional. The day the so called and misnamed ACA passed millions of Americans lost their insurance and access to their physicians. Time is a good healer and people have sadly become adjusted to this government run disaster. Americans have become like the lobster in the pot of water, democrats are slowly turning up the heat until we are all cooked. 

And where are the Republicans? Who knows! The Tea Part has saved America a couple of times and their philosophy still resonates with a lot of Americans. Hopefully they can work out their personnel issues and bounce back again. The Republican Party has offered little hope to us for the last ten years. And of course the democrat party only wants to destroy America and rebuild her after a failed European model. The only truly pro America candidate with the courage and the strength to rebuild this great country is an old man named Donald Trump and Americans have become so soft and weak and 'entitled' that they are willing to slowly give up their rights one by one until they have subjected themselves to some form of monarchy and the American experiment, noble as it is will have failed because "We the People" were too weak and lazy to continue the fight. 

The party of Lincoln is becoming a whipped puppy afraid to assert itself because "What if they don't like me?" If they don't like you they will vote for other guy. You need to let that guy screw things up then step up and tell us what you would do different and better. It's that simple. You don't slink off into a corner and try to decide how you can become more like them hoping that everyone will like you more. 

We need a strong third party to take their place. We are in desperate need of good moral leadership. Someone who can inspire others to work hard and discipline themselves. We need people who are not worried about what gender they think they are or what they can do to force their hard working neighbors to provide all of their needs for them. That used to be the Republican party, now there is no party willing to show us the way. The Republican foundational policies are sound, but even they are afraid of their platform. 

Donald Trump has adopted the Republican platform because he believes in the American dream. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to self defense, the right to be free from government intrusion into our lives and many other freedoms. He sees that the democrats are running the country aground and he wants to help. He is the first president in our history to refuse to accept any salary. Apparently the law says the president has to accept a salary so technically President Trump was paid, but he donated all of it to other government departments. 

Are the Republicans for real? Not really. I left the Republican party because republicans were afraid to defend themselves against a personal attack especially if the attack came from a black person or a woman. Republicans are so afraid of being labelled as racists or anti woman that they won't even disagree publicly with a person from either of those groups. And that brings me back to Donald Trump. Donald Trump even garnered some democrat votes because people from both parties had become disaffected with what was being done and saw Trump as a refreshingly open alternative. 

Today democrats are going strong and Republicans are afraid of their own positions.